More likely? Some ASSHAT in DC, maybe Turner himself, wanted to make a quick buck and bot puts and then calls.

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I 100% agree but doubt anything will be done.

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I was just heading in for Ash Wednesday mass when the news was breaking. I thought well at least I’m at the right place with my wife and son sitting beside me. Turner should be removed for this stunt.

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Erick is over-reacting to Turner's over-reaction. The CIA considers this a credible and urgent matter.

All the hostility in the world seem to point directly to a weakened US that is the produce of our old and feeble political puppet named Joe Biden... put into office by the reactionary Republicans afflicted with Trump derangement syndrome. There is no leadership from the US. Had there not been the fortuitous pandemic that the Dirty Democrats exploited for mail in ballot cheating, Trump would still be President and I bet several NATO countries would have upped their GDP spending on their own defense by now. Instead the US with its massive and growing national debt (that the CBO just sent alarm bells over) is both pulling back it role of international policing while telling these soft European countries that they are fine continuing to build bullet trains and green energy projects (as long as not nuclear) and spend like crazy on social programs... and skip their 2% GDP defense spending commitments. Because, you know, global warming is the existential threat not nuclear war with China, Iran and Russia.

Would Erick rather Turner rant about woke than this national security threat?

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May I ask another question? Does Putin putting Nukes in space sound a lot like President Reagan’s “ Star Wars” defense that he used on Gorbachev back in the day? Just asking.

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Yes, it does. Seems more like a move to get us to redirect our spending elsewhere rather than Ukraine

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Why would they need to put a nuke into space to do this? Can't they accomplish the same thing through EMP alone? Something still doesn't add up.

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But nukes in space make an EMP easier and more reliable. No?

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Reading further leakage today, this reaction is likely akin to how the Russians reacted to Regan's Star-Wars initiative. their message seems to me to be, "Better stop sending money to Ukraine and focus your investment on stopping us from putting nukes in space."

Maybe we can ask MTG where the Jewish space laser is. That may be a useful deterrent to take out their Space-Nukes.

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What an idiot. Remove him.

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Who knows? The story released may be a cover story.

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I wondered what happened when I couldn’t find any information by 6 pm

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In the words of 'Red', from 'That 70's Show' - Dumbass!

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Yesterday on Erick's Substack I was accused by a subscriber of being a Holocaust denier and a Hamas supporter. This is important, so please give me a couple minutes of your time.

I currently subscribe to multiple pro-Israel media outlets, including Daily Wire and The Free Press, and I donate to PragerU. I also read Israeli media. Following October 7, my husband and I made substantial donations to both the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews and Israel's version of the Red Cross. I have crossed the border from Egypt into Israel, travelled in Israel (including the West Bank and Gaza regions), and visited the Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem and the one in Washington, DC. I have always been a believer that Israel has a right to exist as a country and that they are a strategic ally of the United States.

This forum is filled with people who every single day question the actions of the United States government. Some here believe the 2020 election was stolen. Some believe January 6 was an inside job. Some believe the CIA assassinated JFK. Some "on the outside" still believe the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation, based on the word of US intelligence officials. I'm old enough to remember our own government lying to us about WMD and Saddam's role in both 9/11 and the anthrax attacks. Part of being a responsible citizen is questioning your own government.

Why, then, can we not question the Israeli government without being a supporter of Hamas? Are we supposed to blindly believe that every report made in the fog of the war surrounding October 7 is gospel truth? Consider the Holocaust. It literally took years for the world to understand what truly happened. Same with 9/11. We are less than six months out from October 7. Even Israel has revised their reports on the atrocities of that terrible day. I remember sitting at my desk, listening to Ben Shapiro and crying in the immediate aftermath of October 7, hearing the stories about dozens of babies being found beheaded. Though the Israeli government and Israeli media are no longer reporting that as true and have revised down their numbers of dead children and babies, if I, as an American, now question the validity of those initial reports, I am a Holocaust denier?

Please exercise the same intellectual honesty with the Israeli government as you do with your own government. It will likely take years before we fully understand what happened on October 7 and how it happened. In the mean time, recognize that no government, not even Israel's, is 100% moral, truthful, and good. Stop demonizing people with healthy and rational skepticism who are seeking the truth both in our country and in the countries we financially support. Please.

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Here is an article revealing more of Hamas' barbarity. The information provided here further shows why these animals should be obliterated off the face of the earth. I say Oct. 7th was worse than 9-11. NO Western country would stop going after these monsters if these atrocities had happened to THEIR people, but they're expecting Israel to?

There are cages in the tunnels where hostages have been kept, reinforcing the accounts of those released.

Hamas is on the run. Israel can't stop now.


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People are over-reactive and, unfortunately, there are now those on the further Right that throw out inflammatory labels as easily as the Left has for a couple of decades.

Perhaps I can lend a hand to provide some clarity on this topic.

There were beheadings of babies and children (as well as the beyond barbaric action of what they did to a pregnant woman - may the perps burn in Hell), just not 40. That number came from conflating two different accounts.

The Jerusalem Post and Haaretz both conducted investigations and found the accusation to be true, as well as forensic scientists.

From USA Today, dated Oct. 31st:

"A group of 200 forensic pathologists, anthropologists, radiologists, and other experts from Israel, the U.S, Switzerland, New Zealand, and elsewhere gathered at the National Center for Forensic Medicine in Tel Aviv to help identify remains from the Israel-Hamas war.

They reported on Oct. 16 that victims of the Hamas attack were executed, bound and burned alive, and others were found decapitated – many of whom were babies. However, they said it was difficult to ascertain whether they were decapitated before or after death."

I don't know where you got the idea that Israeli Gov't. and Media are no longer reporting this as true. Firstly, there just no longer reporting it. The investigation is over. It's already been confirmed. Also, the final number (one that hasn't changed since) posted in November and December after about 5 weeks of forensics, came to "around 1200." An analysis group out of the UK that documents armed violence against civilians (AOAV) put the number at 1,269 in December: Of the 1,269 victims: 816 were civilians; 59 belonged to the police; 382 to the military; and 13 to emergency services.

The Arab and Free Palestine propo channels halve that number to a false number between 600-700, and making half military deaths, which is also false.

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Thank you for taking the time to respond. I'm not ignoring you. I'm camping with my daughter this week, and I barely have a signal. I'll reply when I'm back in the office.

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I missed the attack upon you, EB. A shame, they who accused, don't read your comments more widely.

Nicely written, my ether-friend.

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I appreciate that, Joseph D. Getting anonymously "attacked" is no biggie. I just don't want people to ever stop questioning government and the media, whether it's ours or that of another country. We should have learned our lesson by now. I remember my visceral reaction to Derek Chauvin's "knee on George Floyd's neck." I was wrong. It wasn't the first time, and it probably won't be the last time, but I'm trying to keep myself from jumping to conclusions before I know the whole story.

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Truth, they say, is the first casualty of war. In our age, truth is just collateral damage to our so-called betters. I would walk over glass to vote for Netanyahu, but am realist enough to know he is a scoundrel, just one that will do anything to preserve the Jewish State.

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I used that same quote in my argument yesterday. Also this one:

“The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either -- but right through every human heart -- and through all human hearts." Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago

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Feb 15, 2024
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We can question our own government, but not Israel's. They are beyond reproach. If you believe that's true, thank you for not bothering with me any longer.

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Demonstrating once again that we do not elect the best and the brightest. He has now joined Jamaal Bowman, who pulled the fire alarm to delay a vote on the House floor. Mike Turner has pulled the alarm on a national level. At the least he deserves to be censured. Republicans are falling all over themselves to lose in 2024. No surprise.

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Good job Mike, your actions will color all Republicans, Democrats enjoy the protection of the media. They can pull a fire alarm and the story will be buried.

This is how institutions die. Erick, you trusted the institution, it was a bipartisan release of information. You correctly bifurcated the committee vs Turner's personal request. However, we now know Turner tailored the committee's actual statement. This is no different than the Democrats claiming the border is secure and there is no problem, just the other side of the coin, oh, we have an emergency that isn't.

You look like a fool because of this idiot. Yes, Mike should apologize and go the f away.

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Two things I really hate, having to defend Democrats to Republicans that have bought into a false narrative (birthers), and having to call out Republicans for being stupid and irresponsible.

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The market does what it did. No one should listen to statements from a congressman or a committee for any stock market investment decisions. You wait for the legislation. What about Adam Shift? Russian collusion? Lies that prevented Trump from setting up his administration in a timely and rational manner. What about all the COVID stuff? My wife said the CDC is now updating its Covid recommendations. She said their advice is basically "you decide if you should stay home". Everyone should be patient, careful and deliberate in their long-term investment choices. Most people invest though index funds in a "dollar cost average" method. Every month or week or twice a week, they add to their 401K. Do this from the day you enter the work force to the day you retire, and you will do just fine in retirement.

You article and statments and coverage of Mike Turners statement just amplified the nonsense.

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