Que the violence as a campaign tactic.

But Democrats always get a pass. Their cause is just, only violence can save democracy, this is what that have been and are being told. You killed democracy by voting for the wrong person in a democratic election, therefore we will save democracy by being the totalitarians we warned you not to vote for and burn down your cities and kill you while looking good on tiktok in our Che Guevara t-shirts.

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Erick, like some others, I worry about unforeseen cheating. What say you? Perhaps a piece to calm our nerves?

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Ditto, EXCELLENT! Can I copy and paste?

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EXCELLLENT, Erick! You are on FIRE today! Keep it up!

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I keep asking, "Are the Dems THAT stupid?" I don't think they are and that really scares the crap out of me!

Their latest talking point is "Democracy under assault!" I believe their plan is to baldly, obviously, put forth election results that are totally bogus; something like 2 million votes cast in an area that had 1.5 million registered voters. I believe that happened in a county in Georgia not too long ago. They can then use the fiction of election deniers to support their fraudulent claims.

I lost a friend during the last election by telling them that all the Dems care about is "seizing TOTAL Power." I'm sorry to lose that friend but I still believe I am correct. Lord, have mercy upon us.

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Yeah, but like you’ve said multiple times, Biden would still be cool to hang out with and have beer together. Abortion up to and/or after birth be damned.

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Erick! You are on fire today. This post was a perfect rebuttal to the entire Democratic party midterm campaign.

When I talk to friends who are democrats, I wonder at times if they believe the things they say or do they feel locked into the stupidity of it all. Hopefully, the coming drubbing will shake them back into reality.

Great piece!

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We can hope!

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I’m concerned all your talk about the Democrats not turning out is a motivation to them.

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Trump broke the Democrats in 2016. They got hijacked by the Marxist left of their party years before that. In the summer of 2020, Democrats we’re complicit in the burning down of America. They supported, Antifa, BLM and Defund the Police. They spent on radical programs, caused the disaster in Afghanistan, and enabled policies that have caused the worst crime in my lifetime. They worked to kill free speech. They didn’t lose the narrative. They lost Americans; all but those that hate this country. Their policies are toxic. If there is such a thing as justice, they will be overwhelmingly shunned by the American people on Nov 8.

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And somehow, we have to find a way to get a much larger proportion of ‘journalists’ to actually become journalists. No political party should feel that generally the media has their backs. Currently they’re largely in the dnc’s back pocket. It’s embarrassing. The legacy media desperately needs an intervention.

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Or as Karl Rove said in today's Wall Street Journal about election night 2022:

"Take a nap Tuesday afternoon, have snacks ready, and be prepared for surprises. See you ringside!"

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"We know democracy is not under attack because Joe Biden and the Democrats used $46 million to fund the candidates who they claim are attacking democracy. We know democracy is not under attack because the Democrats have made no effort to calm the currents of contretemps rushing through the nation."

That's the pull-quote from this piece and you keep shouting it Erick. Keep shouting it. This is the #1 reason we know FOR A FACT the democrats are lying. If it were true they wouldn't have elected those Republicans because they elected them with their money. America needs to know that, hear that, and have it on endless loop for the next two months at least. I reject their "democracy is under assault" premise as pertains to the coming Red Tsunami. Now, you want to have a discussion about how our freedoms are under assault by the state-run propagandists who rebrand a mentally ill BLM supporter turned assaulter? Now we can have a conversation about American election meddling.

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Thank you, Erick. I will not be voting for Democrats.

I will also not be voting for Republicans.

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Well Said!

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mic drop

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Very well articulated! Biden said that we needed to fear “autocracy” which included “one party” rule. This said when Democrats control House, Senate, and White House! I guess autocracy is not autocracy if you are the autocracy.

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Nailed it!!!!!!!!!

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