The "either do as we want or we will destroy you" of the left is a signature method of Donald Trump

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Well surprise surprise! Chief Justice John Roberts has spent his tenure as Justice of the Supreme Court analyzing the matters that come before the court by application of his warped version of the "integrity of the Supreme Court", rather than by application of the language of the Constitution of the United States. And in so doing he has sometimes subjected 330,000,000 of us to bad law, and he has harmed our lives and our families. He therefore has no friends on either side of the aisle. That is because he is no friend to either side of the political spectrum or to the people in general; he is a friend to an institution of the general government at the expense of the people. And the most ironic thing is that in ignoring the Constitution to "protect the integrity of the court", he has badly damaged the integrity of the Court.

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Meanwhile Nancy Pelosi and her husband rake in millions from insider trading moves, and her nephew Gavin’s wife rakes in millions selling woke videos to the school system.

The double standard applied to Democrats over conservatives for moneyed conflicts of interest and self-dealing are all we need to crush these types of coordinated political attacks by Democrats. And they are 100% political and 100% Democrat apparatus backed.

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Well said.

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I like to read the Chief Justices opinions. Seems like they are always technical, intelligent, and reveal an angle that I never considered. I am more annoyed by the left on the court who publish "low information" opinions that openly leak political opinion. At this point, the CJ is what he is.

I find it amusing that no matter how much rage is spewed on the steps of the court, the Justices are immune from removal, other than via death or retirement. It's a lot of wasted media time to no avail.

Here is what I worry about. I worry about a rogue Senate, abolishing the 60-vote cloture rule, then quickly expanding the court. We'd end up with 52 states, a national abortion right, and a downward spiral that I am not sure we could ever overcome.

Finally, I am bewildered as to why so many attorneys are so damned liberal (Erick the exception).


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"Splitting babies" to maintain the integrity of the court means killing a win for a conservative decision all for the "appearance" of a balanced court. That should not even be a factor in his decision making. That is being political which the court should not be.

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The left spends so much time accusing people of fault that they disagree with , that after a while, with the exception of their most harden supporters, it just becomes noise. When you tie yourself to one extreme group after another, who all have agendas and who all depend their time to complain - the rest of us just move on with our day. You can only cry wolf so many times and they cry wolf every damn day.

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I see Erick’s point about Chief Justice Roberts. As he says, the Chief Justice will be made to care!

It is more and more clear that the left does not want to go along to get along. They want to win, but not just win. They want to destroy people’s lives, character & livelihood! It seems more and more obvious as you watch them.

The same people who bemoan the “destruction “ of our institutions by Trump and his supporters, destroy the same institutions by the erosion of trust with lies, dishonesty & manipulation. Look at how they obfuscate on the issue of the House Intel Committee with Adam Schiff & Eric Swalwell. Based upon what appears to be clear evidence neither should be trusted with KFC’s recipe, much less national secrets, but they & the media claim, with a straight face, that they are being mistreated. Notice that as they do this, they offer no defense to the accusations. They simply scream about unfairness!

As Justice Roberts seeks to protect the court, which is commendable, he may find himself & his wife in “No man’s land” between those who align with him ideologically and those who simply wish to have their way no matter who or what they have to destroy to get it.

Also, sadly for our country and the world, those on the left may be like the proverbial dog who chased the car & caught it. Now, what will they do with the destroyed mess they possess! We and our children should shudder at the thought!

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But pay no attention to Gavin Newsom’s wife receiving $1.5 million from California public schools, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, AT&T, Comcast, and Planned Parenthood - all major donors to Governor Newsom.

No bribery and ethics concerns here.

How about we do a valuation of her documentaries. Do they amount to a $15/hr intern stitching together YouTube and TicTok videos?

But your wife places a lawyer who *might* show up at the SCOTUS and by God you collude with a Justice.

The Left is desperate for not only another Biden pick, but the Chief Justice at that.

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