Money quote, "[It] will cause market turmoil. It will cause capital to flow to uncharted places as the wealthy seek to avoid the tax."

Unintended consequences are necessary unforeseeable. Like with the Dodd‐​Frank Act. Of course the logical approach would be to evaluate, and if stated objectives are not achieved, repeal the legislation.

But politicians are neither honest nor logical. Dodd Frank is successful, it gives the government more control, but that is not what liberals said, they lied.

And what to politicians do when people notice, double down and pass more laws that just break the Country further.

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And what of double taxation? If I am taxed on an asset's increased value whileI still own the asset, the $400,000 for the house, when I sell the house later for $500,000 I should only be taxed on the additional $100,000.

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Just imagine if the Dems. would use all of that brain power for good and not evil.

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You are asking why evil people can't do good. The same reason you can't have a pet that is capable of eating you, one day it will because that is what it does.

No, the average liberal citizen is not evil, they are ignorant. It is the political class that recognizes they can take advantage of that ignorance who are evil.

"A republic if you can keep it".

"…when you assemble a number of men to have the advantage of their joint wisdom, you inevitably assemble with those men, all their prejudices, their passions, their errors of opinion, their local interests, and their selfish views."

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This would be a disaster. I am curious, though...to see how congress would weasel out of it.

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This kind of tax sounds more like a tax on wealth whether realized or not! That kind of tax will hit everyone who has a savings account, retirement account, small business as well as a home. Greed is fueling this NOT compassion for the masses!

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What about this...Audit Joe and. HUNTER Biden and collect their unpaid taxes first.

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I would love for a 2024 contender to come out in favor of a retail sales tax, like the "Fair Tax", which is a point-of-sale tax on new goods and services. Taxpayers would be given a "pre-bate" that would cover the tax on essentials like food based on the poverty threshold for their size families.

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The market for low-ball appraisers of every imaginable kind of property will blossom

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Well, reality isn't giving the Left what it wants, there is really no other place to go than the imagination. Does this mean they will tax my imaginary friend's money as well?

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"DEVIL NUTS"!! Very apropos!

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Didn’t Clinton want to try something like this?

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It is 100% clear this is being done to destroy the economy and create tremendous strain on the working class. The GOP needs to deploy lawyers across the country to make sure these Marxists don’t cheat during the ‘22 mid-terms. Cheating is the only way they can win.

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I say it all the time on this message board but if you haven't read Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" (or at least Googled its top quotes), you're overlooking the left's stunningly obvious playbook. The end, according to Alinsky, justifies just about any means. And since the winner gets to write the history books, make sure your side wins.

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Is it just me, or is this administration is doing everything in their power to strangle our economy, particularly the private sector? Years ago I remember reading that the end-game was to make capitalism such a miserable failure that people would embrace a socialist/communist model. I thought it was a stretch back then, but it looks like reality to me now.

I am SO %@$# OFF at the way this country is being run into the ground! Straw Man Biden has taken us from prosperity to post-Soviet Russia in a matter of MONTHS. We have criminals running rampant (including Hillary), stores are only half-stocked, our ports choked with provisions that we can't seem to distribute, gas is back up to Obama levels thanks to falsely-premised green initiatives, multiple government agencies are bald-faced lying to us, our southern border is an ATROCIOUS human tragedy, the good guys have been vilified while the bad guys have been justified, and our media is a propaganda arm. To be fair, I want to list all the good things they've done. You can find them in the blank spaces between comments.

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Thank You Tucker!!

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Start with what is true.

We cannot go forward until we get to the bottom of Nov 3rd and the Wuhan Lab. #WarRoomPandemic

They want unrealized gains like when the King maker DJT announced his social media last week.

DWAC was up big.

Two day gains were Huge!

I think I heard 800% at one time over two days. Yep they want to tax that speculation.

Unrealized Gains.

Magic, like a 🦄.

If people don't get serious about sweeping this BS out of our government we and our children and grandchildren are doomed.

People say the country is divided.

I have been to the Grand Canyon

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The Second Coming can't come soon enough.

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With crappy ideas like this and equally crappy performance to match their crappy ideas, the Dem's are going to get absolutely crushed in the 2022 midterms and beyond, that is so long as the vote is secure, and I think that's still an open question - is the vote secure, for example in Fulton County? I'm not sure we can confidently say that it is at this point.

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If Manchin caves the damage they will do BEFORE 2022 will be immeasurable......we will never get our country back. EVERYBODY needs to bombard his email box and see if we can toughen him up. Even if the package is 1.5 trillion instead of 3.5 the anti-American measures in this bill will change us forever. They will never go away.

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