Pride is the deadliest sin because it prevents honest self-reflection and correction and opens the door to every single other sin and potentially on a catastrophic scale when it’s anyone with a modicum of power…and pride loves power like a moth to the flame. Environmentalism, Scientism - these are the prevailing religions and it holds that human beings are the smartest most powerful beings. That is not so, and sorry for the environmentalists, but Satan’s Kung Fu is better than yours and that spirit of destruction’s whispered suggestion that you believe is your own brilliance inevitably involves death being the solution and uses your own striking hand as the means. In the end, like the sorry protagonist in a fable, you don’t accomplish your goal, you smear your cause, and you’re guilty in the eyes of all. Look at how many dictators end up killing off their populations in order to save their populations… one tragic example are the environmentalists who killed elephants to save elephant habitat in order to save elephants (good TEDX talk on that debacle)… the democrats who have cheered the murder of millions of poor Americans to save poor Americans, the vegetarians and animal rights activists who have caused mass habitat destruction in order to make farms to grow more low-incomplete protein grains. Scientific hubris has prematurely killed far more people than even dictators.

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The environmentalists progies are happy to by oil and gas from Russia and have their rare earth metals refined in China so they can feel good about themselves. [paraphrased]

That is such a powerful and blinding flash of the obvious.

It is pretentious, superficial, inanity.

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