Erick, this message gave me chills....especially the last part. My kids ask 'what can we do to protect our babies in this broken world?" and I tell them...'get them ( and yourselves ) in Sunday School, church and other faith based activities'. Thankfully, they are doing that. Your friend who committed suicide brings to mind the old adage....'don't compare your insides to other people's outsides.' You have no idea what someone else is going through.

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And the light shines in darkness; and the darkness overcame it not. John 1:5. Thanks for the reminder.

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Erick, this is a tremendous article! Thank you for your insight into humanity and sharing that Jesus is the gift that keeps on giving. He's the hope of humanity!

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Someone once asked me why I was a believer. I told her that to me, all the things that this world had to offer were not enough to satisfy my search for the meaning of life, and that I had come to the conclusion that we can only find true meaning and worth if there was Something which transcended mere human existence. That Something is God.

Our reliance on the eternal frees us from being trapped in seeking our true worth in mere things of human existence, all of which ultimately disappoint us. God gives us the freedom to seek Him or not; we are not automatons. And in 16 days, we will celebrate the birth of He who gives us true freedom and meaning. And the way the world is today, we need Him more than ever to put true light into that darkness.

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Beautifully said. It’s so terribly sad so many have no foundation of faith in God to guide them through these terrible times. As individuals, we all need to encourage others to believe God is in control, and no matter how dark it seems, He has a plan that will redound to our good. Pray, read God’s Word and encourage one another.

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Wow! Well said Erick! God Bless.

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Oh my weary soul always needs Jesus. Thank you.

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