What strikes me more than anything is the fact that there are still too many people out there oblivious to the right in front of your eyes evidence that the Democrat party has been radicalized. From the 10 million plus - many fighting age males from countries such as China to Iran - to the intentional suppression of free speech, the intent is clear. To fundamentally change the U.S. here’s the thing that the Democrats aren’t considering, once people “see”, they can’t “unsee”.

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As dirty and low character are many of Trump's original associates, it seems that those against Trump are reliant on scraping the bottom of that barrel... only to find that there is a large basket of Democrats down there too.

It is fascinating to experience in real time what Jordan Peterson and other professional psychologists tell us... that the natural undisciplined human animal pursues status more than almost anything else... and often even at the expense of everything else.

You can see how this corrupts the Democrat animal... and it gives evidence to the theory that people personality types filter to the two parties for some reason other than what can be explained by simple values differences.

Democrats believe they are at a time when they, because they are Democrats and the politics of Democrats is consider the popular elite choice, are part of the upper societal class. This is the case even when their backgrounds and behaviors are those of a criminal thug.

That is the danger with popular media-powered class hierarchy separation... it gives power to the worst of us. Alvin Bragg likely missed the boat to a life of crime by some fortuitous events in his life. But clearly he isn't really evolved from that essence of his true identity of a lawless thug.

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The Left keeps swinging for the fences and heading back to the bench with a K, versus playing small ball and maybe getting something on Trump that will stick. Unfortunately for them, small charges won't matter for Trump or the Dems.

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30,000 foot view: The left doesn't care whether their actions are viewed as "fair" or not....or whether or not they get a conviction. Their purpose is to use the the well (over?) publicized trial to smear DJT. Mission accomplished, somewhere between backfire and sputter. My question is whether the prosecutor(s) and judge will suffer for their abuse of the legal process.

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If it goes to a jury, can he get a fair verdict? I’m surprised that they haven’t shown an ancient traffic video of him racing across the street just as a light turned red.

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Does the jury actually know all the facts about Cohen? Those strike me as things this kangaroo court judge would not allow in.

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Erick - Cohen is baked into the calculus by the prosecution. None of this is new or unexpected. As Believers, we need justice to prevail in every aspect of our society. The politics of any of the 80+ indictments of DJT is (or should be) outside the jury pool. All we want is the fair calls of "balls/strikes" of anyone found in the courtroom. IMHO, Mr. Bragg has done his duty to bring the prosecution's case and let's let justice prevail regardless of the outcome.

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Bill, what I think that you and others are missing is that if the democrats control the presidency and congress, very soon you will have no ability at all affect any change for conservatism, because a democracy in their image we'll be inflicted upon all. In their democracy, different versions of democrats are elected. Trump's the guy we got, we have to make the best of it for four years and then get new blood. For me, that's a real easy decision. You are apparently not seeing is the attack on our republic the democrats are inflicting on us.

And, for other readers, we have to get out every conceivable conservative able to vote this November, to overcome this sort of voter, who thinks they are punishing anyone by their vote. They're just helping the DNC in their mission. Democrats are an existential threat to America in their current form.

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I honestly don't know if I would have voted for Trump (I wanted DeSantis) in a normal world. I might have left it blank or wrote in someone else, like Pat Paulsen. But the actions of the Democrat party in the last 3 years leave me no choice but to vote for Trump. The incompetence of the overall administration (likely due to hiring based on DEI), the border disaster, inflation, foreign policy, the promotion of immorality coupled with a sharp veer to the radical left, and the sheer arrogance of denying reality and telling us we're too dumb to know how great we have it and we should be thanking them. All that was bad enough, but the final straw was the weaponization of the legal and judicial system to eliminate the opposition candidate by any means possible. I don't know how any American could reward that kind of behavior.

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Pat Paulson 😂. Thank you. I can’t see how anyone can look at everything going on and vote for Biden.

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Agree totally!

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You can not even get, Erick Erickson, Mitt Romney, ex- Lt Gov of Ga., et als, to vote for DT, apparently under any circumstances. But DT will be elected, the Dems will not accept, Chaos and Un-Cil W II will begin. Much chaos is coming and sooon.

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The legal scholars commentary seen do not understand what Bragg’s case except that he suffers from TDS so Trump must guilty of something. Through some complicated theory he is attempting to turn a misdemeanor which is beyond the statute of limitations into a felony.

Since it is NYC I don’t expect an acquittal or directed verdict but I would be very surprised if it does not end in a hung jury.Chances are there is at least one insightful and honest person on this jury ( having served on several, that recognizes this farce for the waste of time and money that it has been.

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Ok, I’ll give you that. I’m not a DJT apologist, just curious, who’s your horse in this race?

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I'll be (reluctantly) voting for Biden as a vote against DJT. In fact, as a conservative raised in the era of Reagan, I'll repeat what I did in 2020, and pull the "D" across the board in protest against those that highjacked the movement I worked so hard for from you days in HS. One day, I hope small gov't conservatives can unite for constructive change that makes everyone's lives (and future generations) better off.

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Conservative and a vote for Biden should not even be in the same thought. We are in a fight For true conservatism to survive and a vote for Biden is another nail in the coffin. I want a smaller government also but you are not going to get effective change with a Biden vote!

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If you think that things are bad now, wait till after the election if the Democrats win. Trump and the republicans need a Road to Damascus moment but they are the best chance we have to avoid catastrophe . Russia is about to win in Ukraine and only Putin knows what is next. Do you trust Brandon and Brenda?

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“Reluctantly” voting for Biden?! Wow. How much damage do the Democrats have to do to our country for them to lose a self-described “conservative” vote? And for the record, I am no fan of Trump but when you compare his record to the left’s, it is a classic lesser of evils and no-brainer.

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with Biden and Kamala.in charge! This culture and our country is being destroyed! I wanted DeSantis BUT that's nit happening...to vote for party that embraces terrorists says a lot about YOU! Get over your hurt feelings about Trump...he will be gone in 4 years ...or don't vote...To vote for BIDEN??? DISGRACEFUL! ...SHAME on you!

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Fully understand the many reasons for not voting for Trump, but I don’t understand how any conservative or libertarian ( which I am) can vote for Biden given the harm that he and obviously Kamala as his successor have done and will continue to inflict on out institutions ( including likely appointments to the Court), our economy and our credibility on the world stage.

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deletedMay 18
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Concerning what Trump did after the last presidential election, I am with you and won’t vote for Trump again; however, considering these last 3+ years with Biden at the helm, I also won’t vote for him. My fear is that if Democrats get total control, they will move heaven and earth to make the U.S. a one-party system (how about giving illegal immigrants the power to vote in federal elections?), and the Republican Party will never get the chance to rebuild. Democrats don’t care that world history shows us that a one-party system is horrible for the citizens; they just crave relentless power.

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Meg, you get it! Think you should consider holding your nose and voting for Trump, but the quieter, more underhanded subverting of our democracy is being done by the DNC. They absolutely want one party rule…for ‘democracy’.

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But this is an NYC jury; he'll be convicted, for sure, but appeal will have it erased eventually.

Which raises the question, that's probably been answered over and over, but not that I've heard: if Trump is still elected after all this, can he pardon himself?

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This may be the worst of the cases against Trump, but every single one of the others has problems as well. And the more time passes, the more the cases fall apart.

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