We need ONE Russian soldier to END THIS WAR. How could one soldier end it? Fire an errant weapon into Poland awakening NATO. The soldier would know he's sacrificing himself for the end of Putin. Would NATO really do what they're supposed to do and retaliate? I pray they would. Now, this soldier should attempt to strike a non-occupied infrastructure maybe a bridge or a blockbuster video after closing hopefully not resulting in human casualties. Step up soldier! President Putin is evil.

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Erick Erickson - If you are the gentleman and Christian you hold yourself out to be, you will issue an immediate, humble and contrite apology to the countless patriots in this country who are in no way, shape or form QAnon conspiracy theorists, the group your clumsily grouped them together with in your Truth About Biolabs piece. It doesn't take much of an imagination to see how the U.S. may have been involved in gain-of-function, or some other type of nefarious research in Ukraine, even if unwittingly. See Anthony Fauci-Rand Paul testimony as prima facia evidence of same. And you can quite easily in fact come to that conclusion without "so hating your country" as you put it. Surely you know well the adage, "Love the sinner, hate the sin." You can at the same time love the United States for all of its virtue, while hating the less virtuous things it might be involved in. Things like funding abortions not only in the U.S., but worldwide, funding evil dictators just because they are "less evil" than the other guy, funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab in China as Anthony Fauci most certainly did. And If you are passing that off as a conspiracy theory, then I have lost all respect for you.

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With the constant lies that all parties involved have been telling recently (Ukraine, Russia, US, et al.) does anyone really know what the actual truth is about the biolabs?

Where is Herr fauci in all this biolab excitement? He's all of the sudden disappeared. I bet he backdoor funded all those sites just like UNC and Wuhan.

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