Very well done Erick. Your passion and heart in this matter is clear!

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Agree 100%. Well said.

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Just like the IDF needs to go in and eradicate Hamas, Hezbollah, etc. from Gaza , the West Bank and everywhere else they're found, Conservatives need to eradicate anti-Semites from our movement.

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file:///home/dan/Desktop/F4vyjfbWYAApM9s.jpeg How many think the USA could be next. Our President

has ignoredfile:///home/dan/Desktop/th-1976374182.jpeg the invasion at our southern border. These anti

Americans are elected to office. To me each one represents a threat to our nation. How did we get here

and how do we get out of this mess.

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How in the hell can a administration unfreeze money to Iran that winds up going to weapons to Hamas And the PLO and Hezbola to kill jews in Israel and say it’s for humanitarian use. I support Israel and am ashamed that this government has assisted in this massacre and helped in the killing of our own citizens and those of Israel and other countries anybody that doesn’t see this is definitely does not see the difference between good and evil and does not know the history of the region . we need to cut all money off from these so called peaceful organizations and keep it off until they are ready willing and able to sue for peace also how many of these Palestinian supporters and anti semites are willing to move to the Middle East and Iran most of them want to get the hell out and come here

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Bravo man, bravo!

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I’m not on X/Twitter and don’t subscribe to NYT or WaPo, so I don’t follow or know some of the people you reference. But I have been watching CNN and Fox News steadily since this happened and I believe CNN has been consistently reporting on the Hamas atrocities as just that. From what I’ve seen, they are reporting it straight and not blaming Israel. Right now CNN is talking about the babies/toddlers who were found decapitated and laying it squarely at the feet of the barbarous Hamas terrorists. One of the two female anchors is in tears as they report this story. I’ve not picked up any sympathy or cheerleading for Hamas.

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Well said Eric.

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I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other!

Because you are lukewarm–neither hot nor cold–I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

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I am ashamed to admit that Rashida Tlaib is my representative to Congress..

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If you didn't vote for her, you have no reason to feel ashamed.

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Did not vote for her. I wouldn't vote for her even if I was paid to do so. Not in a million years.

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I picked a side - I stand with Isreal against these monsters.

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There is definitely evil walking among us. How can anyone not see Hamas as evil is beyond me.

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great leadership from Erick ...will forward relentlessly ...

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I have taken my stance with Amir Tsarfati of Behold Israel .Anyone who takes the side of Hamas or Palestinian who embraced Hamas are equally responsible for the attacks and the burning of babies which were alive . These same supporters will be used to eliminate Americans for the WEF and think nothing about it. Because they have warped callous minds.

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Hamas is like a cancer. It must be surgically removed to end it.

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To save the life of the patent.

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No one is censoring them. No one is doing anything about it. No one is screaming at them about how hypocritical and propagandist their words and positions are. Until that happens, the (D)emocratic party will be allowed to get away with rebranding stuff and explaining how they are right and everything else is somehow (D)ifferent.

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