Why should Facebook give Trump a platform when they know his primary purpose using it is to amplify a lie to the gullible?

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“ Newt Gingrich appeared on Fox News Sunday Morning Futures with host Maria Bartiromo speaking bluntly about the 2020 election stating, “there was no question the 2020 election was stolen in the key battleground states.”

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Newt has chugged the same Kool Aid as Rudy and Gen Flynn and so many others. The election wasn't perfect, but diabolical nogoodniks did not sneek 7 million votes into ballot boxes to defeat the noble Trump

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Were 7 million votes needed to swing the electoral college in the swing states?

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I believe you need to take into consideration the business model of all of the social media products. Their product is not the platform. It's the platform users. Social media companies are all about the advertising, whether directly advertising to users or selling information about their users to advertisers.

You and many others make the mistake of assuming that the social media platform is the product, that the companies own that product, and therefore they should control the use of that product. Yes, they developed and own it - for the sole purpose of enticing users. They control the platform and the users to achieve their goal of either eyes on the ads or tracking and demographics data to the advertisers.

The primary way that social media entices users to their platforms is the promise that those users can have freedom of expression. When the corporations turn around and start censoring, they break that contract - the contract that the user can say what they want as long as they allow the company to sell the user to advertisers.

With regard to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act - I believe that section should be changed to offer social media with two choices:

1. Complete protection against liability for user content as long as they act as a common carrier and do not interfere with that content in any way - no banning, no censoring, no warnings.

2. No protection against liability but the platform may freely ban, censor, and warn as long as those actions are done according to explicit, easily understood (i.e. by people with a 6th grade education level) criteria and there is a process allowing appeals to authority outside of the platform.

Different social media will choose differently based on the product they wish to sell to advertisers.

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Why do you continue to push the lie that Trump had anything to do with the raid on the Capital? You are quick to call out Trump for lying but you yourself continue to push the lie.

As far as anyone being neutral in this day and age it’s impossible. One worldview is evil straight from the pit of hell while the other worldview while not perfect at least tries to be moral. Why do you continue to stick up for liberals? If we want out country to be the same America as was founded we must stand up and fight. Like Trump or not he is the only Person right now along with Ron DeSantos who will stand up and fight. Remember Trump never started this.

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~~If Donald Trump would repent of his quasi-treasonous Jan6 incitement, perhaps he should be allowed back into public discourse.

~~Mark Zuckerberg demonstrates honorable awareness of his own human limitations when he admits that a panel should govern the decisions of his company.

~~But Facebook is false and

~~Twitter is trite, because neither one of them represent the real world.

~~ Who, or what, does represent the "real world?

~~ We, the people . . . out here on Main Street, you know us. We're Joe Blow and Jane Doe and we don't need an irresponsible blowhard ex-president to set the standards for what is publicly allowed and what is not.

~~ Now is the time for all good men and women to step up and take responsibility for guiding our nation back to its (both) democratic and republican roots. We can't take a chance on Mark or Tim or Donald or even good ole Joe who is now in the hot seat. We have two houses of Congress elected to represent us in blazing a trail back to America, back to personal responsibility, back to public decency and honesty, back to holding leaders accountable for their actions, back to liberty and justice for all, regardless of race, creed or color.

~~Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of our country.

~~ Maybe we need a new Amendment, a new branch of government. Maybe we need a body of elected representatives to govern these free speech issues that now become so problematic as out 18th-century Constitution stumbles in star-struck confusion at this incredible maelstrom of electrons whirling around in our networks, spinning webs of both

liberty and deceit in our minds, our hearts, our our huddled masses yearning to be free.

~~Zuckerberg was right. He can't do it alone. We the People have to step up and solve this problem, lest we fall into tyranny and ruin.

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Your post is excellent. That said, you wrote this:

“ Maybe we need a new Amendment, a new branch of government. Maybe we need a body of elected representatives to govern these free speech issues that now become so problematic as out 18th-century Constitution stumbles in star-struck confusion at this incredible maelstrom of electrons whirling around in our networks, spinning webs of both

liberty and deceit in our minds, our hearts, our our huddled masses yearning to be free.”

The answer to that question is, we, the people, through an Article 5 Convention of the States. www.conventionofstates.com

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"I fundamentally believe it's time to let Donald Trump back on Twitter. I don't disagree with their original decision, but time heals all wounds."

Time doesn't heal wounds that are constantly reopened because a certain someone doesn't want them healed.

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I think I have to take exception with this statement:

You'll deal with inferior devices like Androids that aren't nearly as robust or durable, but you can get rid of Apple if you want.

I have never used any Apple devices or services, and personally don't consider anything non-Apple to be inferior. Android may be different and not main stream, but inferior... Sorry, can't go with that one. The rest of the article was spot on.

Good job!!!!

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I agree with your defense of Android. Most of the friends I know who love Apple are a little bit smug about it. I am very satisfied with Android.

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