I really hope that you can get Hailey and desantis to debate. It would be interesting if desantis could win iowa and Hailey win new hampshire and south carolina.

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Erick, at this point as long as the GOP beats the democrats, I don't care. If Trump is the nominee I will get behind him just to watch the Left's head explode as the man they find so easy to persecute beats them at their own game yet again. If it's someone else, I'm fine there too. I would rather someone else, but I can get motivated around Trump too. I just don't want the democrats in control heading into World War III.

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I have been involved in conservative politics since Reagan and I can’t tell you what exactly defines an “establishment” Republican anymore. All I know is that we have to knock off the silly infighting and get busy doing what Buckley recommended: nominating the most conservative person who is electable.

I am a DeSantis supporter for his brilliance governance in Florida but I will support whoever we nominate. We can’t afford to give the left four more years of the White House.

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Why does it sound like the run up to every election? Polls say this, show that. Somebody is getting traction here or there. Voters are tired of the current administration. Voters are smart and can see how bad the democrats are. Soon we will be hearing about a red wave. Then, bam, the same thing happens and we lose. One would think that some republicans some where could learn something. But apparently not.

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Again I say 4 years of an egotistical maniac looking for revenge that will not win, or a candidate that has 8 years and genuinely wants to fix this country? 74 million May have voted for him in 2016 but look who the heck he was running against. If Kasich would have gotten out of the race when he should have we might be having this conversation about President Cruz. You can say all you want about DeStantis looking wooden I’m looking at his track record and what he has done for the people of Florida and then there is slick Willie Newsome and what he has done TO the people of California, no comparison. Yes I am a DeSantis fan to the core. And May I also say that I’m embarrassed that the Ohio Republican Party has endorsed Trump. Just who do they think they’re speaking for, certainly not me.

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Every time I see or hear Trump, I think of Covid days where every afternoon he would trot out Fauci and Birx on tv to gaslight America. Trump was responsible for bringing our economy down, closing schools setting our kids back in many ways, and pushing untested injectables on us---all of which he takes full credit in doing. Trump made that troll Fauci a rockstar among the Branch Covidians and even gave him a medal of honor on the way out of the WH. And he still brags about the great job he did with Covid...smh. I just don't understand how or why people seem to overlook these great failures that changed our lives so drastically and be willing to take a gamble on this person again.

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TRUMP is the reason Warnock and Ossoff won and why we lost the Senate. As for the little protest at the capitol, when you see the President of the United States watching it happen and allowing it to continue, it shows a man with an ego that overrides moral leadership. I never thought I would see the day. But I do agree with you, Biden should never be elected again but the rudderless GOP leadership is going to allow that to happen. My vote can’t save them.

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Just because someone wins the early states, like Iowa and New Hampshire, doesn't mean they're going to get the nomination. We've seen it many times before.

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I could see myself voting for either Haley or DeSantis. I believe either would be far, far superior to even the best Trump could bring, with a potential 8yrs., minus all the drama.

However, I will vote Trump, if that’s the choice.

My theory on Trump is a mixture of people liking his policies, his appearance to be for the little guy, plus, & this is a BIG plus, the ever present sense that Americans have about fair play. I like a lot of voters think the democrats & some republicans never intended to work with Trump & simply sought to obstruct his entire term w/ Russia accusations, the Steele scheme, two impeachments. Whether you agree or not, I think many of his staunchest supports & many voters feel he is owed another chance, though it will reap a similar response and effort. The indictments only add to this sense!

May God truly help us all.

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Dec 4, 2023
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Yes, but we do have better candiates now. Very interesting documentary on Trump (6 hours) on Story TV. Actually, was not a hit piece (good, bad, ugly, even Sean H on there) Cheney needs to see it before she gets a SS agent killed. It does explain a lot about why DT acts the way he does, mostly in his own voice, history with his father, interviews. He is definitely not Hitler nor a dictator, he is however very driven, with his whole personality based on him being on top, the winner no matter what. Taught to attack first in conversation, belittle and raised to despise what he (father) called weak people. He is a brilliant showman but Ivana the better at running the actual businesses, he is not a detail guy or like to listen to other view points. He was the "Art of the Deal" manipulating everyone to get what he wanted by skirting the edges but with assistance from the NY elites & hangers on. He just did it better than they did. Definately a serial liar but he seems to actually believe them himself. He is however not who we need now, though better than Biden this is really about him losing 2022 and wanting to go out on top. He is thin skinned & sees betrayal every where so doubt he will listen to advisors this go round either.

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That sounds exactly like what I always believed Trump to be. Which is also very difficult for most people to understand.

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Everything you have written over the past few weeks has so clearly summed up the state of affairs in the political arena. The frustrating part is that Trump gets so much explosive media coverage - for FREE - because he knows just how to get the soundbites and cameras to make him look like a sweet little boy that really hasn’t been naughty, or he taunts the progressive media enough to put him in the limelight daily. Moral clarity over this past year has led me to the decision that I will never vote for a man like Trump again. I cannot in good conscience vote for someone who is the absolute worst example of character for our future generation. He has sown nothing but hatred and divisiveness in this country. He stood by and watched with revengeful glee as his worshippers hunted his foes in the capitol building and trampled anyone and everything in their path. A proud moment in history? All of this destroyed what could have been, long term, one of the most successful presidencies ever on the economic and global front - I give him credit for that. But his Narcissism will always lead him to self destruct. I will sit this one out if neither Haley nor DeSantis are the GOP candidate. Give me either one or both on the same ticket and I’ll be excited, energized, and optimistic again about the GOP.

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Everything you said is the rubber stamped informational bias of the leftist media. The most recent reveal of the Jan 6th videos proves that event was not what was told initially and pales in comparison to the countrywide riots that actually impacted thousands of lives, some ended permanently.

I hope someone other than Trump gets the nomination but I will absolutely participate. Your opinion is why people like Warnock and Osoff got into the Senate. You despise Trump so much that you would rather see a leftist socialist evil incarnate take over the country than anyone even mentioned by Trump.

The truth is harsh to hear but anyone other than any democrat is better. This past October should put a big stamp on that. While there were some trash holders in the GOP vying for Hamas, it is not even close to the number of democrats who have come out in support of Hamas. And the others who did not are still quietly in support. That fact alone is enough of a disqualifier. So by you not voting actually are in support of the dems.

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DeSantis was horribly uncomfortable in his Newsom debate. I finally watched it. I read DeSantis blew Newsom out of the water. Even with all the facts on his side, DeSantis came across as wooden and extremely nervous. Horrible performance in a layup environment. Biden would beat him by any easy 10 points. He’ll beat Haley by the same. Neither DeSantis or Haley would get anywhere near Trump’s 74 million votes. The RNC needs to stop wasting time and money. McDaniel needs to go. She’s a loser. The GOP is a losing team.

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Not sure what you watched, but he wasn't nervous in fact Newsom actually looked & sounded that way at times he was talking so fast and interrupting constantly as if afraid to let DeSantis even speak. DT only wants to win to go out on top not really in there 100% for us. His pattern is not interested in actual details or running things and once he makes a deal it's on to the next one but unfortunately, he also is not good at listening to those even on his side, hence dropping the ball and not fighting for lasting change but taking easy way out with Executive orders which of course are all now reversed.

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The stupid smile with grit teeth. Please. DeSantis is a disloyal puke. If it weren’t for Trump, he’d have never become governor. Actually, from my experience, he is far from not being detail oriented. The guy knows his shit. Seriously…

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Joe, I think I disagree with every word you typed, and probably the punctuation. You aren’t a Republican, much less a conservative, are you? Just checking.

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Who’d want to be a part of the establishment GOP? Nothing but liars and losers.

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It’s too bad the GOP can’t wisen up and figure out a deal so that either Haley drops out or Desantis does with the affirmation that they chose the other as a running mate. With an alliance and their voters united could beat Trump.

As much as I would vote for Trump were he to get the nomination, he will lose the general and we have to do what we can to prevent that.

I do believe in the polling supporter as opposed to the actual voter.

How many will choose trump in a telephone polll but once in the booth choose someone else?

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Dec 4, 2023
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Nah more will change in booth, those against DT will tell a pollster as not want to help Trump in polls.

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I made the same points last week. Another possible wrinkle - watch a possible deal behind the scenes for Haley to help DeSantis win Iowa, while she focuses on NH. She would love nothing more than a wounded Trump limping into NH where registered independents will have every incentive to vote in the GOP primary versus the Democratic primary, where Biden foolishly took himself off the ballot.

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Watch also for a Gov. Sununu endorsement of Haley as part of the plan. He has as much control over the GOP apparatus as Reynolds and Vander Plaats has over Iowa's.

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I hope they are talking and planning behind the scenes.

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Haley / DeSantis, or DeSantis/ Haley ticket. Either would give Republicans a good ticket with solid credentials and sane leadership. Two experienced governors with proven track records. They would have my vote.

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Dec 4, 2023
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Robert, got a little hate going? Go watch a little MSNBC. That may settle your nerves while the adults on this site have an intelligent conversation.

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Clever use of alliteration today.

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