I believe China turned Covid-19 on the world. Just because lab workers became sick is no indication that

it was an accident. China cares not for human life of any kind. Human death is one of the simpletons of

communism/socialism. Just look at history. We should brake our ties with China ASAP. No students in our universities working in labs there. No one has explained why the Chinese spy balloon was given cart-blanch to fly over entire country before it was shot down. Why has a Chinese spy operation allowed

to operate in Cuba? It sounds to me like that is nothing new. If I remember the U.S. has a base in Cuba why aren't we countering that Chinese effort from there? I just have so many questions about the people running our country.

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I've asked myself who would be dumb enough to talk/text, threaten someone and make demands to their Chinese contact for their money on Whats App, trying to flex their muscles by saying "my dad is here with me". However, I also asked myself a few years ago who would be stupid enough to leave a laptop with highly corrupt content at a local PC maintenance shop and we see how that all turned out.

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Everyone is talking about corruption and cover up, but not one person is asking the question: WHAT DOES BIDEN HAVE ON GARLAND, WRAY, THE HIGHER UP IN THE FBI? These people must be FRIGHTENED of something. You just don’t sell your soul to the devil and lose all moral integrity. Biden as a senator was a blowhard, racist and not the smartest in the senate, plus he was a LIAR. When someone makes a lot of noise in the room, they are covering up their incompetence. QUESTION: Why would all these people cover for Biden? Also, Obama had a plan – put Joe in as V.P. and then have him run for president and manipulate and have him win. THIRD TERM OF OBAMA. All the same cabinet and Joe was given his marching orders on paper notes!

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Nice use of your Spidey-sense. Wow! All of this commentary & analysis AND I GET SPIDEY-SENSE!!!! I’ve got to sit down now..... as my mother-in-law says, I may have “the vapors!”

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I like reality, so accordingly, I don't watch game shows as an adult. After Lois learner with IRS and Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, McCabe, Comey, Clapper, Brenner NL, ( How many signed off 51?) attempted a coup against DT, and the voting fraud, I would believe the whistle Blower.

To see these despicable Dems in Congress spew their venom on John Durham is beyond disgusting. Once again JB and KH will be out of office by or begore 12-31-2024. DT will be elected in 2024.


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Problem is, the dossier and Vindman both did what they were intended to do.

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I have not and will not support Biden for President and will vote for Trump if he is the Republican candidate because another four years of the leftward movement of the Democrat/Evil party will be disastrous.

That being said, I hope that these allegations against Biden and those involved are not true. For an American government official in that high of an office to take bribes from a foreign entity is treason. What Trump has been alleged of is stupidity and prideful on his part and could have (might have) led to dangerous breeches in our national security, but not treasonous. But to have a President taking bribes as it is alleged that Biden has done would be in my mind is way beyond the pale. And for other government officials to cover up foreign bribery of a sitting President would demonstrate that the corruption in the government is irreparable.

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Erick has really crossed the line this time. The Spiderman movie is not the best superhero movie!!! The Dark Knight would like a word...

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On a completely different topic and out of right field, If a supreme court justice opening comes open under a Republican President, I would nominate Ted Cruz. I also think that C Thomas is holding out for a Republican president, so we better not lose this election.

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I agree if something is to good to be true it probably is. However if there is nothing there to see, why are they trying so hard to hide everything

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Anybody else speculate Hunter abandoning his laptop was a passive aggressive move on his dad? Maybe to sabotage the man who loved his brother more? So sad...... I agree, Erick, let it unfold and, like every dang claim of corruption of the Democrats, nothing will be done about it.

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Unfortunately, this will end up going nowhere. The wagons are circled too tight around the Biden family. Every force and entity are defending them. God Save the Queen, man..............

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Be painstakingly accurate...and don’t backdown.

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Humility and Shame, two essential elements that all our Washington pols are void of.

Zero humility and impervious to shame is why all this whistleblower stuff is just a shiny distraction over in the corner.

Yep, he’s a crook. Yep, the DNC should be seized under the RICO laws. Yep, if the FBI ever knocks on my door I pledge to pee on their shoes.


This election is lost unless we can learn to ballot harvest and come up with creative ways to get the message out without the benefit of a free press.

I know it’s a bit early in the year, but All I Want For Christmas is Articles of Impeachment and a spring’24 House Impeachment Trial.


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Being from Missouri, my first reaction to everything is , "Show me". So, yes, I want to see and hear the whistleblower and the evidence before I get excited about it.

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I've tried to withhold judgement on Merrick Garland. But have always wondered if this guy wouldn't come into some office where he could do a little axe grinding. To be a judge on the Supreme Court would have be reaching the mountain top of that profession. And that was taken away by the Republicans.

The link at the bottom of this comment is an article written by NPR in 2018, with a look back at what happened to his opportunity to be on the Supreme Court. You know, the government funded 'fair and balanced' NPR. :). This written with blue tinted shades, does give you an idea of the mindset of the left. My favorite line, "considered to be a moderate by many". I remember this being widely claimed at the time. I think it is now fair to say that based on the actions of our Attorney General to this point, that he is no moderate. And is basically the tip of the spear for the Biden Administration to attack Republicans where it can benefit them most.

Like Holder was to President Obama, Garland has proven to be an agent of cause or chaos to push forth different democrat agenda's. This comes straight from the Attorney General's Website:

The Justice Department’s mission is to uphold the rule of law, keep our country safe, and protect civil rights. Our work across the Department—including all 94 U.S. Attorneys’ offices, our law enforcement agencies, grant making components and litigating divisions—is guided by these three co-equal priorities. (This is pretty easy to pick apart, don't you think).


To be fair, I should go back and check the actions of both Attorney General under President Trump and the Attorney General's under President Bush, but frankly do not have the time.

Bottom-line, at least in the case of Garland, he has proven to be just as corrupt as the President himself, which should be a disappointment to us all.

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