Hear! Hear!

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My daughter attends Texas A&M, as annoyingly woke as the administration can be, no pro-Hamas rallies there. Gig 'em Ags!

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I was actually in Athens (UGA) the Monday after the incursion happened for a campus tour for my oldest daughter. I was happy to see that there was a fairly large group of Jewish students (and others) protesting the violence that had occurred along with a fund raiser for the victims. No one was threatening or harassing them. I did not see any pro-Palestinian protesters.

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If our country keeps putting people in positions of responsibility in our government who anti semites we will continue to devolve by educating our young to hate whole classes of people, especially the Jews.

I am surprised you do not call out part of this as spiritual warfare with the evil one influencing whole classes of people to educate generations of people to hate the Jewish people. This has gone on for generations and is accepted in a society that embraces the mocking of Gods creation. God made them man and woman. We say, no God, we are what we want to be. The killing of youth and babies, the abortion rights thing, sterilizing of young women to make them men all plays into the plan of Satan to destroy women and the future of mankind. Killing Jews plays into Satan’s plan as well. Time to wake up!

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According to "The Naked Communist", the U.S. Communist Party had as its goals the takeover of our educational system, the takeover of our "free" press, and the takeover of one or both political parties.

I will leave up to you to decide which political party they have nearly taken over. There were many more goals but these three are the big ones.

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"We learned about amplifying minority voices. We learned about tolerance, diversity, equity, and inclusion".

The US has had a black muslim President. and have blacks in House , and Senate. Most major cities now have black Progressive Dem Mayors and Chief of Police (Including female) etc. What are the crime rates in every one of those cities.

Savannah Ga had its first black mayor 1996.

A Federal Judge just ruled Ga must redraw Voting Districts by 12-31-23. (This is under the 1964-1965 Voting rights act). The US has had tokenism, affirmative action, and reducing Standards (eliminating testing requirements, etc), now for 58 years (A generation).

The US has paid out about $27 Trillion in welfare benefits subsequent to 1964. Under the Freedoms and Auspecies of the US Constitution, America has allowed the Progressive Communists to enter the leadership positions and turn the nation into an Antediluvian , undeclared bankrupt, dystopian banana republic nation. America's Leaders have formally approved issues that "The Great GOD I AM" considers to be abominations. God has removed his umbrella of Protection from America. (Eg., 9-11-2001).

Discern the parable of the 10 Virgins. it has eschatological applications that even Pascals Book "The Wager" could make/bring forth CS bridges. That judgment comes right soon. Selah

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When I graduated from a small regional state university over 45 years ago I was hired by one of the top firms in my industry based in part on my “Mid-Western” work ethic, grades and support of the professors. Probably wouldn’t get a second look today!

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Hear! Hear!

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Gig’em Aggies! Thanks for the shoutout! Great educations can be found at state schools!

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Soooo, the South East and mid West are full of bigots, racist, and homophobes. This is just another example of the left projecting what they are on the right, gaslighting, then preaching while they obfuscate the fact that they are evil preaching tolerance until they have control and then shut down opposition to evil though force.

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One last thing, don't forgive student loans to the upper class, elite student families!

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Right on. And no more federal funding - I mean ZERO - to these Ivy schools and any others who are proven incubators of terrorism. And why do we give student loans to those attending these schools??? Make the schools pull from their billions of endowment funds.

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Here, here! Our two children graduated from University of Central Florida. We produced normal, hard working Americans. You’ve hit the nail on the head, Erick!

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One of your best ever sir!

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Great piece, but we should take just as seriously the anti-Americanism that permeates many college campuses, Ivy League and otherwise. I know, baby steps....

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Hail, Purdue! Thanks for the plug, Erick!!

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perdoo? I'm a phonics guy.! ;-)

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