When victimhood becomes the coin of the realm, expect everyone to start their own mint and strike genuine, debased, and counterfeit pieces.

The thing I find most disturbing--and I'm sure it ties in closely with those demographics suffering most from mental illness these days--is that a sense of victimhood, especially a spurious and/or excessively performative form of it, often goes hand-in-hand with forfeiting one's agency.

And forfeiting one's sense of agency has never been good for one's mental health.

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Not victims. Vulnerable narcissists. Many with dark triad personality traits.

Vulnerable narcissism or "covert narcissism":

Hypersensitivity to criticism - They may feel shame, humiliation, or insecurity when criticized or rejected. They may react defensively, become emotionally distant, or use manipulative tactics.

Passive-aggressive behavior - They may give backhanded compliments or offer friendly advice that is critical.

Lack of empathy - They may lack empathy, or use empathy to build their own self-importance. In other words, they virtue signal empathy but it is not genuine.

Fear of abandonment - They may have a fear of being abandoned or rejected or left out.

Need for admiration - They have a constant need for praise and validation from others.

Difficulty forming trusting and loving relationships - They may have deep-rooted feelings of inadequacy and over compensate or rely on placebos like academic credentials to cover it.

Dark triad personality traits:


This trait is marked by an inflated sense of self-importance, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. People with narcissistic tendencies often believe they are superior to others and are highly sensitive to criticism.


Individuals high in Machiavellianism are manipulative, strategic, and prioritize their own goals above all else, often using deception and exploitation to achieve them. They are characterized by a lack of moral constraints and a focus on self-interest.


This trait is characterized by a lack of empathy, remorse, and antisocial behaviors, along with impulsivity and a tendency towards manipulation. While psychopathy is often associated with criminal behavior, it's important to note that it's a spectrum, and not everyone with psychopathic traits engages in criminal activity.

They may believe that others will not genuinely love and accept them


They may manipulate others to maintain their fragile self-esteem and gain sympathy or attention

Victim mentality

They may always be the victim, even when they've harmed others

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My best friends in my neighborhood are politically opposite of me. We never talk about politics and just talk about common interests.

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NYT reports something that is true? Maybe...hard to believe. Maybe there was a dustup. I don't know of any organization large or small that don't have disagreements. The best ones usually do because there is a search for the truth.

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The real victim in all this is the poor mice who weren't confused about their gender to begin with. Funny how animals don't have this problem. They're content to remain how God made them.

Trump and other administration members are playing down any so-called blowup so did it happen, was it as 'big' as the reporter alleged, who knows? There's always going to be disagreements among team members, especially ones with strong personalities. The important thing is how the people disagreeing react - do they adjust their attitude or do they get in a snit and resign. Adults adjust their attitudes, accept that they're in a subordinate role under the boss and go on because they know more is at stake then their egos and in this case, the country is at stake. I do think Rubio needs to root out more of the resistance inside his department, but it is his prerogative to chose how to do it. As for the young dudes wanting to fire ATCers, what's their reasoning? Inexperienced, young people need experienced, older people to guide them and say 'uh, no, that's not good enough reasoning'. It's part of maturing as a worker. Let's also remember - Musk, due to his autism, is not skilled in social interaction. It's up to Trump to steer his ship and keep the members working together. Also, Musk is only a temporary position so if I were him, I'd grin and bear it for the sake of the country.

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Though I agree generally that decreasing size of the government payroll is quite beneficial- I think it is important to realize that the federal government actually manages some assets quite profitably. The National Park Service is an example. And work done by the Bureau of Land Management supports not only the land but also many private businesses and workers. Layoffs at Grand Canyon National Park will lead to less tourists being able to access the park and cost much more money than is saved. Preventing seasonal workers- such as firefighters from being hired has potentially severe consequences-costing a great deal of money degrading our assets. ( public lands). Firing employees involved in multi year land management and improvement projects will decrease the value of these assets . This is likely to be very costly in the short and long run. A more nuanced and thoughtful approach to these issues is certainly warranted. It is not just the cabinet members who have access to the press-governors ,local politicians and disgruntled public do also.

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Who is being let go? No one talks about that. The muscle and the fat or just the fat?

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I expect there to be some of this friction in Trumps Cabinet because he has picked smart people and they are not all a bunch of yes men and women and he knows who they are and can name them and recognize them something the previous administration couldn’t

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Yesterday, Trump said that the Rubio/Musk blow-up did not happen. What can I say?

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I would also like to add, if you think that you are a victim think of the people of Western North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia, and LA.

And only if you have the means, check out a pet shelter. Pets can bring you a ton of laughter and love. Just sayin'.

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If you can’t have a pet at home, volunteer some time at a shelter. Dogs need to be walked and trained and kittens need to be socialized.

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Great idea

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Wonderful, exactly, and yes, yes, yes.

You have described my mother in law to a tee. She is almost 90 and she is like Eeyor. (Whinny the Pooh)

I believe the media perpetuates the victimhood mentality, poor poor pitiful me. Why can’t we just be happy with what we have. When you think things are not going well, think of this, and I have to remind myself of this. My Savior lived a short time and died an absolutely horrible death to save me. My church is my happy place. Try one near you.

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Poor mice, poorer taxpayers!

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