Ever wonder why federal ABC agencies can just make these announcements and they're implemented, just like waving a magic wand? Gas stove bans, this required reporting of over $600 in cashapp transactions, etc? It's called the "Administrative Procedures Act of 1946". It allows federal agencies to make policy which have the full effect of law. It came about because congress is lazy.... they set this up so they didn't have to work as hard, and gave all this authority to the ABC agencies.

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De-fund the IRS. Elect representatives to implement the FAIR TAX!

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Show me a Democrat that has true empathy for others above his own material wants, including his insatiable need to be validated as part of the cool-kids crowd, and I will show you an actual Republican, not the uniparty establishment type that are just a Democrat in a different suit.

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(DNC) Deceiving Needy Citizens

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...its worse than just that. If you screw up and do not explicitly choose to denote the transaction as not being a purchase, then the system will also withhold taxes from that transfer as well! I transferred money to my cousin to reimburse her for a property tax payment she made for me. I missed the setting to mark it as a personal reimbursement. Denoting the transaction as a purchase is the default. The system withheld taxes from my reimbursement.

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Lots of posts without the ability to comment recently. Apparently the default setting is “no comments.”

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Democrats have always not had empathy for people unless the cameras were rolling. They project their own insecurities on others and assume everyone is like them. When they accuse us of something, that is them projecting what they see everyday in their own world and assume it is in ours too. Usually, they are incorrect as the walls of their bubble only reflect their life-images.

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Empathy for optics, money for politics. This is about squeezing money from all available sources. They realize that although "soak the rich" played well on emotional side, it does not bridge the gap between Dem voracious spending habits and income to pay for it. 87k IRS agents sure sounds like an army for the common worker. 100 IRS agents could cover our billionaires, 500 could cover billionaires and millionaires. 87K is for the masses. So obvious, how do people miss it?

We all know 10,000 pennies is the same as $100.00, but easier to get a penny out of 10,000 than $100 out of one. Its a numbers game, but folks are catching on. That penny is a greater percentage of the working stiff's life than the $100 out of rich guy's life. At some point, their game of slowly warming the pot with us frogs in it, Dems will cross a threshold and frogs will jump out of the pot (or, maybe become homeless so gov't can pay them to stay homeless).

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The pendulum may have reached it's limit and is swinging back. Only time will tell.

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Sorry everyone. Substack has been turning off comments by default and I'm not sure why. But they are on now.

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DNC Deceiving Needy Citizens is the new motto.

Climate change is the Biggest Lie but it takes a lot of money to defend a lie when the truth is easier and Is less likely to send you eternal damnation.

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