Our Church is growing.

We pledge allegiance to the Flag and the Christian flag and the BIBLE .

We have new members every week .

Progressive is a disease like Syphilis as it rots the brain.

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And ditto for the Methodist Building in DC. "At least it's worth something."

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Well, then, maybe it's time to invoke the 3rd Law of Thermodynamics: Push it as close as we can to Absolute Zero.

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Are we still not considering that the primary focus for Kennedy is Food and Pharma? He is not going to be influencing the abortion debate or making law on the subject. I disagree with Kennedy on many issues, but not on those two subjects. And if someone can name for me a through and through pro life conservative, who has stated they will also take up the mantle against Food and Pharma, I will gladly approve of him instead. Kids in third grade weigh more than I do and are not nearly as healthy, and I am 70. Kennedy is not wrong on these two issues and no one else seems to care at all.

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Having chatted with Weyrich in his office so many years ago, I join you in this sad sacrifice of principle over some sense of excitement that Kennedy will disrupt “the system” Disruption to corruption to destruction. Say good bye to any chance at market based health care reform.

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I was shocked when I saw the article the Heritage Foundation wrote promoting their $1M ad campaign for RFK Jr. If, as some speculate, it's about a place at the table, how will the HF explain their support for him when the administration's abortion policy exposes the man they supported? Why are we (conservatives) expected to believe that the man's heart is suddenly different, when neither he nor Trump have even hinted that's the case? Hopefully, some R senator actually asks RFK what he believes about unborn life.

Trump was (is?) a New York liberal who is smart enough to pretend to be a conservative, knowing conservative voters have no one else even pretending to champion thier causes. I may be assuming things about both of those men that are not true, and we know what "assuming" can do, but this reeks of political payback for Kennedy's support. And oh yeah, you conservatives better just like it, or there'll be mean tweets about you too. Have mercy.

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I have always thought that Kennedy was a "quick pick" of Trump's and that he would only be around for a short while. I think that Trump has a plan to replace him down the road, and not too far down either. PS I appreciate your position on him.

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Kennedy is not convert, he is stroking Trump's ego.

Further, even if he has changed his positions, which it is obvious he has not, he engages in word play (as opposed to Kamala's word salad) to twist both with is asked and what he has actually said on the matter, there is a reason you only study dead Christian teachers, because they may vere off course.

What the Heritage Foundation is doing is gaslighting themselves into believing RFK is not what he is, and when he demonstrates he is what he is the Heritage Foundation will be in a pickle. They will

1) continue to fall to the left and double down becoming a propaganda service.

2) Say OMG we had no idea, we were deceived. A lie nonetheless.

3) Repent and beg forgiveness.

If not #3 they have taken the first step to irrelevance and self-destruction.

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Erick, I really enjoy reading your articles as they are so thought-provoking and insightful. With regard to your most recent article this morning, it is at a minimum troubling to see the Heritage Foundation waiver such as it has on the RFK Jr nomination. That said, this is above my pay grade, but my hope and prayer is that they're opting to at least have a voice & heard sitting at the table rather than being left outside in the cold and risk becoming somewhat irrelevant. That is to say I hope their overall core values have not really changed. That is a supposition of course as I have no way to validate that statement; it is more of a hope, wish and a prayer!

Rich J. ATL

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Kennedy strikes me as personally strange and unstable, with a worldview not based in truth. America needs Republican senators to ask him to clearly state his positions on issues during his hearing.

The comparison that Erick is making is comparing the formerly principled Heritage Foundation to mainline Protestant denominations that quit believing decades ago that the Bible in its entirety is THE inspired Word of God. They believe in everything, they believe in nothing.

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It seems to me we need someone who will, at the least, attempt to break the rotating door between big pharma/big health and regulators. The American diet and as a consequence Americans health is abysmal. So much “food like products” are sold as actual food, but are anything but. If we are serious about reducing health care costs, we have to start at the American Diet. This means not allowing big ag to put all sorts of these chemicals in the food like products.

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The principal aim of the tobacco companies that WERE ALLOWED to purchase the food companies was to make foods that were every bit as addictive as their tobacco products. Who better to engineer how many generations of "fatties" on America. How much profit was generated all the way around from the food industry to the health industry and ultimately to the insurance and burial entities? I should live so long to know.

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Bingo. At some point the government has to stand for the people and against mega-corps, and actually protect people from the mega-corps.

It’s a sad fact, there are greedy avaricious people who don’t have a care or concern about other people. These will take advantage of whatever lack of regulation, loopholes, corruption, revolving doors, etc to keep their money flowing in. Yes, they will eventually pay the rich man’s price while Lazarus is in paradise, but that doesn’t help the people.

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Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, 2 for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

I Timothy 2:1-4

At the end of the day, or the beginning, the most strategic thing I can do as we approach a new administration is to pray for President-elect Trump, RFK and everyone else in his administration. In doing so I am not conceding an incapacity to act nor am I condoning this administration's decisions, some of which I may differ. Rather, I am engaging at the most basic and important level that will make my voice heard in Washington a way no other appeal possibly can.

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Sadly, the Heritage Foundation has been drifting quietly to the left for years. It and The National Review had always been the websites I checked daily. But those days appear to be over. I think Kennedy's confirmation heating will be more acerbic than Hethsig's. But the vitriol may be coming from the right this time, and this may well have been the plan all along. If so, it'll be another example of Trump playing 3D chess while the left is playing checkers.

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You are spot on as always America as we know it is headed straight to Hell but if you hump Trump’s leg as some do supposedly it’s ok ITS NOT

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Again I make the point…watch Senator Hailey who is a conservative and prolife. His wife leads Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) which was instrumental in overturning Roe. I have heard RFK has made assurances to the prolife community that he will reinstate the prolife policies from Trump’s previous administration and will not push pro abortion policies. If he back tracks the prolife community along with the Heritage Foundation will push back and ask for RFK’s removal.

I also believe RFK is not solidly pro abortion, but played that card which is what you have to do to be in the Democrat sandbox. I don’t think he really cares about the issue and is more comfortable fighting the pharmaceutical companies and their alliance with the government.

So take a breath.

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This is why God and the Bible are where we put our faith and not human institutions. Human institutions are guided by, humans. Fallible, fallen, and flawed humans who change. They change not because they've discovered a new truth and walk the hard path of helping others discover that new truth, but because they've discovered what they think is an easier path. Unfortunately, it is neither true nor easy. There is nothing new under the sun.

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