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" Trump supporters say wanting an actual Republican Administration is now being a RINO."

This is a lifelong Dem doing what Dems do: Lying so outrageously that you're too stunned to exercise the warranted skepticism (aka, "gaslighting")

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So THAT'S what a sane person looks like debating! Forgive me, I hadn't seen one (and last night, only one) since 2012.

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My source says 82% of donations to Salvation Army goes to donations and 90% for Red Cross

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Many times the "AWFUL" moderators didn't even wait for a response to fact check. They were prefacing their questions with a premise so that if Vance contradicted them they already had banked the fact check.

And what the heck was Walz doing with his pen. He wasn't taking time to write anything. It almost looked like he was checking off notes or something. The split screen was so telling, with Vance calm and composed and Walz constantly fidgeting and looking down.

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Two things; First, I feel the reason Jake Tapper, Dana Bash was soft on Biden during the Biden/Trump debate is because they were told the Democrat Party was ready to take Biden out and they needed to let him talk himself into a hole. They knew exactly what they were doing or told to do. Secondly, The people who will vote for a Harris/Walz presidency need to remember if they win and if "President Harris" needs to step aside or out of the Presidency - IT WILL BE PRESIDENT WALZ! next in line. Give them something to think about.

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I respectfully disagree. I believe these debates should matter, could matter, and in this case, will matter. Why? Because, as we've seen twice, the VP is a hair trigger from becoming our president. Their beliefs do matter. Look at the mess we've got right now. Word salad attempting to explain the ramblings of a dementia patient. It's terrifying. But we can change this by paying attention to ALL aspects of our national elections. Do we want Vance or Walz as our next president? You decide.

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It's a great point, and you may be onto something here. VP debates USED to not matter, but given recent events, maybe people are indeed paying attention.

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Yes, exactly. We really do need to start paying much closer attention.

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It's no wonder that the Democrats were trying to downplay the VP debate before it even happened. Vance handily won that debate, even though it was three-on-one.

How about another debate, this time hosted by Fox News with Ben Shapiro and Tucker Carlson as the moderators?

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This debate could prove to be more consequential than the conventional wisdom holds.

If actuarial science catches up with Trump, America will be ready.

If another wacko goes after Trump, America will be ready.

If Trump gets impeached and convicted, America will be ready. And the GOP might be willing to help more this time.

If Trump gets 25Aed by his cabinet, America will be ready.

With as razor-thin the margins in this election will be, every voter matters.

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I literally JUST commented to a friend how STUPID the red tie / blue tie thing is!! Like what the hell, am I incapable of identifying my candidate without this visual reference? Is that how low the "low information voter" actually is, that they need this kind of reminder to know who to vote for?

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2

Indeed, Erick, Vance is the slicker debater, for whatever that is worth. However, there was still that little stumble at the end where Vance just could not bring himself to say that 2020 was not stolen from Trump. And then he follows that up by saying the transfer of power was "peaceful"? This guy, like his boss, has some serious character issues. Too bad he is not the same guy he was before he became Trumpified.

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Yeah, he could have helped himself by dropping the kayfabe.

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Ten points for giving me a new word to look up! Had no clue what it meant.

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Not so fast, Erick, about VP debates not mattering. I saw several postings last night of people on X saying they had planned not to vote, but seeing J.D.'s debate performance have changed their minds as he gave them hope of what a Trump/Vance GOP future could look like. They are voting for Vance.

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Mr MacGoo or the third -three stooges.

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The Stepford Moderators, following Wednesday Addams. Good grief.

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The school marms-what an appropriate term-really re-enforced the public perception by many of what goes for the media types these days. The “B’s” continue their decline. Their advocacy rather than reporting continues to erode public confidence in the networks. Pitiful lot.

Well done, Vice President Vance. No note-taking, firm grasp, skilled performance.

The GOP has an outstanding bench. He just adds to it.

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JD Vance gives us a preview of what a post-Trump GOP could look like.

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