In 2016 I predicted Bill Clinton's passing. I figured Bill would mysteriously die and Hillary would get the sympathy vote. It would have been Edgar Allan Poe poetic.

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Democrats have placed themselves in a box of their own making, and I doubt that there's a way out which does not involve losing control of both Houses of Congress, despite the electoral map in the Senate being largely favorable to them. Joe Biden was nominated, and unprecedented lawfare waged on his behalf, in the hope that they could pawn him off as some sort of moderate while making sure that the Marxist radicals who own the party retained control over his actions. That aim largely explains "Word Salad Annie" Harris as the VP pick. It didn't work; now people either see Biden as weak and irresolute, or as a bumbling, barely aware doddering old fool of a man who is and was utterly unqualified to hold his office. Democrats would dearly like to het him out sooner rather than later, but no one wants to see a President Harris. So they have to muddle on without regard to the damage being suffered by the country in the hope that they can somehow retain control of at least the Senate this November. I doubt that would matter, as the inevitable investigations a Republican House will begin will destroy any credibility the Democrats may hope to retain for 2024, the 1/6 clown show is having exactly the opposite effect to the one desired.

The only questions remaining unanswered are, 1) Will the economy manage to lurch its way into hyperinflation?, and 2) Can the left use a favorable electoral map in the Senate election this fall to avoid a total repudiation of them and their policies? We'll see in 119 days.

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Late night comedy shows are not comedy shows any more. They are just political shows now. The whole concept of late night shows were for entertainment while you settled in for the night. Who wants to get worked up over politics at midnight so you can't sleep? Rhetoric question, I know.

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The Dems may be hoping for a Mel Carnahan moment. They're more likely to get a Paul Wellstone one instead.

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Erick, I've "replied" to a few comments below. You have very wise readership. If the Clintons were calling the shots their, "problem with Biden" might already be resolved. Poor Joe. We need to pray for him.

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Just imagine if the press had Biden Derangement Syndrome and was publishing uncorroborated and some honest hit pieces everyday all day long. Biden would be longing for any poll with him even near the 30's no less upper 30's.

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Yea, but for the Constitution......!

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The way the Democrats think and the lawlessness they show; if they take down Biden, they might put "Doctor" Jill to take his place, the same thing that happens throughout history in the Senate and in the House. Maybe now they will do it for the Presidency. Representative Dingell took her husband's seat, Senator Murkowski took her father's seat. Both incompetent! This is not uncommon for wives to take over their husbands' positions. Maybe the Dems will set a precedent and push to get "Doctor" Jill sworn in. From what I read there were at least 8 wives who inherited the Senate seat and at least 39 wives who inherited the House seat. Stay tuned!

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The chickens have come home to roost & the golden egg they thought they laid has turned out to be rotten. And if the stench is strong enough to have reached all the way up to elitist nose of the NYT, it must be indeed be strong!

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If the Democrats want to get "rid" of Biden, they can do to him the same thing the lying Democrats did to Senator Stevens of Alaska. Bring up false claims against Biden as they did to Senator Stevens and tried to destroy his life, except the claims against Biden and his dealings with China, etc. are real and can be used to take him down but then who will be next in line - Kamala. They can always bring false claims against her (but there might be a few factual claims they could find, but then who would be next in line - Pelosi. But wait, if they don't want her, they could bring up a few factual claims against her - (insider trading) but who will be next? Patrick Leahy and he is older than dirt. I guess the Democrats have to go around digging up someone. Oh my God, next in line - Anthony Blinken - the one who is really pulling the strings - and HE IS READY and able to continue to destroy our country.

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This entire administration is a charade. Biden exiting stage left will only expose how bad things really are. The sycophant press will get a day or two of stories. The Sunday shows will heroically talk about a resurgent party with the old man gone, but the policies that suck will stay. And American hatred of the Democrat Party will grow stronger.

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Ah yes, sympathy sex.

My dog passed away.

Oh, I'm so sorry, is there anything I can do?

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Prediction--IF the GOP Red Wave is major (and I am more concerned about a Senate majority than the House), the DNC power brokers will approach Jill first and explain that she needs to break the news to Joe that his time is up. They will explain that he did his country a service by getting rid of the Orange Man, and her husband's exit will be done with dignity - and it will be before the New Year. The dilemma they have though--how do they replace Kamala? We might see a total revamp next year, with a new Prez and VP, not named JB and KH.

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First...to the extent that may happen, the conversations are happening now. They won't wait until after the elections in Nov.

Also, I don't see Harris resigning. She doesn't strike me as the type to do that. She will take 2 years as a lame duck with top billing over promise of some future support. And Dems won't remove her. It will be disastrous for them in 2024.

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I’ve been criticizing Biden since the Afghanistan withdrawal. Still, I’d take a rabid, mangy, ferret before DJT.

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Trump is NOT on the ballot. Let him go already. Move on. Republicans with reasonable thought processes have moved on, and although others are slow to move with us I pray the party does unite and actually delivers on this "red wave" we're being promised. God help us if the marginal democrat voter shows up and republicans don't. I cringe at the negative adds against Herschel Walker because I fear they may work. Walker can't be worse than Warnock in office though if he makes it. Of course, Rich, you're correct many of the electorate are in fact stupid people.

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Republicans will show up for candidates worth voting for. The days of getting Republicans to vote out of fear of the otger side may he numbered. I vote third party as often as I vote GOP

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Unfortunately as a group most republicans still deny the overwhelming evidence of climate change and economic inequality. As long as that’s the case, my vote will go to your opposition. Herschel will tow the party line.

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I don't know where you got "the overwhelming evidence" but I have a degree in aeronautics and astronautics and have flown around the world a number of times in my years and have friends that are astronauts and NONE of us believe in the climate change that people tell about happening. IT DOES NOT EXIST.

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Climate change is not the same as the man-made climate change fallacy that Democrats cling to. The party of science is completely anti-science on this subject. Follow the money.

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When did it become the job of the government to fix economic inequality?

I will agree there is a role in helping ensure an level playing field, but there are too many variables impacting wealth that government does not have (or should not have) the power to influence. Inequaluty has always existed, and always will.

Is the government going to ban divorce so every child grows up with 2 parents? Or force birth control on those under 21 or that are single?

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Only the government can correct income inequality. If left alone, market forces would devolve into jungle law. Man’s instinct for survival and conquest is the root of it.


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Only if you believe correcting inequality is a proper role of the government. I don't believe the power required for the government to eliminate inequality should ever be given to a government. It would virtually eliminate freedom in so many fundamental ways.

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No it wouldn't. You're over reacting. Look at the progressive taxation we had prior to Reagan. The US was thriving and we didn't have these wealth gaps. We must find a way to incent the corps and business owners to pay their employees more. That is key. People do not want handouts. They want to feel as though they have earned their keep. Today a person working full time on DOUBLE the minimum wage can't even support a family.

You can keep your private chef, we just want that chef to be able to enjoy American prosperity as well.

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Unfortunately there's little we can do as a single country when places and people like China don't give a damn. The world will have to adapt once global warming, if ever proven, starts to show up.

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And there it is, denial seasoned with a little shirking. Shame on you Bill. If you haven't see the news lately, we're having record wildfires in the western US. And how do you expect the rest of the world to give a damn when we don't? Bill, you sir are the problem.

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Nah, I believe we have something to do with it. How could we not? It is a world problem, not a U.S. problem. Our emissions are some of the cleanest compared to other industrialized nations. I thought I might touch a nerve with my comment. I'm glad you picked up on that. I believe adaptation will have to take place in future generations if it continues, but there are serious flaws in the "science" on both sides, and this is from a "not a scientist" guy. Have a great day.

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The US is the leader of the world. You're preference for adaption over prevention could be a deadly choice. We don't do that with our planet. And this is how you and your political party lose credibility. Have a great day yourself.

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I think most of the country disagrees with you. While the Trump admin may have been rude and corrupt, this one is weak and incompetent. Americans have decided which is worse.

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Sadly, most of the electorate are idiots.

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True, look how many believed Biden was somehow a better man than Trump is. They are both miserable failures and I used to believe we deserved better, but I am increasingly convinced we are getting exactly what we deserve.

If Don Jr was on video weighing his cocaine with a hooker, the left and media would be all over it. Since it is Biden, they will circle the wagons.

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Thank you Christian for doing what I was going to do

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"The Times report is respectful of the President, but also of a variety the press has been loathed to produce."

Sounds like speech-to-text is channeling Joe Biden (or maybe suckin' back on grandpa's old cough medicine?)

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Integrity. This man has been lacking every step of the way. I have no sympathy or emotion for someone who would waltz us into these treacherous times.

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Once again, a supreme failure (or perhaps triumph?) of our media. Had Hunter Biden's business dealings and the access he granted to his father been journalistically pursued, the electorate would have known Biden's lack of integrity far in advance of the elections. Instead, it was squashed and even censored under the convenient label of "Russian disinformation." Only in recent months has the media acknowledged that this is a real story, but they've done so with no acknowledgement of the gravity it poses nor an apology.

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