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Democrats Want to Murder Kids More than Advance the Military


Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) is refusing his consent to the advancement of 400 promotions in the military. His objection is based on the Biden Administration’s change in long time policy that considers funding for travel for abortions to be part of the funding of abortions.

Tuberville has made very clear that if the Senate Democrats want to put members of the military up for a vote, he’d gladly vote for most of them. But Chuck Schumer, the Senate Democrats, and the White House disagree. They want all 400 approved by unanimous consent without votes because some of them are so woke, they would fail. Consequently, they are attacking Tuberville’s refusal to give his consent.

On CNN yesterday, the Secretary of the Navy accused Senator Tuberville of helping our enemies. Secretary Deltoro said, "For someone who's born in a communist country, I would have never imagined that actually one of our own senators would actually be aiding and abetting communist and other autocratic regimes around the world. This is having a real negative impact and will continue to have a real negative impact on our combat readiness. And that's what the American people truly need to understand.”

Actually, what the American people need to understand is that this administration is willing to advance murdering babies over promotions in the military. This administration could change that policy, but they view funding the murder of children as a way to lower the military’s carbon footprint. So they’ll attack a United States Senator as aiding the enemies of the nation as a way to avoid having to discuss what they are funding.

If the situation was that bad, the White House could ask Senator Chuck Schumer to put the head of the Marines up for a vote. That man could be confirmed and in office by the week’s end. But the White House will not do that and Senator Schumer will not do that because they don’t want to acknowledge the promotions are possible. They want the all-or-nothing approach to pour a bunch of woke progressive activists into the upper reaches of the American military while funding killing kids.

What’s more shameful are the Republicans and conservatives who have chosen to side with the White House, the abortionists, and the wokes against Senator Tuberville. These hacktivisits of the right who never seem to think the Department of Defense needs reform, could be calling for individual votes and promotions. Instead, they have taken the White House’s talking points to advance the abortion lobby and assail Senator Tuberville. Shame on them.  

Conservatives should side with Senator Tuberville. Senator Schumer should put each person up for a vote individually. The White House should stop prioritizing killing kids over promoting the military. And Republicans who oppose Senator Tuberville should be tuned out or beaten at the ballot box.

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