
We don’t allow minors to legally purchase tobacco products or alcohol. We don’t allow minors to get tattoos. We don’t allow minors to enter into legal contracts or vote. We have “Age of Consent” laws. And why? Because minors are not mature enough to handle such things or make those kind of decisions. So why, then, does the Left think it’s just fine if a 12-year-old boy wants to mutilate his genitals, take hormone therapy and puberty blockers because he thinks he wants to be a girl? Gender-shifting practices like these are life altering and we don’t know for sure what the long-term effects will be. So why is this particular thing deemed acceptable for minors? When you turn 18, you’re legally an adult and you can do those things. Fine, go for it. But for minors, it’s a completely different story. Why are Democrats so against laws which protect kids under-18 from these practices?

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so evil

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I agree totally, this is evil. Another way of slapping God in the face and saying to Him, "you did not know what you were doing when you created male and female"

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I have read and listened to a lot of history books. Human Sacrifice and children sacrifice were common. For instance, in the pre-Columbian Andean cultures, young girls (age 14 or so) were killed to help pave the way for their family to access heaven. I am not conversant in this practice or Adean theology, but I do know the believed in the underworld (symbol was a snake), earth (symbol was a jaguar), and heaven (symbol was a Condor). I think this is similar to Aristotle cosmology. They also believed in duality (good vs bad, up/down, male/female, left/right, etc.). These 14-year-old girls were raised form a young age to prepare for their death and rise to heaven. They were thought to be the prettiest girl in the family/community). They believed they would rise to heaven and help their family members enter heaven. So, to the 14-year-old girl, this was a privilege/honor. Obviously, this was not consistent with Christianity and the practice was stopped once the Spanish arrived. Would it have stopped if the Andean culture had time to further progress? Who knows.

My point is the Left progressive woke seems to embody a similar thought process or faith system in that your "gender identity" is subject to diverge from your biological sex and can be aligned by changing the biological sex. The Woke left does not seem to have a clear foundation for this belief. Adolescence is a confusing time for most people socially and physically. Puberty, intimacy, knowledge, and many other factors are undergoing a profound shift for adolescents, and they need support, guidance, leadership and challenges to overcome the hurdles on their path to adulthood in a complicated information based socio-economic system.

Teenagers have to be prepared to be self-sufficient in a world with complex problems and challenges and be able to face these issues for 40 or more years as an adult. They need their body to grow as their unique genetics dictate. Why anyone would think it is ok to halt and reverse biology is unfathomable to me unless my faith and understanding of life and human society is completely alien to the woke Left and their views on gender and transitioning.

I think they are just sacrificing kids because they never successfully delt with their own internal struggles in our complicated world. But who knows why they think this.

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These people deserve to no longer exist.

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Concur. Evil...in the biblical sense of the word.

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The left is truly anchored in their insane beliefs. Biden was billed as a moderate when he ran. The days of the "sane" moderate Democrat in office are over. Now there is a mask of sanity. As a block Democrats vote in ways that demonstrate that they would be happy in Sodom and Gomorrah as they seek to destroy the morals of a country with their pagan worship.

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While many on the right (including me) tended to parody and mock the ascension of Pennsylvania's failed State Health Director, Dr. "Rachel" (Richard) Levine, to Assistant Secretary of Health in the Biden Administration, we took our eye off the ball. Those of us in PA at the time suffered through her and then-Gov. Tom Wolfe's worst-in-the-nation pandemic management, including forcing Covid-positive seniors back into nursing homes, while Levin moved "her" mother out. Levine's promotion - bordering on a mandate - to force trans surgeries at any age, often without parental approval, is pure evil. This diversity hire must removed from the public sphere as fast as possible. Levin, like Biden, is corrupt to the core.

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Recently videos and other documents detailing private conversations between people associated with WPATH were to the public. They show that much of the so called "Standards of Care" issued by WPATH

have no science behind them.

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Interesting that those who are pushing for the allowance of “underage” gender transformation are still steadfast that those under age 21 can not drink.

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You are not capable of deciding if you should drink a beer/alcohol under 21 but you are capable of making the decision to have a life altering surgery or take medicine! Really!! this makes no sense.

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...and God forbid smoke a cigarette. However, lighting up an unfiltered joint would probably be fine with them to further poison their developing mind.

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Bowman represented the district I grew up in. I’m ashamed he ever represented that district. My aunt was President of the taxpayers association. When she passed away, Engel led the effort to rename the street she lived on Mary Lauro Way. I didn’t like his politics but I respected his effort to do that for my aunt.

As for the rest? Pure evil!

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The left fostering confusion in and then sterilizing their children is just mindboggling to me. Setting a child up for a lifetime of mental problems and hardships all to allow them to strut around proclaiming their ally-ship is just the height of depravity. No more clear a case of child abuse.

I'm sure the climate impact is an added bonus in their minds. I'm waiting for the next shoe to drop from these serial narcissists.

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If compassion were the goal and not profits, delusional kids would be treated with counseling and guidance based on faith ... not with scalpels and chemicals.

Oh, and Rachel Levine is a delusional, wanger-equipped male playing let's pretend in a dress. His pronouns are "he" and "his". God and God's biology decided that. Who am I to argue?

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The devil is dancing in glee today.

Follow the science until it interferes with the narrative.

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Rather than evil, what I would call it is none of our business. I don't think that I or anyone else who is not experiencing it really understands gender dysphoria, and certainly not any better than the affected individual, that person's doctor, and his/her parents.

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I live in Cobb County, Georgia and have been for a long time. Our citizenry here over the years has been moderately liberal to conservative for the most part. I have an anecdote that I personally witnessed. My next door neighbors, God bless them, right about the time they retired, were approached by Georgia DFACS when their three grandchildren were taken away from their seriously drug-addicted parents for extreme neglect. They sacrificed their retirement, eventually formally adopting their three grandchildren and raise them to adulthood. The youngest child, a boy, was two years old when it happened. He was profoundly affected by the emotional trauma and was in counsling in the years growing up. In his senior year, he decided that he was transgender. His counselors at school supported his decision to start taking the drugs to change his body. Now four years later, "she" still lives at home withg them, supported by "her" grandparents. I have never seen a more despondent, depressed, and reclusive individual. The transition to a transgendered "woman" has not made anything any better for this individual. Her grandparents are in their 80's now and in very poor health. They wonder what is going to happen to her when they pass away. I have heard some people say that there is no Satan. There most is. Eric is correct: this is Evil!.

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I think it is borderline insane to let a child touch a firearm until a certain age: none of my business.

I think homeschooling deprives children of essential social skills: none of my business.

Certain interpretations of Christianity strike me as too bizarre to teach to kids: none of my business.

A lot of conservatives lost their minds over the notion that vaccination should be up to anyone except a child's parents, despite the potential effect in spreading diseases to others. Here, this affects no one except a child and his family. Evil or not, it's none of our business.

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"When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pirate. Thank God, nobody took me seriously and scheduled me for eye removal and pegleg surgery."

Bill Maher May 21, 2022

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The people who DO understand gender dysphoria tell us that the proper response is psychological help to deal with the root cause, because the evidence shows that the depression, etc, does not go away with the transition. It remains. Also that hormonal treatment and surgical mutilation has been shown to be unhealthy for someone prepubescent and experiencing puberty. The evidence also shows that many regret having the mutilation done after they grow out of the phase they are in. Twenty one should be the minimum age, just like for purchasing alcohol or tobacco.

The elites are the ones pushing for the physical alterations and have convinced some medical professionals and politicians to go along with them.

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What has that got to do with it being none of our business?

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As a community and a nation, just like our laws against young people purchasing alcohol and cigarettes, we have a responsibility not to go along with the lie and not participate in the lie.

If someone is talking and acting like they want to harm someone else, is it none of our business?

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Harm someone how? By buying someone under 16 a firearm? By homeschooling or teaching children versions of Christianity with which we don't happen to agree? By not getting kids vaccinated?

One man's harm is another man's my-family-none-of-your-business.

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Based on your comments here and elsewhere on this post, it is none of your or our business if your neighbors are prostituting their 12 year old boy and girl twins for sex and we should do nothing about it. There is no harm. It is none of our business that a mother causes her baby in her womb to be become addicted to cocaine or another drug. There is no harm to the child. There is no harm in the father or mother, after his or her child's birth, throwing her child in a dumpster to die. It is non of our business.

I get it.

None of your examples above involve physical harm to a child. In fact, it is becoming more and more evident that the totality of the vaccinations we give infants and children do more harm than good.

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Yes, it is a mental illness and should be treated as such. Preforming mastectomies and hysterectomies on teenage girls is evil.

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Interesting. And what medical school did you attend?

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And giving hormone treatment to teenage boys (which is also going on to a significant number) is evil as well.

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Hopefully you are talking a mental health professional

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This is a local example of some people supporting this insanity. And yes, they will always come up with justifications for it. And sadly, there are a significant number of our citizens supporting this, or it would never be considered.

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Were it my kid, I would not allow her to do anything until she was of age to make the decision herself. So I am not supporting anything . . . except staying out of other people's business.

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2100 agenda??

Reduce World Population by 50%

Abortion, gender change,

Soon it will be clear.

Govt owns Children

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This sounds like what is prophecied in Revelation. Even the technology for the mark of the beast. Not only the Internet of Things(IoT), but also the Internet of Bodies(IoB). We are close.

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