Speaking of ignorance, I'm about to display mine. Why should Republicans have to investigate ANYTHING related to the Bidens? Isn't that the job of a non-partisan DOJ? Am I missing something here?

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One of the statements you made multiple times was the signal sent by the American people in November was they were 1) Tired of Trump, and 2) the character and quality of candidates matter. For many (though I cannot ever support Democrats of any ilk), the devil they know is preferable than one they do not. While the Russian proverb (ok fine, "The Klingon Proverb"--for the Trekkies), "Revenge is best served on a cold plate,' is applicable here. It's just not biblically sustainable--which in turn proves it is also unsustainable politically. If everything is "eye for an eye," you have a lot of partially blind and thoroughly ignorant people.

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No Erick! I completely disagree with this statement and the premise you asserted. "It would send a signal that the House GOP was directly set on revenge instead of instilling confidence back in government." I was so disappointed in you when I read this.

That would signal that at least someone in the GOP had a set and the spine to go with them and was willing to expose how corrupt the Biden administration is.

Now, they want to shift to big talk about government waste on the rona. Woopteedoo, anyone with a room temperature IQ knows the government waste trillions of our tax dollars and nothing substantial is ever done to stop it. Is Fauci going to get charged or lose his government benefits for all the lies he told. NO, look up Kary Mullis, the nobel prize winning inventor of the PCR/MRNR test and see what he says about Fauci.

Yeah, they'll parade a few people or businesses that took advantage of the system by using the PPP or ERTC money to buy cars or vacations and say we caught and prosecuted these people abusing the system. That's freaking happy meal money compared to the trillions of our tax dollars the govt waste that they can't and won't account for through legacy welfare programs.

Now, like the list of pedophiles that visited Epsteins island, all the Biden administration corruption is going to go away.

I thought with the speaker vote we had some reps with a spine. Guess we're back to politics as usual, protecting each others positions, damn disappointing.

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Debating someone on another Substack claiming he is a life-long Republican, but clear Trump hater, who had not heard of the Twitter Files. Even Fox News fails to report it. The MSM is the Uniparty Propaganda Machine and we can expect almost no coverage of the GOP House investigations.

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We are not the only people whose representatives take money from special interests. Sky News has stories on British MP’s and their cash cows.

Remember Spiro Agnew from 50 years ago? Nixon’s VP. When it came out that he took bribes as governor he resigned. Brandon should do the same.

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I don’t have confidence anything will happen. This story will fade away like the other dem / liberal stories.


Here anything recently about that luggage stealing dem? Yeah me neither.

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Chaz, how can you say that?? Don't you remember when Hillary Clinton used a private email server to transmit Top Secret documents, then used BleachBit and ballpeen hammers to destroy the evidence? She was fully prosecuted and.... No, wait. Nothing happened to her. Yep, you're right, nothing will happen here, either.

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Congress can’t, and shouldn’t, investigate everything under the sun. It’s not their job. There’s always malfeasance somewhere. As for classified held by former POTUSes & VPOTUSes, I’m sure there’s lots of it, and this is a tip of a large iceberg. The difference is that Biden suspended Trump’s clearance, and Trump raised a middle finger at NARA. It’s the defiance that made Trump different.

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Biden had no authority to do that in the first place and Trump was literally the president so could declassify while Biden was not. And if you don't think we should know how corrupt Biden is, then there is something wrong with you.

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I am not sure why anyone would keep calling it a "Hunter Biden" investigation. It was and will be an investigation into how much involved Joe Biden was with influence peddling and taking money from foreign countries while he was in office, including as vice president. Though from the laptop, we know with a certainty that he was deeply involved and most likely to a criminal extent. If that investigation never gets done, it is because there are enough republicans doing the same in some manner they dare not expose Joe.

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