There was a recent Substack post from another writer that claimed we have the same number of federal employees since 1969. Well yes, but...

In fiscal year 2022, the federal government spent about $271 billion on employee compensation, which includes wages and benefits. This cost was for about 2.3 million workers, not including military personnel or Postal Service employees. The majority of this cost was spent on the departments with the most employees, which are Defense, Veterans Affairs, and Homeland Security.

However, the total number of federal employees is 4.3 million. This includes 2.87 million civil employees (contractors). So there are about twice the number of federal employees as there were in 1969.

Now, I have a problem with just wholesale cutting of staff because I do work with several agencies, and despite the standard government service inefficiencies, the majority of the workers are good people that work hard and are often understaffed for the job they are tasked to to.

The problem isn't really too many employees in most cases, it is that their agency mission is in need of simplification. And in general there are too many programs and the federal register is too large and complex.

Lastly, there are too many US attorneys and too much attorney-driven direction of these agencies... that end up being involved in too much risk aversion as their primary agency focus.

Like for any large organization that has grown too bureaucratic and inefficient, it is the system that needs reform and not so much the people. The only people that need to be cut are those that throw roadblocks for the needed reforms.

Hopefully the Trump admin will tackle the problem this way. Any federal employees that have been involved in political activism on the job, they need to fired ASAP. Then each agency needs a complete overhaul in terms of programs needed. Next is to simplify all the regulations and SOP for those programs. In the process of doing that, staffing can be optimized.

I would also look at each program as being better served as a public-private partnership. Instead of having federal employees administer direct constituent services, certify private sector business to deliver the services based on government oversight. This would then help decrease the size of government and help add jobs to the private sector.

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Liberals….. People who deride others voting for a felon in 2024, but they erected a statue to another felon (George Floyd) back in 2020 🙄🙄🙄

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If BleachBit weren't open source, it would be time to go long.

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As a veteran I find that many Doctors within the VA assume they know more than civilian doctors. My civilian doctor before going to the VA I had for 31 years.

So I could see some that could take a hike.

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Clean house…mistake of past Republican Administrations has been a failure to do just that.

Begin to rein in the deficit…interest on the debt is soaring.

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He can start with Marn’i Washington, the wrong-headed FEMA supervisor. If she is still employed after that stunt, the only reason is that the entire administration is biased.

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She's already been canned, but she's just one of many.

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DT should appoint a new AG and then let AG set up GITMO Tribunals and start with Obama (Susan Rice said obama wanted to be kept in the loop) and have prosecution trials of all the coup attempting corruptors. Until the system (DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, NIA, et als) has been purged, it is going to continue with the Deep State".. DT best stay safe as possible (from assassination attempts) and hire food tasters.

Why are they still voting and counting votes in California? When the counting is over in Calif and Arizona, the Dems will control the HOUSE you can wager on that.

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Erick , please forward this to President Trump. And his administration. Please! This needs to be stopped and is getting to be outrageous and also is traitorous.

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After the firing, ones that need to be replaced should not be in Washington. One of our the things that reinforces the problem is that we have created a city of bureaucrats. They live, eat, and breath together and never interact with real people. Let's get Washington out of Washington. We no longer need a government city. Spread the bureaucrats throughout the country so they can see real Americans.

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There was a pastoral consultant who wrote about reviving mainline churches to be relevant to their communities.

One of his books was entitled “Sacred Cows Make Gourmet Burgers.”

Let it be so.

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Totally agree, fire them all! I’d say the same about Congress but we do have some newbies whom might work out well.

TERM LIMITS for Congress and age limits for President.

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Indeed.... On Day-1, fire them all!

During Trump's first term, people were frustrated that he didn't seem to be getting anything done. The problem was that he didn't know who he could trust. He'd be surrounded by 100 staffers and he didn't know any of them. It took him about three years to really learn how the White House and Washington works. Then the pandemic hit in early 2020, and he was preoccupied with that.

Guess what?

Now he knows exactly how this stuff works.

So, on Day-1, he can hit the ground running.

Grab the popcorn folks..... It's gonna get fun...

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I can remember as a petulant child my mother or grandparents would say STOP or I will give you something to cry about. President Trump will be accused of all sorts of evil abuse...... so give the leftys something ro cry about. All government has room for cost cuts. Democrats and Republicans have waste and Fat baked into every budget. Also stop the practice of if you dont spend it you lose it. And lastly Term limits for all and a 10 year moratorium on lobbying after an elected official leaves "service". Lets take care of military servicemen and Veterans instead of Senators and Congressmen.

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There are a thousand reasons why Trump won and Harris lost.

Here's one of the biggest: We're got homeless veterans who can't get care. We've got single moms living in poverty being told there's no housing for them. Senior Citizens are told that Social Security is running out of money. Victims of hurricanes who lost everything are given $750 and a smug lecture by FEMA bureaucrats. Biden said that a majority of the people in America are "garbage".

Meanwhile, illegal immigrants and migrants are put up in fancy hotels or apartments, given cars, and given "magic money cards" that never run out of cash. They're being given driver's licenses when they can't read or speak English, causing accidents all over the place.

And the voters spoke.

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Well, Social Security will run out of money if not reformed. But no politician, Republican or Democrat or even Trump will take action to reform it back to solvency.

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The point is that there's never enough money for US Citizens, yet plenty of money for illegal aliens and migrants.

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True. But even with all the money spent on "illegal aliens and migrants" added back in, plus a ton more, there is still not enough money to make Social Security solvent in the future without major changes to either a.) age of eligibility, and/or b.) a higher level before income is exempt, and/or c.) a larger percentage of paycheck "contributions." Oh wait, maybe we can fund Social Security with tariffs!

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Wow..first time to ever agree with you on anything!

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Good. You are making progress, Jane! Pretty soon you too will be right about everything! ;)

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“The bureaucrats have forgotten they work for the people and instead think the people and politicians work for them.” 🙌🏼

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I'm fine with the Dems not learning. They will continue to lose elections and become a smaller and smaller group until they are inconsequential. In this break up between the American voter and the Progressive Left it is definitely them, and not the voter. Pass the popcorn. The next four years are going to be fun to watch.

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It IS what it is.

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