Blessings Erick. Thought of you today when reading a G. K. Chesterton quote. “The business of progressives is to keep on making mistakes. The business of conservatives is to prevent the mistakes from being corrected” The sooner the country realizes their help comes from God and not a political party, the sooner my kids and grandkids can experience true freedom. Thank you for what you do and stand for.

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I wish Biden would shut-up about reducing drug prices .Every time he opens his mouth prices go up.I may have to go back IsraelPharm.com

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Zelensky - desperate Leader wanting help from anyone- just like U.S. and Churchill joining with Stalin.

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Today's phrase that pays...

Zelenskyy is a foreign leader who should shut his American welfare subsidized whore mouth.

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Could it be they're getting desperate when Biden speaks to the UN defending Afghanistan and he sends Zelinsky to PA!? But we should not get too cushy. The last grueling lap is ahead.

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Democrats have no moral compass related to politics. They are not only hypocrites, they are completely and utterly unworthy of any expectation that they stand for anything as a moral principle other than winning. The problem with Republicans is that they continue to recoil at this truth and attempt to treat Democrats as some equal in competition where there are rules of civility, honesty and morality. There is not.

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Sadly, not a big shock to any of us that recognize the party of utilitarians. Whatever it takes, be a scorpion, sting things...

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Zzelenskyy surely knows that Trump energy policy kept Putin on ice. This most likely is all on Biden "sure enough they fired the SOB" bullying another Ukraine figure. It's one of several signs of growing desperation in the Dem party. Another is the Biden FCC fast-tracked and broke rules to permit George "Jabba" Soros to buy 200 radio stations

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Still, the DNC propaganda machine masquerading as "journalism", or the enslaved, to the DNC, "press". The Free Press was extinguished generations, ago.

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Tru Dat....

Another classic EE quote: "...foreign leader who should shut his American welfare subsidized whore mouth" - hilarious Erick.

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You are SO right. This is revealing of the complete lack of ethics & principles on the American left & shows Zelensky to be a political hack as well. We've appropriately supported countries in the past despite their poor leadership but Zelensky just committed the blunder of a lifetime. Poroshenko looks better all the time (and always did).

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Preach. Tell us what you really think. Thanks.

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Yes, media found it was no big deal when Democrats are getting donations from unknown sources too.

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Zelenskyy must be pretty sure that the Cackle Queen will win...

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They let him know that there's still plenty of time to get Trump killed.

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The level of hate for Trump doesn't cease to amaze me. I was in a group yesterday of intelligent women who wouldn't put Biden signs in their yards but are all Kamala-powered now. All they could say was , "I just want Trump to go away."

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Anyone surprised? When it comes to the Democrats and getting their agenda passed or their candidate elected, they do not care how it is done. They will ignore the rule of law. They will do election interference, as an example the 50 intelligence officers that signed off stating the hunter Biden laptop was Russian misinformation. They will chip away at the rule of law, by starting the process of allowing illegals' to vote in local elections. In short they do not care what it takes and will look away while members of their party break societal norms to get their way all the while saying it is racism, misogyny or homophobia to try and stop their plans.

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