As a retired Army officer, I continue to applaud the Senator for his stance and pray that his Republican colleagues stand with him. That being said, I think that the Left has a twofold plan for this nonsense. One, as Erick has pointed out, they want to use the military to enact social change across the country. The 2nd is to drive down enlistment and reenlistment so as to call for a renewal of the draft. And this will be a universal draft - to include our daughters and granddaughters. The universal draft will not be just for the military, but to provide workers for whatever government projects they deem worthy.

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What malfeasance by our sorry media. I had previously read that confirmations could be done singly, probably on the WSJ editorial page, but one would have to search widely and deeply to find that information elsewhere. If the USMC Commandant needs to be confirmed, do so.

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That IS a sad commentary on the other Republicans. What so many seem to be missing here is that the Senator is against using TAXPAYER funds to pay for the abortions!! If the military personnel are married, they can pay for their own abortions but that is probably NOT the majority seeking the abortions. If they are single, they should have been paying attention to their military duties and not

taking that risk and pay for their own abortions. The military funding is for training, weapons, uniforms, food, shelter and clothing for the volunteer military-NOT for social programs! This is just another extension of the Democrat party agenda and overreach-and the many tentacles of a leftist agenda designed to destroy the readiness of our military.

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Great discussion. As a Vietnam veteran, I wondered about the appropriateness of holding up so many promotions, even for what I consider a good cause, but now know that they could bring them up one by one, so I am glad the Senator is holding his ground.

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Good for him. I shall write my senators and encourage them to stand with him. Taxpayers should not pay for abortions or any gender related medical mutilations.

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Sen Tuberville starts off complaining that recruitment for the armed forces is way below replacement needs. He then implies that it is incompetence in congressional, administration and the military's leadership that is the cause for this shortfall. Since a majority of Americans want abortion to be available ( https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2023/06/26/how-americans-really-feel-about-abortion-the-sometimes-surprising-poll-results-one-year-after-roe-overturned/?sh=44d13a0c5ea3 ) and Sen. Tuberville is trying to stop military personnel and their families from having access to abortion as a family planning tool, perhaps he is part of the problem rather than considering his ideas as the solution.

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Shitlibs in the senate could easily fix this by ending the policy if it was that much of a problem. Shame on you for thinking the problem is the senator and not the gov and their radical policy in addition to their using tax payer funds for something tax payers didn’t agree to

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1.) I am old enough to believe that civilized people do not use foul language in their discourse with each other. And that by doing so they detract from their own civility.

2.) I spent 28 yrs of my life under oath to defend the US Constitution as has Sen. Tuberville. But he, as an elected official of the US government, has put obstacles in the ways of other Americans charged with the same task, because of his personal religious belief. Therefore, I believe he is being derelict in his constitutional obligation to protect our nation.

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I don’t really care about your service 😂 that’s been proven over and over again to mean nothing-examples include Mark Milley, who is nothing more than a political hack who “served this country” and is yet a borderline traitor to the country he served and fully a bureaucrat who cares absolutely nothing about the constitution so save your “i served in the military” claim for somebody who still values it.

Abortion is not a constitutional right and the DOD does not have the authority to use tax payers funds for abortion. Yes, Tommy is being an obstructionist to a DOD overstepping it’s boundaries, but he isn’t PREVENTING confirmations, as he’s stated he will do then individually, just not all at once like shitlibs want.

Again if you have such a problem with it why is your issue not with the DOD and instead with the senator who points out it is s policy violation? Oh that’s right, bootlickers tend to let their own slide.

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No, he’s trying to get the military to stop paying for it as it violates the Hyde amendment. And he is CORRECT. Stop subverting Congress. He is doing the right thing.

Congress absolutely could approve the military promotions via alternatives but they won’t.

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