This was a great article!!! Stupidity knows no political boundaries, nor any boundaries really... I hope that everyone reads all the way to the end. Your point about the "Numbers" and putting them in context is sooooo very important. As a Data Architect who "tells stories" through the numbers, you can tell completely opposing stories from the same data. Context is key and critical. To say that cases are up a HUGE %.. that sounds alarming.. but as you stated...if that % increase is a super low % of the total population then you are not being honest with the facts.. You are creating fear and telling your story a certain way to make YOUR point...

Speaking of numbers and the Delta Variant... If this variant is as contagious as it is reported to be and with just about 60% of the 18+ population immunized and then another 35 million who have had COVID, I seem to remember the "experts" talking about getting to 70% ish level of immunity to STOP the virus with Herd Immunity.. Where did that "science based fact" go?

It is a shame and sad when anyone gets sick or God forbid dies from this Virus, but at this point, and maybe I am wrong, we have hit a point where for the most part it is now the result of your personal choice to NOT take the vaccine if you contract COVID. Yes there are breakthrough cases and yes there are other outlier stories out there.. but if you put them in perspective and context they are super super rate.

Let's get back to normal and all of us live with the consequences of our choices. If there is some portion of our population that are at risk and legitimately can't get the vaccine then lets protect them without creating hysteria and fear and potentially putting us back into lockdowns and mask mandates.

Let the rest of us get back to enjoying our lives, our families and friends without interference from illogical Government Mandates trying to protect those that are making their own choice. I support the ability for people to make their own choice, but I also respect that we all need to live with the consequences of our choice.

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Bravo Erick! You are educating the public even as your admonish them,

especially with thought-provoking historical tidbits such as:

"Because the king of England had decided to confiscate the arms so that they could not do to him what Charles the First had happen to him by Oliver Cromwell. So they put it in the English Bill of Rights."

Keep up the good work, with these these exhortation epistles against our present plague of stupidity!

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You are spot on regarding herd stupidity. We actually live in the middle of hipsterville. Yesterday my husband told me what he read regarding the restaurant Argosy saying they only want vaccinated patrons. We both thought it was stupid...BUT my response was simply "Well, they are in the right neighborhood for that policy." I may or may not go back there... but it IS their business to run as they see fit. It's actually a pretty nice place. The cocktails used to be really good. But my friend said they are now saying they dont serve old fashions with a marichino cherry and she had to school the waiter and the bar. So...that's more of a deterrent for me! Lol

My body my choice.... well, it IS. I chose to get a vaccine. But my daughter can choose for herself when she is grown and there is more information and time.

...And yes, the progressives conveniently forget that there is a third body involved. It's sad. But it stops them from having any guilt I suppose.

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Erick, you wrote:

"I saw the ACLU's social media account tweeted out that the Second Amendment is a product of racism and was put there to maintain slaves, which is historically not true."

I have noted that stupidity is particularly rampant whenever the Second Amendment is discussed. The historical fact is that the first gun control laws in American history were passed as racist measures to insure that freed blacks wouldn't get all "uppity" and start bearing guns and all; you know, anything might happen if such folks managed to get their hands on the means to defend themselves:

"The first selectively restrictive gun control legislation was enacted in the pre-Revolution South and primarily aimed at keeping free blacks from owning firearms and maintaining a white monopoly on power. Many different forms of gun control laws were implemented before and after the Revolution to keep firearms out of African-American hands. Even after the Civil War, Black Codes were enacted which ensured that supposedly freed blacks would not have effective means to defend themselves, and would remain an unarmed and subordinate group in society, unable to defend themselves or fight for their legal and constitutional rights.

"By the end of the 19th century, the focus of gun control shifted from predominantly anti-black to anti-immigrant legislation. This was also the first time that gun control was enacted in

the northern United States where there was almost no firearms legislation in place prior to the

late 1800’s. With the arrival of European and other immigrants in the country, anti-immigrant

prejudices arose and anti-immigrant groups did much to associate immigrants with crime."

https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1142&context=srhonorsprog It should be noted that many African Americans, aware of this fact, still believe this, and I dare say that they have very good cause to do so. In fact, past racism certainly explains the reticence of African-Americans to get the COVID vaccine; If members of YOUR ethnic group had been subjected to involuntary sterilization or allowed to die from syphilis in the name of scientific research, you, too might have some innate distrust of the medical establishment.

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But not everything you say is necessarily true either, Erick. It's your opinion and I accept it as that.

I do agree with you though, when did stupid start getting worse. It is out of control but then again you just can't fix stupid.

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"Can you not just think for yourself and have some level of principle and value without being caught up in a herd mentality?"

According to Fauci, isn't herd mentality a key aspect how we get to herd immunity ;-)

Ignorance is Strength!

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Instead of debating when this crap started let's discuss when sanity will return? What will shock the culture back to reality? I'm thinking it won't be a good thing but I could be wrong.

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I saw this story earlier today. The restaurant owner is within their "rights" as a business owner to do what they think is best to protect their employees' wellbeing. I also have the right to walk to another establishment. I am vaccinated and did wear a mask to protect myself and my elderly mother. Every day I make decisions about which businesses I will patronize. For example, if a restaurant or store has a sign that says no firearms allowed, I walk away. I carry. I will go to another establishment that respects my eight to carry and protect myself. We make choices everyday for many reasons. I respect this business person's decisions and they should respect mine to walk away.

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I agree that progressives throw "racist" at way too many things, but here Erick applies the term "stupid" to far too little of today's thinking on the right. It is "stupid" for anyone to deny climate change when it's 121 degrees in Canada and California now goes up in flames each and every year. It is "stupid" when for the first time in the entire 231-year history of our constitutional republic (a) a losing candidate for President claimed election fraud, (b) power did not change hands peacefully (even the Confederates made no effort to keep Lincoln from taking office), and (c) one draws no connection between the two. It is "stupid" to continue supporting a leader who once called Covid a "hoax" (knowing full well it was not) gets vaccinated himself, then stands silent on the vaccination issue as his followers die.

Turning now to those who refuse to get vaccinated - regardless of party affiliation - "stupid" seems wanting as a description. (1) Even if we don't yet know about the long-term effects of the vaccines, we don't know that about the virus either. (2) We do know that the vaccines won't kill you while the virus just might; and that was before the ascendance of this new variant that NO ONE denies is even more deadly and contagious. I mean, the math on this is really not hard; Alabama's Republican governor basically calling it "common sense." Meanwhile, it so happens that those incapable of this calculation tend also to deny global warming, deny Trump's culpability for January 6th, and to take no note of his failure to speak out on a matter where, in the mere act of doing so, he could literally save lives.

While I might not share your spiritual beliefs, mine put a heavy emphasis on compassion for others. It is therefore with some shame that I acknowledge my inability to feel any for the unvaccinated. Paraphrasing Charles Darwin, any trait not conducive to survival tends to get weeded out over time. Maybe it is just the natural order of things that unduly high levels of stupid in the human genome eventually find a way to their own demise.

Again, it is wrong for me to feel that way, but that is in fact how I feel.

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I still want the "People Are Stupid" coffee mug....and maybe a bumper sticker. And a yard sign. Etc.

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The stupid with not inherit the earth.

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I agree with your thoughts regarding all the stupid reactions by those on both the right and the left. One suggestion though on the perspective on hospitalizations in San Francisco would be to report total COVID hospitalizations in all the hospitals that serve the 4.7 million people, not just the one 700 bed hospital. I suspect it's still very insignificant, but it might be a better way to assess it. Keep up the good work!

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Amen brother. All the stupid is why I'm politically homeless and might be for a very long time.

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The Nazgul in Mordor didn't ride horses...they rode "fell beasts". Did you mean the "Forces of Mordor"?

Other than that...great article.

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Well, as the famous comedian Ron White says "You can't fix stupid".....

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When did people become stupid? I'd say it increased exponentially as Trump survived the primaries. I didn't think he had a chance...next thing you know he's still here. Remember how the left thought if they talked tough, like Trump, they'd be like trump? Nope, they sounded like idiots...still do. A problem is, no matter how juvenile we see the left act...sometimes throwing it back at them feels good, even if it doesn't really help.

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