You know, I don’t consider myself in your intellectual company because we agree, but because we study & understand the same Bible. Trust me I know this personally: there always exists a temptation to allow your rhetoric to run along side the cheers and “amens.” Many of the pastor’s thoughts are highly commendable. Yet like you, I believe voting and being involved in the political process is demanded of the mature believer in Scripture. You have said multiple times ( and this was a key tenant in my dissertation) that God instructed Israel to be involved through their actions and prayers in Jeremiah 29:7. Absolutely wonderful Erick!

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I’m not a Baptist but sure had several “Amens“ while listening to this preacher concerning the Trump Bible! I also agree with Eric that as Christians the whole of our lives should be lived through our spiritual lens. Voting is maybe the highest privilege Americans are given and therefore a powerful civic duty. It will be hard this time, but I am forcing myself to look well beyond Donald Trump to the welfare of our country. I fear what another four years of leftist agenda could do to us. Thanks, Eric, for a really good post!

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Do you know what Bible Trump is selling? I keep asking people since it seems to have so many outraged, and so far, for all the outrage, not a single person has explained what Bible it is, and what is so offensive about it. I hate to have to buy it to find out for myself.

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Go to godblesstheusabible.com.

“The only Bible endorsed by Trump”

Trump needed cash. Using the Word of God to fill his coffers is highly offensive to me. Publishing a book that puts the US Constitution, Pledge of Allegiance, and a patriotic song together should offend any of us for even a thought of equating our national laws with God’s Word.

Sleazy, classless, snake-oilsalesmanish.

I love each part but not together and most certainly not promoted by a politician running for the IS Presidency.

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Interesting. I did go to the site, and there isn't much info there. Looked it up on amazon too. Still not much info. Now since our constitution and bill of rights were created based on the Bible, I would say our laws essentially are as well. So I don't get the outrage over that part. I have also seen, but do not know which is correct, both that Trump profited from the endorsement of this Bible and that he did not. I have seen nothing to indicate that he created it though. If anything, it seems like a knock off of "The Founders Bible".

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Intended to add at the end of “Putting together…”

together with the Word of God

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All I know is if your going around shouting at me I probably won’t listen but that is there choice. You don’t have to vote weather your a Christian or a heathen or democratic socialist but you will be on the receiving end of the consequences good or bad either way.

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I am going to try this one more time. Could Eric or someone tell me if the Bible Trump is selling is "The Founders Bible" or some other Bible? And if it is "The Founders Bible" what is the problem with it that has people outraged? I have that Bible, which is not something that Trump created at all, and it is not in the least an edited Bible. Anyone able to answer the questions?

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I don’t think what Trump was sending was the Founders Bible. Apparently this pastor never knew American History or forgot it.

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Do not vote - Allow the Socialist to Vote in Abortion in the 9th month or even 3 months after birth.

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Thoughtful analysis, and on target, imho, Erick. i'm glad you included a vignette of the earlier part of the Pastor's sermon re: immoral trends in today's America. I believe we DO have a spiritual responsibility to speak out against injustice and immorality. i also agree we are just 'passing through' this earthly existence; but, while we are here' we have a citizenship responsility--not a 'privilege,' a responsibility!-- to vote as our faith dictates to advance the spiritual wisdom we've been given through prayer and Bible study. There are other examples of course, but the issue of a candidate's position on abortion is an obvious place where our understanding of God's guidance is crystal clear. As we discern a candidate's or political party's policies on killing babies in the womb, we have a clear choice between one which is trying to encourage restrictions on that abhorrent practice and the other who desires to legislate freedom to abort until the day of birth; i.e. no restrictions. Easy for me to discern which way Jesus would have me exercise my temporary earthly citizenship responsibility to vote. Not to vote our spiritual beliefs is not only bad citizenship, it is bad stewardship. Others have mentioned David Barton's Founder's Bible. Wallbuilders also has a great resource for Sunday School classes titled: "Biblical Citizenship in Modern America." Perhaps Pastor Livingston could exercise some humility to consider a different view on the subject.

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I read the Bible everyday. I am using Bible Recap and the App BibleProject

Outlines every book of the Bible.

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Do not vote? Let the Socialist and Muslims decide everything

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Actually I have never purchased anything from Trump.The Founders Bible reproduced by Dave Barton of Wallbuilders.com was originally published by Congress.

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The fellowship hall at our church is rented out for district voting.

I believe that Jesus would want me to vote for a candidate that supports his teaching and it ain’t Biden.

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Citizens have a responsibility to become informed and then vote. This includes Christians and those who are not.

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Bill watch Dave Barton on YouTube very refreshing about their preaching and their covenant with God found out country.

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Can someone tell me why it is wrong to show how the Bible was part of the inspiration for the Bill of Rights and the Constitution? I see some condemn the idea and I absolutely do not understand that.

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Because they 1) refuse to read either document carefully, 2) they do not know the difference between a “Christian culture” & personal knowledge & relationship with Christ, and 3) they—because they rarely read anything carefully (as stated in #1&2) they do not understand Scripture in its context.

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I have a copy of the Founders Bible

Found on Wall Builders.com

Our Founders included these articles in their Bible.

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I have a copy of the Founders Bible too. That is why I don't understand the people having a fit about the idea of a Bible that has information as to how the Bible was used to create our Constitution. Why does it make some so angry that such a Bible exists?

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Speaking of the Founders and the Bible, have you ever looked at Thomas Jefferson's edit of the Holy Bible? One might call it the original social gospel version, as Jefferson struck out all mentions of Christ's signs and miracles - including His ascension - and turned the gospel into a soft manifesto for social action.

Is that any better or worse than what Trump has done?

The original Israelites had Deuteronomy 12:32, which warned them to neither add to nor remove anything from what the Lord commanded.

The apostolic-era first Christians had Revelation 22:18-19, which again warns against adding to or removing from the gospel as it was given by the Lord.

Jefferson, Trump, you and I have both the above verses.

By either testamental standard, Jefferson condemned himself in God's eyes. And maybe so has Trump.

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If Jefferson literally edited the Bible, I am unaware of that. And are you saying that the Bible Trump is selling is the "Founders Bible", which, if so, he had nothing to do with creating. That particular Bible has been in publication for years before Trump. Or does he have some other one? In any event, the Founders Bible does not in any way edit the Bible. So I am still not getting an answer as to what is causing the condemnation of it.

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I cannot speak to the "Founders Bible" question as I never heard of it before today - which is why I said "maybe" re Trump's actions.

I have a copy of Jefferson's Bible on my faith bookshelf; it has been in print for decades. You can get it from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Jefferson-Bible-Thomas/dp/1503032051 That Amazon page also has an accurate synopsis of this Bible.

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Interesting. Now I must do some research. I was thinking there was a "Washingtons Bible", but maybe it was Jeffersons. And from what I recall, the original was edited in the late 1800's then again in the early 1900's. But this may be two different things. Thanks for the link. I will order a copy of the Jefferson Bible. This is clearly nothing like "The Founders Bible", which is a complete Bible, but contains details of how the Founders used the Bible in creating the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

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Apr 26
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Well stated.Hats off to you.

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