It is constantly disappointing to see so many politicians of all persuasions being awarded Pinocchios. Perhaps if their nose really did grow an inch longer with each untruth, they would be forced to start telling the truth. Besides, the longer noses would aid in the appropriate social distancing requirements. Plus, it would be marvelous to watch those "nose" duels when they take on each other while with every additional untruth their noses would add to their weaponry. The problem is they have all forgotten that they will give an account to one who sees through to their hearts. Frightening. It would be wonderful to have leaders who actually say what they mean and do what they say. I look forward to the time when I can positively vote for someone and not simply being voting against someone else. What a time we live in. And Erik, Happy Birthday and yes, the Spirit is at work drawing a people to the Son. Charles

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Happy belated birthday Erick. I'm a little late getting to this e-mail.

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As long as there are no term limits, there is no incentive to take on tough problems. The only thing the current system incentivizes is campaigning and fundraising.

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Happy Birthday Erick! Hope your are right about HR1! Thanks for all you do, love your show and your emails and your recipes!!

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Happy Birthday. Have a Blessed day and keep the faith!

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Happy Birthday!

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Happy Birthday!

Democrats have this idea that black voters are all on welfare and dependent on the government to take care of them, and will ALWAYS vote Democrat because it's in their own best interests. But I feel (hope) that they've overplayed their hand this time. Living in a majority black community, I've talked with so many black business owners and workers who are suffering from the inability to retain employees, due to the government largesse that pays people not to work...and they're angry about it. They are still working, have been working as much as they were able to do during the pandemic, and they're watching their family, friends and neighbors in the black community go under and lose everything due to the Democrat policies, and hoping they won't be next.

As the price of gas continues to rise, high unemployment coupled with record numbers of available jobs and illegal immigration continues unabated, they may be less invested in keeping the Democrats in power.

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1. Happy birthday! Hoping it will be blessed and joyful.

2. I hope you are right about the Democrats and H.R. 1. Were that to actually become law, we could all assemble for the funeral in which we would lay the American constitutional republic to rest.

3. Synthetic Messenger Is a poster child for the need to treat the Internet in general as a public utility and social media as publishers. The repeal or extensive rewrite of Section 230 is urgently needed, lest we lose all ability to get any honest, unbiased information anywhere, since the jihad against conservative media continues, with, I am sure, talk radio as the next target.

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Happy birthday, Erick! What a wonderful birthday present that you are now nationwide form Noon to 3! I continue to pray for your success, and the health of you and your wife.

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Hi Erick. Happy Birthday. This is one of the better pieces you've written in a long time, and I agree with you. In addition to all the things you've mentioned, the Democrats are going to have to contend with an economy beset by shortages, where businesses cannot get back into gear because of their massive overextensions of unemployment benefits, and real core inflation in gasoline, food, and other real-world necessities for things like computer chips (I know several car dealerships that are suffering because they cannot get cars to sell). No matter how much they try to mask the inflation or manufacturers pretend it doesn't exist by using clever packaging schemes, people are already noticing that they are being bitten hard. And the President is in cognitive decline, and it's not subtle. We should hammer them on every single one of them, and keep hammering.

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Happy Birthday Erick ! May the celebration bring you the refreshment of truly joyful moments.

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Happy birthday. Be healthy. Interesting link -- I wonder if there are similar ones for subjects besides climate change.

Thank you for everything you're doing. Just don't overdo it all.

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Happy Birthday.

HR1: I thought I heard you say a while back that HR1 is a "tradition", basically the new party in power creates this HR1 which "everyone" knows will never pass, etc etc. I'd never heard this before, but that doesn't mean anything. Still, if this is a game that is played every 4 years, why doesn't the press clarify this? Also, would be interesting to see examples from administrations past...nope, I'm not putting in that effort.

The bot issue you mentioned is interesting from a few angles: the most basic being - it is 100% pure click fraud and violates many of Google's rules. This, of course, makes me curious, they are blatantly bragging about their fraud, yet haven't been shut down. Feels fake, looks real.

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Happy birthday. Have an absolutely fabulous day. Stay healthy and safe.

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