I cannot grasp the concept of any group protesting or destroying a center that exists to help pregnant woman. To me, this is the definition of satanic behavior. The people who do this are evil. They deserve to be treated as evil beings. I would favor the police using deadly force against these people.

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"Joe Biden wanted to calm things down, lower the temperature, and return the nation to normal. Instead, he is stirring the pot, raising the temperature, and setting dangerous new precedents about selective and politicized justice."

Erick, it is unclear our current POTUS has any idea what is happening around him, let alone what is happening around the country. His inability to remain coherent even when delivering carefully-prepared speeches is a clear indication he is not in his full mental faculties.

We are dealing with a radical Administration and Dem party utilizing a feeble figure head to accomplish their agenda. The real answer to your title question is "no, those actually running the show care only to force their agenda while they retain power". Election 2022 may be able to curtail some of the madness, but we'll still have a confused and inept POTUS with an EO pen and staff willing to push the agenda forward.

Come quickly Lord Jesus.

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They WANT the Right to be "radicalized".

It's part of their strategy...do you think January 6th would have happened had it not been for the ceaseless riots and protests since 2016? The "women's march" and screaming protesters beating on the doors during the SCOTUS hearings? The burning of small businesses over George Floyd labelled "mostly peaceful" protests" by the media? Inserting sexual and gender identity into kindergarten lessons to rile up the Christian parents? Pushing the "far" right into violence is what they want to happen...it gives them an excuse to demonize and eventually detain anyone who doesn't ascribe to the Left's ideology.

You nailed it years ago, Erick...when you said "You will be made to care".

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I hope the right rises up and makes noise about the double standard. I'm not wholly convinced it will happen.

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This won't just radicalize the Right. It has already served to further radicalize the Left -- as evinced by the arson attacks. The Biden Admin, in refusing to prosecute the arsonists, is emboldening them and encouraging them. You're much more hopeful than I, Erick, because I don't think there's any stopping this train to Hell that the Left has set on course. The younger generations are so fully brainwashed by the psycho-babble that its hearing in the hallowed halls of Academe that it has become impossible to have a conversation with them. Unprovable hypotheses have become "science." If you disagree with them, you're racist/sexist/homophobic and now you can add "ableist" to the list. Demonic confusion is what we're seeing on a large scale and it's only going to get worse -- because courtesy is dead and we can no longer communicate.

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As a conservative every time I hear of a mass shooting or domestic terrorist plot I am concerned that it may have been carried out or planned by someone on the right who has been, "radicalized." It appears this is the far left's last desperate play before the mid-terms. By NOT reporting on the left's attacking pro-life centers, they're pushing some unstable person(s) on the right hoping for a tragic outcome they (MSM) can then use to say, "See we told you so. The conservatives are fascists." It amazes me to see the lengths they will go to obtain power and then try to maintain it. We really need term limits. I don't know how that was NOT a part of our original constitution, but alas, even our founding fathers were not perfect. I pray daily I'm wrong about this. Conservatives need to get out the vote and if you have radicalized conservative friends please speak some reason in to their lives. Read the last Book, know Jesus, know peace.

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Have to agree with you! Good insight.

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Abortion is a a major doctrine in the progressive religion so, more than almost any other issue, it animates progressives and drives them to action.

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We are living in an era like 1933 Germany.

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I cannot but feel that they are trying to provoke a violent response, in order to justify further crackdowns on those who do not hold the same views as the progressive left.

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Frankly, the left is run by demons.

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Our FBI and Justice Departments have been radicalized. The persecution of the Christians has begun. I just don't know how much of this changes in Nov. even if we take back the Congress. Biden will veto any laws passed, he will continue to use his executive orders to ruin this country and the left will be totally out of control. Drain the FBI and Justice Department swamp and take away that damn executive order. Otherwise, we are doomed for two MORE years.

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I don't know how the politicians in the Democrat Party (270+) became so radicalized and can be so in "lock-step" with the Saul Alinsky model for Socialism. These are people with children and grandchildren growing up in this environment and not one of them has deviated from their party's ideology. What will they gain when there is no more America? We all lose.

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Over 50 million babies sacrificed at the alter of convenience. WE will all pay.

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"Choice" goes both ways. Not sure why some have such a hard time with that.

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Biden practices a 21st Century Catholicism…. I’ll have no issue with a Republican led Justice Department going on a warpath - as long as they are going after lawbreakers. One of Trump’s problem was he kept the statists hanger ons in place and paid a price for it.

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