The progressives, specifically those who try to fit Marx with clerical vestments and declare him a theologian, talk endlessly about the notion of "collective salvation", a concept which exists nowhere in Scripture. All salvation always has been, is, and forever will be individual. 'Nuf said.

As for Hannah Dreier: Her lies are yet again of how firmly Ron DeSantis has taken up rent-free residence in the minds of progressives, and more evidence that they FEAR his possibly running for the Presidency in 2024 every much as they do Donald Trump's doing it.

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One commentary talks about "Christian privilege" about which he is proud to have. But only about a tenth of humanity accepts Jesus as its savior. What's been happening and going to happen to the other nine/tenths? Sometime about seven decades ago I started searching for an answer to that question. And what I realized early on - within the Christian milieu of human society - is that it is Jesus' teachings about how to behave in human society vis-a-vis one's fellow human beings - that are important and how he would view the situation as well.

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Thanks for your report. Your point about true religion, as compared to the secular versions, rings true. Although some of your generalized characterizations are over-simplified as cartoonish caricatures, I get the point and fully agree with it.

Male friendships, precious and ancient as they are, ought not to be contorted into hokey-pokey-woky propaganda based on hyper-sexualized perversion.

When I see you, Erick, in our eternal home with Jesus, we will indeed be accompanied by a host of faithful friends, We will all gather with angels, and with Abraham, Martin and John, with Mary and and Martha and Joanna and Rosa et al, and sing: "Free at last, free at last! Thank God Almighty we are free at last!."

In that realm we will discern the content of each other's unique character. We will, at last, not be judging each other by the color of skin.

More than likely, we will have no skin. Just souls. Washed in the blood of Christ and risen in His Yahweh power.

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That’s a lot of reality in one report brother Erick. I have been fully informed today !😀

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Dreier will never be punished or asked to answer for this. Her tweet is clickbait that drives up WP's ad revenue. She did her job for her employer, and did it well. Truth be damned.

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I suspect that when Judgement Day arrives there will be a lot of pissed off secularists tweeting and picketing Our Lord and Savior complaining about Christian privilege. Hannah is likely to be one of them.

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The Luca complaint is simply a public preference for something that's been the case in fanfic for decades. Way back when, I would see warnings/notices of certain Star Trek fanfic as being "slash" or Kirk/Spock. I had no idea what it meant, but I didn't read the stories. Now, "slash" is common in fanfic stories based on just about every TV show or movie out there. It's a shame.

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EE said “… roughly every two thousand years He seems to remind us He’s still around.”

I failed Old Testament in a Protestant seminary. And as a Catholic convert, I am not the best biblical scholar anymore, so this question is genuine: how do you figure God reminds us of His presence every 2,000-ish years?

I’ll suppress the urge to explain my take, as it would, despite my intent, likely be seen by most as snide (at best!) in textual form.

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This is an excellent piece....well, mostly excellent anyway....

Eschatology is one of those "open handed" things for me. While I can defend my Pre-Mill & Pre-Trib views, I do not close my fist around them so I have the means to pummel those who disagree. You are correct that everything will end "in Christ."

Yet how we view the end times will impact our worldview now. Since I'm not there yet and I cannot know with certainty what has not yet occurred, I will accept by faith all the promises of Scripture and those things which fall under the "not now and not yet."

I also accept by faith we all will agree in Heaven.

And while I am ever thankful for your analytical mind, I can't wait to talk about this with you in the Millennial Kingdom.....


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We watched a fair amount of Luca when the granddaughter was here last week. It's a sweet story. Why do people assume more than is there? Because people want the world to revolve around them. Entitlement complex is out of hand.

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The neo-racist business plan

Phase 1: Collect White People into an identity group.

Phase 2: ?

Phase 3: Profit!

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In the western world's great self-governing experiment which was one outcome of the Age of Discovery, it was the European settlers who created themselves as an identity group wherever they created permanent communities throughout the New World. And w/ regard to the Africans they began importing for the purpose of providing labor to their economic development efforts, they found placing those human beings in a separate sub-human identity group w/o any rights of its own, best served their purposes.

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Excellent commentary today. Thank you!

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