Very well said.

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Let’s not conflate Joe’s guilt with his family’s clear grift at the expense of the country. If any of the Biden’s took as much as $1 in exchange for political favor or policy favors, Joe Biden needs to be impeached and tried for treason. I’m sure most Cosa Nosta had dysfunctional upbringings, but they still were imprisoned for their crimes. One standard of justice, please.

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I admit that I did not know the complete story of the Biden family tragedy. But knowing what I know about childhood trauma and resiliency, I don't assign much of Hunter Biden's behavior dysfunction to that. And we also have the evidence of Ashley Biden, the daughter of Jill and Joe, that has been in an out of drug rehab and writes in her diary that her overly promiscuous behavior might have something to do with taking inappropriate showers with her dad.

Frankly, the contrast between Joe's kids and Donald's kids with respect to the overactive character assessment tendency for what are never-Trumpers, has always pissed me off. Certainly a man's children grow up to be their own selves, but Joe is batting zero and Donald is batting 1000%. And considering that Donald's children are potentially the spoiled entitled brats of a billionaire, and Joe's are those that grew up in a house led by a Scranton working class servant of the people, I cannot help but see that Joe must have been a terrible father, and that the support for his children, although maybe powered by guilt, is more about his own political identity than anything else. Joe appears to be a politician first, and his fathering responsibilities fall way down the list. How did DJT create his billionaire empire while also being there enough for his children for them to grow up so well-adjusted, poised and successful?

The media has caused DJT to live rent-free in the heads of people prone to judge others based on the most superficial of considerations (i.e., he Tweeted mean things about war hero John McCain!"). Meanwhile the media props up Joe Biden to be almost a deity ("40 years of graft... I mean public service") and puts his character on an artificial pedestal that his kids constantly remind us is likely a fat lie.

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Joe Biden dares lecture the nation about his party's idea of family values, children's issues and declares that the children belong to everyone, implying that everyone is responsible for the well-being of children. All this while his family refuses to even acknowledge a precious little girl who belongs to them. You are much too kind to them, Erick.

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Joe is only preaching what he practiced in his life. He did not take care of his children except shower with his little girls etc. But the other people did not know that he was relying on them so they never had to grow up. And it is really showing now with hunter.

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Too much of a pass. Most of us agree we can love our children unconditionally. However, the man is a senior and these alleged crimes have been covered up for too many years already.

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I think you are still giving the Bidens too much of a pass. Yes, it was awful and tragic that Joe Biden lost his wife and daughter in a horrible car accident, so he SHOULD have not gone into Congress-he SHOULD have taken care of his remaining children! And he should NOT have decided to be one of the most corrupt Congressmen in history. That certainly did not make him decide to get cozy with bribery and the Chinese and the Russians and the Ukrainians. The fact remains that NO ONE in Congress, even the most frugal and financially savvy could enrich himself or herself the way Biden and others have on a Congressman's salary. Nancy Pelosi also comes to mind as well as many others. As you and many others have said before, follow the money.

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If Joe Biden admits to his son's mistakes, it will show Joe as a failure as a father and that is something Joe will never be forth-right about. If you note all the words Joe uses to describe himself - most of his descriptions are lies.

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All true. Sad but true. I had to live with this in my own family and I dealt with it in the classroom. Loving and supporting someone doesn’t mean you ignore wrong behavior. Many parents don’t get that. My own father never accepted this and Joe Biden never will either. The bigger issue is that this country is suffering the consequences of Joe Biden’s failure in disciplining his son. I firmly believe there is so much more that Joe himself is involved in, partly because he wanted to “help” his son, but also because he himself lacks the morals, integrity, and good character that we want in our president.

(And yes, the media makes me sick too.)

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Not many remember but a few years ago Paris Hilton was well on the hunter path. Total screw up, walking down the path of alcohol drugs and such and she had a rich daddy to bail her out.

But then one judge finally stood up and said “No”. She got put in jail for 4 days. There was the iconic video of a spoiled little brat crying as she was handcuffed and driven off to jail to be with the rest of the criminals.

BUT you know what? It actually helped her.

She cleaned up and hasn’t been on the wrong side of the law since.

Sure she is still a bit rich entitled little brat sometimes. But she is also not breaking the law anymore.

I think at some point hunter will go to jail. If not now eventually. It always happens.

Captain of our HS football team was the stud in HS. Off to college the whole deal.

2 years later after getting into drugs he smashed his car, dropped out of school and I saw him about 10 years later homeless riding a bike on the beach. All because nobody was man enough to stop him although I was the only one who tried and got a fist to the mouth for my trouble.

Sometimes people need to fail. Hunter needs to fail. Trump needs to fail. Biden should fail.

It’s the only way to learn.

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Being even older than Joe, and having lost my wife of many years over 20 years ago, I fully understand some of what the family is going through and have thought about this a couple of times about the son. But when the son will not take care of HIS daughter and pay the mother well for taking care of her, especially with the money he has gotten, he is out of his mind and should GO TO JAIL for all he has done. I think some jail time could get his attention.

Blessings to you and your wife for all you do Erick

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Hunter may be a screwed up son, but he has made adult decisions. One was to have a little girl, who may end up as screwed up as he is by not being acknowledged by her father, who happens to be Hunter. I am sickened by a corrupt media who fails to hold any of the Bidens responsible purely because of politics. As I've said before, there is a wide-open path for the GOP to make inroads into the minority population, simply by having morals, something Democrats and the Press lack.

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I sort of believe that you are going to get a lot of blow back on this.

People suffer extreme tragedies every day and don’t resort to drugs and promiscuous behavior.

I’m not being very Christian in my feelings for the Biden family.

Hunter made Joe a very rich man.

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Beautifully written, Erick! I don’t care about what the GOP investigates or alleges. I’m not voting for Biden because of the sweet child in Arkansas both men refuse to acknowledge. That is disgraceful and is indicative of his character.

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