Sounds good, but of the two leading ones I don't see one that will offer you that option. I will therefore have to vote for the one whose policies and actions speak louder than their perceived character.

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We never enter into the Kingdom of God by having our head questions answered, but only by commitment.

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1 Corinthians 1:26-31

[26] For consider your calling, brothers: not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. [27] But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; [28] God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, [29] so that no human being might boast in the presence of God. [30] And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, [31] so that, as it is written, “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.”

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Jesus talks about Lukewarm Churches in Revelations and with it it’s implied that that their are lukewarm people. When we accepted Jesus as our savior there was an implied contact to share the good news.Jesus speaks to you through his word. John 1:1

The fear of attending church because of Covid19 worked as Satan was happy . We’re you also afraid to go home or afraid of your car. ?

You wore a mask made in China by Satan’s Communist Command and you danced his jig. Soon the Democratic Party will direct President Biden to turn our Sovereignty over to the WHO. The desire is to reduce the population as it’s easier to control a smaller population.

I understand your Issue with your wife. I spend most of my days taking her to physicians because of insomnia, fibromyalgia,Gastroparesis,asthma, Dermatologists.

I did find a neurologist that specializes in insomnia for fibromyalgia patients. A God send .

Try living with a who hasn’t slept but 2 hours since 1990 and had to eliminate her hormone Patch after a hysterectomy in 1992 because it causes blisters on her skin .

But Today a hormone pellet will be inserted in her butt.. Hopefully it will be a good result as fibromyalgia usually as the exact opposite result

For anyone else.

Definition of fibromyalgia.It’s like when you are starting to get the flu and even your hair hurts.For a fibromyalgia patient this is 24/7. For the rest of your life. God never gives you more than you can handle.Even attending church.Trust Jesus as he cares for y’all. No political party or football team cares for you like him.

Climate change is a a Hoax played on you by Snake Salesman.You are causing higher temperatures facilitated by the government using Carbon Capture through your tax dollars. No Scientists know God’s formula for C02 for earths Protective Shield. You are being played.

Stay out of church. and become Lukewarm. Suffer the consequences. You will regret it.

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Erik you should read Oswald Chambers Devotionals at utmost.org

You’re prospective will change

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After waiting on the phone not to be called on twice I could only think one thing after listening to your commentary on why you don’t go to regularly.Satan is working to get your family out of church and it seems he is making headway.

I grew up in a household that kept close tabs on politics as my Dad was in the oil business but we were at church every time the doors opened. It’s a policy I keep even today as I voted for Trump twice but have never attended one of his rallies.I also have never met a Republican Congressman or Senator.I am 72.

My Dad was a Deacon at two Different Baptist Churches for 66 years and married 73 years. I

am currently a Deacon and have been married 49 years. My Dad was a WWII vet and didn’t ask the VA for anything until he was 88 . He didn’t think they owed him anything. I am a Vietnam Era Vet as we flew combat missions over Vietnam in a Tanker.

It took the USA government 52 years before they admitted using agent Orange In Thailand but yet only pay from the time of admittance .

If you want to see These area’s in Full 4k color then seek out Patty Doyle on YouTube.

I could tell the ending of Jonah but you will not find his desire for fish as a meal after being spit out on the beach.

I find by attending church and giving to God reaps rewards as I never need money. He provides .

Currently we are studying Jeremiah

known as the crybaby of the Bible.

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I was telling a friend the other day that Biden's nightmare scenario would be for Trump to say, "I have taken all the slings and arrows for you, but now, I must step aside to handle these legal issues. Vivek has shown he can take the MAGA mantle and carry forward. I ask you to support him." Vivek (for now) has none of Trump's baggage but would be capable of drawing Trump voters + others to him. Plus, as an unconventional candidate, I'm not sure the Dems would know how to counter his kung fu magic.

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Paul, Trump may indeed win on appeal, but the timing of all this puts him front and center in the national news cycle for the entire year. All headlines will paint a picture that will negatively influence his campaign. All other bad news will be swept under the Trump rug. Biden only needs to watch the trial schedules, from that he will poke his head out from under the beach umbrella once in a while, hand out more money, sign a few more executive orders outlawing more cars & appliances, to have the national news organizations report his message as the right way forward.

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As I think about this more, a verse from the Psalms come to mind. "Let destruction come upon him unexpectedly and let his net that he has hidden catch himself; Into that very destruction let him fall."

What may possibly occur is that each of the 4 indictments (I'm assuming the one in Georgia is going to happen) will come to trial next year and Trump upon appeal will be acquitted in all of them. This will give great credibility to the idea that these are politically motivated, and Biden (or his replacement) will have little to run on.

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So, what should we do?

He will win the nomination.

What is a realistic plan?

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Well, I hate to date myself, but I was in Athens in 1980 (?) when Herschel destroyed my Texas A&M team. I assume you are a Georgia fan. Back to Trump. I agree that Trump needs to accept the fact that he may win the primary but will lose again in the general. He isn't going to withdraw so we need to change him in some way or make sure he gets the message that without change he will not win. I will show up and support him for 4 more years should he be the only option but that is certainly not what I would hope for.

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Joe Biden will not be in office come 12-31-2023 God's nostrils are fully flared with the putrefaction decadent scent .

I do not support DT on emotion. I see DT as an outsider hated and detested by the Deep State. I see deep corruption by Obama Biden attempted Coup with the CIA, DOJ, FBI, NSA, NIA, et als. Where is the outrage, and when will GITMO Tribunals be set up to prosecute the primary participants?

I subscribe (pay) to NYT, Boston Globe, LA T, WSJ, Barron's, Bloomberg Bus Mag, NR, The British Spectator, The Economist, the litany could continue, and to my chagrin The AJC, just to see what those entities posts. I have a college degree, am a semi-retired professional Tax Expert.

On the other hand, definition of an expert can be defined as; X is a has been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure.

"Now, in 2024, Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas are not getting any younger. The regulatory state is coming for our cars, air conditioners, appliances, and our children. Donald Trump is now shackled to criminal prosecutions. It is increasingly likely a vote for Trump in 2024 will give Joe Biden four more years to radically transform America. But Trump’s voters will not be reasoned with. They did not reason their way into support for Trump. Emotion is powerful."

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So you subscribe to the liars club so you can see what the liars are saying. Expensive Habit. If you really want to know what they are doing go to website:themostimportantnews.com

Also keep up with earthquakes and what’s happening in Israel. We are In the End Times. Israel is the key .

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So Erick, using your own words, Trump won the 2016 election because Hillary was such a bad and flawed candidate, that's why he won.

Look at Biden, he is a walking (stumbling) talking (mumbling incoherent sentences) shitshow. There is no possible way his doctors can pump enough stimulants and excelon into him to keep him aware of what is going on around him for another 4 years .

Trump is a narcissistic, egotistical asshole. I would love to see Desantis team up with Halley or Scott to put him out of contention. You're looking at possibly 16 years of really making America great again.

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Hillary was a badly flawed candidate.It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that and Trump was 1000 times better than her except for his mouth.Trump won Because God wanted him in office and Biden won for the same reason. But Biden has done sheer evil in God’s eyes. Tim Scott would be Gods choice but he’s not voting we are.

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The only likely resolve is for the current primary rep. candidates to sit down together and choose amongst them who will run on the republican ticket. Each will then concede knowing they will have a pending roll in governing the country. A drawn out primary guarantees 4 more years of this misery.

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You touched a nerve with this one, Erick!

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As a pragmatist I have little choice but to vote for Trump should he win the primary. None of us truly, in our heart of hearts, think Trump articulates clearly or shows compassion. He failed the leadership test the last time out and did not grow into the job as I had hoped he would. Perhaps his narcissistic personality cannot be changed but, if it were possible, Trump's image might improve. Were he a junior executive, with acknowledged promise, a truly great organization would invest both time and money training the person on ways to overcome the obvious faults. Trump needs an advisor/coach to improve his public perception, smooth out the rough edges, and add a level of statesmanship to his speeches. Do this and shift to policy focused message he could win back may of those who failed him last time around.

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Aa a Christian I will be voting for The candidate who upholds Gods laws.

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Rex, these were my thoughts as well for him after losing in 2020. Was hoping he would learn, and as I see no evidence of it, I am very ready for passing the baton. What I wish I could convey to President Trump is that if he would back out because of the obvious target he has become and just strongly back a Republican candidate, he would do more to help our nation than he would if he continues to run.

Back in the early 80's, I was at an Auburn - Georgia game, in which Georgia won. They won by giving Herschel Walker the ball over and over, but not always. Herschel was double, triple teamed, and Auburn managed to stop him. But, when the ball went to a lesser know running back, that guy scored. Trump is currently stuck in a tar pit/minefield, and, excuse the mixed metaphors, I wish he would lateral the ball. I wish he would realize that by lateraling, by strongly supporting a younger candidate, he would be incredibly appreciated by all conservatives. I can't see how a republican strongly supported by President Trump, would not be able to overcome the mess that is the Biden administration. Could he be persuaded? Has anyone even thought of trying? The democrats are engaging in lawfare...none of the charges would ever be thrown against anyone else but Trump. We can't stop them continuing to hit him, so I am suggesting a judo move, use the opponent's weight against them. We have to be smarter than the dems because they control the media...they don't even have to try.

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