We were warned that a time was coming where good would be called evil and evil would be called good. Where people would cry out "Peace, Peace" when there is no peace to be found.

When justice is bent by bribes and dishonesty, when morals become whatever is liked.

The world is dancing on a spiders web dangling over the pit of hell.

What can be done? Tell your family and friends about this time, explain to them why Jesus's return is so important. We will all give an account whether when he arrives back as promised or when we die and meet him face to face. Today is still the day of repentance, and it is still the day of salvation. Do not let your hearts be troubled to the point that you do nothing. His promise is that he has overcome. Be faithful, tells those you can of his love and sacrifice. The hour is late., but your voice can still call out in the darkness, make straight the path for the Lord. God's grace be upon us all as we walk these days. Charles

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Take good care of yourself, missed you on the radio today. Yes, there is evil in this world and showing it's ugly head daily.

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67% of Gaza residents polled support armed attacks inside Israel against Israeli citizens. The time for nuance is long past.

See question 70.


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Oct 23, 2023·edited Oct 23, 2023

"Sometime next year, some right-wing nut will stretch out his arm like he’s praising Hitler at a Trump rally, and these reporters are going to lecture Republicans, yet again, about right-wing white nationalists."

Back at the 2016 RNC, Laura Ingraham waved as she left the stage. Pictures were taken and published showing her with her arm extended, and people claimed she was giving a Nazi salute.

So its been happening for a while.

As for "How else might a baby lose its head"?

Anti-Semites probably think that the Jewish people killed and beheaded their own babies, rather than have them rescued from the Zionist oppressors (after all, what's more opressive than a parent contolling/oppressing their child?) by Hamas and taught the ways of the peaceful religion of Islam.

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They were born headless. (Sarcasm).

Iran is the puppet master here.

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Hope you feel better Erick. This gets worse before it gets better. I know several progressives whose number one worry about Trump was that he would get us into WWIII. Some are notably silent and others are babbling nonsensical excuses for why Bi(D)en is somehow (D)ifferent in this case. I don't think they realize how dumb that makes them appear to the rest of us.

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The world is full of hate these days. We are a socially divided nation with processive elitist in the MSM looking down on the average working man. Everyday they tell us we are bad because they believe it. There is no self reflection on their part. They cheer the monsters of Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and wish for the destruction of Israel. Yes, there is anti-Semitism out in middle America but it is the coast elites and their access to the media to get their message out that are driving the real anti-Semitism. Whenever I look and the "squad" and those that support them I will always think of the children that were brutalized by the animals of Hamas.

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But how can we ignore or forget the classic "semi-passive" quote of the 21st century?


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Having suffered pelvic fractures I can attest: it takes a HELL of a lot of violence. For pelvic fractures to be a complication of rape would require the use of steel implements and considerable force. It's just ghastly what must have happened and you can only hope the victims died quickly.

You can't contemplate this horror without revulsion and it's not that surprising that some prefer to deny or sympathize with it as a defense mechanism. It is however inexcusable and the people cheering for Hamas deserve no sympathy and no mercy, if it comes to that

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In his book Irresistible, Andy Stanley calls Judaism, legalistic, hypocritical, self righteous and exclusive.

“Pastor” Stanley is the passive voice Baghdad Bob.

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I’m not necessarily disagreeing with Erick et al here, but there is a possibility this is getting o er blown.

1. Levitz is a Jewish name. It is highly unlikely that he is passively supporting Hamas.

2. He is a journalist. He is trying to be correct.

3. As we continue to peel the onion, a quick run through the Google machine discovers that Eric Levitz is a writer for New York magazine who has come under fire from the Left for criticizing anti-Israel stances.

Levitz is fighting the same battle we are but from behind the proverbial enemy lines. Let’s not criticize him too much for the tactics he has to employ to remain effective.

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Effective? Not being argumentative but I truly don’t see how parsing words and trying to minimize the actions of the terrorists by questioning exactly how and when babies lost their heads can in any way be considered effective reporting. Effective reporting is factual and doesn’t try to please but just tells us the truth.

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And I think that is exactly what Levitz is doing: telling the truth. He is trying to be taken seriously by members of the Left, not members of the Right. In order to be taken seriously, he has to speak a little bit differently. To wit, he, too, is appalled by decapitated babies. Look up some of his recent articles.

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The thing is, Levitz is not writing to you, Erick Erickson, or me. We are not his audience, and yet many here are griping as if we are.

He is just as indignant about Hamas’s actions, but he is unlikely to take the time to explain his position to you...because that would undermine his credibility with his target audience.

Again, we don’t have to like how he does what he is doing, but we should appreciate his effort.

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I can’t see this as anything other than trying to pacify a leftist elite who tries to justify what was done (yes I’ve heard some say the horrific acts were justified.) He’s walking on eggshells and most of those probably won’t even read what he wrote because they are demonstrating on behalf of hamas and those that do will think it didn’t go far enough because he didn’t denounce Israel. So what does he achieve?

Choose this day whom you will serve. I serve a God of love and peace who would call evil people evil, not merely misunderstood.

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Your position is, in the realm of possibilities, not an f'ing chance.

"..., a fact that lends playability to claims of beheading, but which does not prove them."

This is an absurd statement on its face. The inference here is, reasonably, "... plausibility to claims [that Hamas beheaded babies], but which does not prove them."

I will wait for him to explain his position, not invent excuses for him.

He is in fact not telling the truth. Saying dinosaurs lived more than 10,000 years ago is factual, but obfuscates the truth to the point of being damaging.

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I disagree. To state what he did is apparent. No mis quoting or that. He’s a part of the media disinformation campaign.

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Perhaps you should do what I described in my third point above before blindly casting Levitz in with that lot. You might not like how he does what he does, but you should at least appreciate what he is trying to do from the other side of the political spectrum.

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No, I do not appreciate him trying to be liked by the people who are giving a pass to evil. He is not trying to be "taken seriously" by the left so he can later try and change their mind and get them to condemn evil by name.

He is trying to look objective to the side condemning evil by name while pandering to the Left so he can continue to collect a paycheck and get invited to parties so he can feel relevant.

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Hope you feel better, we will miss you today!

We have been talking about media bias for a ling time. Maybe some will really lose credibility with their ridiculous position on obvious atrocities. Not sure how Trump broke these people, but it’s not just Trump. They hate America and want some different “Utopia”….press hate for Republicans and Conservatives is high. To change the subject….the House has got to come together….self induced errors 😖

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Oct 23, 2023·edited Oct 23, 2023

Trump didn’t break them. Just exposed them for what they are.

It’s like that movie “They live”.

Trump put the glasses on everyone so they could see the medias true colors.

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Oct 23, 2023·edited Oct 23, 2023

No matter how factual it is that antisemitism is on the rise on the right, it pales in comparison to the well established institution within the left. Which now has gained even more members.

And among the politicians it is even higher.

I would like to point out that while we have our crazies among us. Not a single member of the Republican Party in congress has come out in support of Hamas.

Even the rhinos.

While on the left it is not 1 or 2 but a double digit number of squad members who have openly displayed their support of terrorist. This is a democrat problem.

It is no different than someone after Pearl Harbor in congress coming forward and declaring we need restraint and support for the Japanese or hear them lecture us on how it was actually our fault. And I would like to note..

Japan turned away from its violent past and switched to a more peaceful society. How?

Because we totally wiped them out. Not through diplomacy or negotiation or promises of money and aid.

We overwhelmingly destroyed them. That’s how you do that and that’s how that works.

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Also, after WWII MacArthur headed the rebuilding plan for Japan.

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I believe those people you label as RINOS have traditionally supported Israel. They are not part of the far-right fringe element who are anti-Semitic.

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Oct 24, 2023·edited Oct 24, 2023

As best I can figure, a “RINO” is somebody who has spent his/ her adult life building the Republican Party, but doesn’t bend the knee to D. J. Trump. A “rhino” is a large mammal native to Africa.

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If you want further proof that post-structural philosophy leads to nihilism, look no further then here. The only reason the tweeter here would split hairs over the words beheaded/ found without heads is as Erick describes, they are siding and trying to protect the beheaders. I had a conversation with a friend on the center left and, while friendly, I was frustrated because his assessment of the issue continued to go back to the "power inbalance" and the conclusion that because the Palestinians were displaced by the Israelis, are weaker in terms of military tech, and Israel has had Gaza under siege, the Palestinians are an oppressed group that they feel they must stand in solidarity with. He misses the numerous times the Palestinians have walked away from negotiations on a two-state solution, that the "besieging" of Gaza is meant to protect Israelis from terrorist attack, and that Hamas is using their own people as human shields. When you add that with unprecedented nature of this barbaric attack on 10/7, moral equivalency breaks down. Then the argument shifts to is invading a good idea and what will it accomplish anyway? Israel needs to define for the world its strategic objectives but again, this subtly redefines the conflict as a political dispute that can be solved through diplomacy. As Dan Mclaughlin at NR points out, there were no political demands before the attack because terror was the point. Hamas and Iran want to destroy Israel by first terrorizing and breaking the will of their people. Any policy that doesn't first reestablish deterance and second destroy Hamas threatens the existence of Israel.

An invasion of Gaza is not going to be enjoyable but it is the least bad of all the options. If stories like this are indicative of the media's take, then Israel has not just the threat of Hamas, but the nihilists doing their bidding in Western media.

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Oct 23, 2023·edited Oct 23, 2023

Take care of yourself John Q Public needs you. Praying for you and your family.

How could you be human and not have the image of beheaded infants permanently imbedded in your mind. I saw no pictures and never want to but the image is there nonetheless. If you are in this country on visa and you support Hamas I would deport you in a heartbeat. Dear Lord I pray for Israel.

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Please get better soon, mainly for your own benefit but also selfishly (for me) so I can hear your insights.

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Bless you Erick and I pray for you healing and getting well this very day. Also pray for health for all your family and that non of them has to go through what you are doing now.

Blessings and good health to all

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