I was a "fascist" before it was cool to be a fascist. I am also a "racist" in that I value Western Civilization and would not trade it for either Marxism or the "Law of the Jungle." So, sue me.

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I’ll look at it. And I’ll respond if you like on this same thread. But I asked and you shot me this, so …ok. (At work now, tho)

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Erick seems to shift between articles like this that seem to support the GOP fighting a culture war and articles saying the GOP should focus on economic issues and not make fighting the culture war their main focus. Surely, I good GOP candidate can tie the two together for the public. However, it is difficult to fight back against postmodernism when the press and academia phrase every battle in the cultural war as "conservatives pounce". They delegitimize all criticism of their world view and then treat us as crazy for noticing. Worse, too many on the Economic Right go along with it. They don't know how to respond to Marxist arguments when they are presented by corporations and slick marketing. Take the Barbie movie as the latest example. Ben Shapiro and a few other conservative commentators have been roasted online for not liking this movie for being Third-Wave feminism marketed to 8-year-old girls. Even some conservatives have defended Barbie saying that it contains ironic humor and hidden conservative messages. The worse arguments are it's a fun movie that looks pretty and people really like it so don't worry if it's selling a nihilistic lifestyle, go along with it! We've allowed the post-modernists to take over our cultural institutions and most conservatives are not even able to come up with a game plan to take them back. It's a pretty depressing situation.

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Tick Tick Tick

Only 23 more days until the Gathering at the Hyatt in Buckhead. I'm not getting paid for this plug. I am just looking forward to meeting the Repub Candidates and hearing their positions on some of these issues.


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It's not a stretch to say that the physical safety of Clarence Thomas, Samual Alito, and the rest of the conservative Supreme Court justices depends on us getting 2024 right, too. Regarding carcinogens, I'm reminded of an old George Carlin bit where he stated that in the end, we're going to find that swallowing small amounts of saliva over a long period of time kills us!

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Marx - 1848, Lenin - 1917, Stalin - 1922, Mao - 1949, Castro - 1959, Biden - 1921. History of Communism - "You will have nothing and be Happy!" Teach your children that Communism has always failed.

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They aren’t getting any younger. And that’s what scares me. We have far more on our side that are more likely to capitulate than fight.

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"War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength."

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In the art of psycholinguistics, the left always overplays their hand......and the right isn't to far behind them.

This was a joy to read, got my day off to a good start.

Thank you.

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So Biden is a lock for next year. Trump, a year out, is in front. I, like a majority don't want either. The party that presents someone not named Biden or Trump will almost assuredly win.

Trump would be a lame duck on day 1 and continue to do brand damage to the GOP, and the '28 election cycle would be an insane nail biter.

Biden, really Harris, would continue to destroy America the only way an inept progressive can, but guarantee a Republican president for the following 16 years at least.

I am leaning towards not voting for either, let the fools have Biden.

But the SCOTUS... Thanks for dropping that fly in my chardonnay.

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Only wrong on one point. If Biden wins there won’t be a 2028 election. Or at least not a democratic one. The dems will pass their “voting rights” act and stack the scotus so they never lose another ruling.

By the time 2028 comes it won’t be America anymore. It will be the people’s democratic republic of America.

If they win in 24 …

- the national anthem will be changed. History will be altered to be unrecognizable.

- sports will be forever altered as men invade the women’s divisions and eradicate them completely.

- churches that don’t reform to allow immoral sexuality will be forced to shut down.

This was all foretold in the Bible. If these things happen this will happen.

But we can stop it.

If trump wins the nomination we lose period. So the first thing is to stop that from happening.

If he does get the nomination then we need to counter the dems cheating with our own strategies around it.

Dems found a winning way to get around legal voting. We need to find a way to get around that.

I know people say “it’s not the end of the world …” “they say that every election cycle..”

sorry this is not like that. This IS one of the most important elections of our time.

The last stop for America. If Biden wins the end is near.

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This is a level of doom and gloom I'm unwilling to support. I get all the points you're making and don't contend they aren't possible but I disagree that they WILL happen. Will it be bad if Biden gets re-ellected? Yes. However, I don't think we'll get there. Given current events if Trump looks like the candidate and Biden looks to win I bet you start hearing even more rumblings about impeachment with full on public hearings coincidentally happening right around the time the election cycle gears up for full swing.

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I was actually quoting from the Bible about these things. The book of Rev. states how leaders will be inept, people will abandon faith. The rise of the beast will be subtle but swift. The devil will not come with bombs, fire, and guns blazing. He will come in with a smile, promises of grander things, and there will be a thunderous applause from those who support him.

I wouldn't say its Doom and gloom. For if this is true then the end times are near and Jesus shall appear. But I would rather it not right now and if we can defeat and hold off the evil forces that is the dems, then we must do so.

That's not going to come with a Trump nomination I am afraid to say. Therefore stopping this is going to be a huge challenge if not completely impossible. So we must be true in our faith and strong with our prayers. God will solve this. Only he can.

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I absolutely see the scripture parallels but I don't like to get caught up in seeing those kinds of parallels in modern life for two reasons. First, while we as believers are absolutely called to recognize those kinds of signs and portents we are not called to look for them meaning try to ascribe "we are now in the end times" labels to our lives. Second, knowing He will come "like a thief in the night" I'm not going to try and order my life around when the "end times" are coming or happening. I'm going to do the best I can with what I have where I am. I'm not saying you are doing that. I'm just responding to the end times idea.

I agree Trump is not the answer but if he is the nominee I'm voting for him because if I don't and Biden wins I will feel as though I am culpable in what he will do. I'm not going to do that. Trump won't solve our problems but he will solve the Biden problem.

Finally, let me say this. I don't think we have to worry about Biden. Really. I think the GOP is starting to float the impeachment trial balloon. They have enough evidence, more than the dems had on Trump, and if things look like he'll get re-elected, I think they'll play that card. I think it will hurt Biden like it hurt Trump.

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Unlike Alanis Morissette's song it actually would be ironic if the man who gave conservatives not only the principaled victory in the 50 year abortion fight, but also reasserted that the Constitution matters at the same time, would be the one to cede the SCOTUS back to the liberals.

Trump would be the RBG of candidates.

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I keep saying it, Orwell's 1984 is a how to guide for the left.

Newspeak, the invented language of the novel, is specifically designed to control the thought process via a limited vocabulary and a system of brutal simplification that prevents complex thought or the expression of any concept not in line with the totalitarian government’s orthodoxy.

The left seeks to own the language, one as the childish game of responding to any criticism with, "I know your are, but what am I?"

Two to just dumb down the language. I think most people under 30 think prejudice and bigotry are the same as racism, so everything is raciest. It's just too hard to think and discriminate, oops, trigger word for the leftist fools.

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Well said! Neal Boortz used to excoriate people for not knowing the difference between racism, bigotry, and prejudice.

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The last paragraph needs to become the mantra of the GOP. Lets stop the internecine warfare and let’s work to elect legitimate conservatives top to bottom. NOW

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Elect “legit” republicans. Not like we have here in Georgia with David Rolston (RIP). RHINOS running around. Or like my own rep GOP disgrace McCormick.

It’s great to get a Non Trump candidate nominated. But if they are going to be weak kneed moderate placaters. It’s only going to worsen the problem.

We will end up with a GA situation. We have a republican majority but it doesn’t feel like it.

They pass higher taxes, turn down school choice, and put out enough gov waist to make a dem smile.

And an all too willing Kemp to go along with it.

It’s bad, and it’s going to get worse.

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What issue do you have with McCormick? I've met him and have my own opinions. That statement doesn't mean I support him blindly or that I'm in your camp on him being a RINO but I'm willing to hear evidence one way or the other. He's absolutely better than Lucy McBath. I can tell you that.

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He voted for Mccarthy, he is not a church man to my knowledge, has not expressed conservative values. Was against School choice when it came up recently and went out of his way to influence many state reps to vote against it.

It just amazes me about voters.

They choose McCormick who is not a God fearing person or holding very many conservative values, has voted with the dems on several occasions since getting into office. He stated his opposition to the recent Bill signed by Kemp to protect female sports in GA. Instead of Jake Evans who was on record as stating he would fight for conservative Values, stated clearly he would not vote for McCarthy as speaker. But they vote against him because he was endorsed by Trump.

Bottom line, McCormick has in so far has not proven to be the republican he said he was when he campaigned. Instead he's a soft spoken wet paper napkin moderate who is more interested in compromising than sticking to his values.

Maybe he will change but I feel strongly that this guy is no conservative for sure.

He's better than Lucy or any Democrat. But so far has proven not to be that much better.

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I liked Evans more and voted for him I think. I was not aware of those votes and you are swaying me to your position with that information. School choice is how we retake our country over the long haul. Republicans who don't understand that and get moving on that have short sighted judgment. I'll be voting them out. If what you say is accurate, and I have no reason to believe it isn't, unless he does a 180 I'll primary him next go-round. Look on the bright side; at least we don't have Loony McBad anymore.

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The key word is "legitimate." As a progressive-leaning independent I see too many plausible-deniability racists wearing the conservative mantle of "color-blindness" in the GOP.

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According to Webster:


often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition


: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control

early instances of army fascism and brutality

—J. W. Aldridge

Now you tell me which group is implementing and forcing social regimentation and suppression of opposition.

If the left is screaming it's the right - they are likely the bigger offender.

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They are projecting I think. Well put here. But they won't see it I don't think.

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Honestly Mark. I think if you asked each one screaming Fascism to define it - that most of them would miss it by a mile or not be able to give you an answer at all.

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They would self-identify as either evil or stupid. The ones who don't know would flounder to get a coherent answer out. The evil ones who know and are using it as a bludgeon to advance their agenda would obfuscate.

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Biden has to go, everyone needs to vote in the primaries and then, vote for the republican candidate. Very important election

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Erick you always talk about turning down the temperature on the “most important election of our time” talk. While, yes, the country won’t end if we lose this one, it’s also very much like your approach to polls--the trends matter. Big picture. Every election cycle we slide farther towards total chaos, and personally I don’t want to get that far down the road where we can’t turn back.

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Yeah. Erick sort of contradicted himself this week with the whole "if we lose this the Left is going to get to pick one or two SCOTUS judges and we go to 5/4 progressive." This really is a very important election.

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Again, this shows how dysfunctional the government is for not knowing right from wrong. If I'm a fascist for not believing in or supporting this crazy left wing agenda, then count me as a fascist. I am definitely against the woke movement. No name calling will change my mind.

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What is "woke?" As a self-identified knee-jerk liberal w/ arthritic knees, I have been unable to understand what the term "woke' means.

Let me give it a try w/ gender because the two most important identity markers in America are gender and race/ethnicity.

Traditionally gender was considered a binary system M-F while L, G, B, and T (Q can also be included) preferences were seen as psychological aberrations often with morality and religion involved (Satan being a prefered actor.)

OTH the "woke" view is that we now understand that these anomalies differing from the binary model are perfectly natural biologically. Therefore, laws, almost always engendered by religious beliefs posing as "natural" law, concerning restrictions on gender-related behavior, are injust and unconstitutional. AND that those who do hold such religious beliefs have no right to impose them on others in the public place.

How's that?

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Bob, please name other mammal species that are not binary. Where in the animal kingdom are examples of lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender mammalian species?

And Bob, you said, "...we now understand that these anomalies differing from the binary model are perfectly natural biologically." I always wonder who "we" are, but putting that aside, can you state significant deviances within the mammalian animal kingdom where LGBTQ communities can be found? If you can't then I believe you are yourself stuck in 'progressive' groupthink - a silo of your own creation. But, I do respect that you will write in what most could concede is a conservative oriented substack space. I am not afraid of having my thoughts challenged.

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Oh, my definition of woke...it's a nebulous term, but to me it's the unthinking, unquestioning acceptance of anything stated by leftists in the DNC, major market media, Hollywood, and on social media formats. Thinking is not required, just restate the statement, and you are an accepted part of the group. Examples, "America is systemically racist", "Republicans are the party of the rich", "Any prominent black man in the Republican party is an Uncle Tom", and many more.

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You're ALSO describing the "unthinking, unquestioning acceptance" behavior exhibited by many on the right when their favored ideas and situations are expressed.

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That’s true Bob, but I think it’s far more pervasive on the left. The media largely doesn’t cover things conservatives value…they just ignore it so those watching only major media (ABC, PBS, etc) aren’t going to hear anything people right of center care about, on the whole, or it’ll be glossed over with what amounts to a shrug. But ‘woke’ belongs to the left. People on the right who choose to not use their brains are just willfully stupid. Maybe they’re ‘dope’.

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This is the problem with the Left. You aren't self-aware enough or willing to do the introspective look to see what people object about your policies and positions. The Right isn't "Canceling" anyone. We are spending money on things we support and withholding that spend for things we don't. We support the Constitution of the United States of America as the beginnings of the laws of this land as written because we read the Federalist Papers and understand that the Framers told us their intentions on every word in that document. They never intended it to be a "living document" which the Left wants so they can bend and twist it to their liking and discard it when it doesn't suit their purpose. Your desire to throw up a word-salad to obfuscate that if you have a Y chromosome you are a man, male, cannot birth a baby. I reject the premise of "we now understand." No, we don't. That's the problem. You want to take it as a given fact that we "now understand" so refuse to have the discussion or even accept alternate facts that counter what you have decided is real. It's not real. It's not fitting the facts at all and anyone who disagrees with you or your side is suddenly Other, bad, racist, or whatever pejorative is required to shut them up.

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I thank you for taking the time to respond to my comment. No intention to be flippant but given your response you probably will take it as such, but wasn't Mary's conception that led to the birth of Jesus a non-binary gender event even when it is called a miracle?

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Why do you feel the need to move off the topic of the main post as well? Obfuscating away from the topic seems to indicate you don't really want to discuss that but would rather Mote and Baily into a subject you feel is easier to defend. America doesn't like the woke social justice agenda.

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No. It was a miracle. It was God conceiving His son with a human woman. This isn't flippant either; why do you feel the need to re-label the virgin birth, a miracle, as something else?

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I've been rereading not only our mini-conversation but also the other commentators. Lots of anger, hate and frustration.

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Still off topic. Would you care to discuss the hatred the Left clearly has for those who disagree with them or are we going to wander around avoiding the subject?

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