Of course, the "moderates" of the RINO Republican establishment oppose the culture wars; they are part of the "go along to get along" club, which manages to forsake all semblance of conservative principles in favor of a somewhat slower path to statist control and a future of more loss of our essential liberties here, paired with the continuation of wars of choice abroad.

Having been rejected by the latest generation of real conservatives, these neocons have found their new true home with the Democrats. No thanks, guys.

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I left a long time ago because I couldn't stomach the abortion, anti-diversity of thought that had developed many decades ago. Their big tent mantra was delusional at best, because they like having multiple colors, but only singular thoughts. There is no room for anti-abortion, anti-porn, anything that remotely looks or sounds like fundamental Christian thoughts in their party. How dare someone become financially successful, it must be because the avoided taxes or cheated in some way. Hmmm, I wonder why Democrat Congress people think that?

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Cultural issues such as life, religious freedom, and morality are the most important issues that guide and influence the rest of the decisions and issues that come before the public. There has been awakening of the public to the degree of deviance that is supported by the left. The public is repulsed and is acting accordingly and supporting candidates and parties that speak in moral clarity and support an absolute truth.

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