I can't wait until we get to the Pi Variant and all its subgroups" Apple, Cherry, Blueberry, Peach, Pumpkin, Coconut, Crawfish...... I suspect by the time we get to the end of this one that the American people will be so fed up that they will make mince meat out of everything governmental.

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You really nailed the complete disfunction of our government at all levels. States were in charge of giving away millions to renters who couldn't pay their rent and to landlords who couldn't collect from the states what their renters were not paying. It is a landmark failure as governments at all levels can't even give away money collected from taxpayers. Richard A. Moore

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Thought this was a good analysis of the whole situation. I hope the people who voted for the current administration are still pleased with their vote. Only God can make sense of our situation and bring the right conclusion in His time. His mercies are new every morning...great is His faithfulness!

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Do you really Covid wasn’t designed to take us to take down the USA? Every time I read your articles you disappoint me. As a Christian how can you not see how evil the people we have in power are? Especially the Democrats. We are fighting against good abs evil. I know you don’t like Trump but at least he fights and stands for what’s right. Sure he’s made mistakes but even King David too. I think you would have been against David if you would have been alive then. Democrats are evil and I believe know exactly what they are doing. We are sheep just like the Bible says. We are ignorant fools who will do anything the government tells us. Masks don’t work. The vaccine isn’t a vaccine. It is about control and nothing else. We walk right into hell right behind the leaders we are following.

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We can't have competency without meritocracy.

Our nation, for whatever reason(s), has chosen instead to elect public officials based on race, sex, gender identity and/or sexual orientation, instead of above average intelligence, proven ability to solve problems, experience in leadership and the ability of working with others.

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Again, you are so right!

Whenever I walk around DC it is disgustingly apparent to me that my tax dollars are supporting many thousands of federal workers, occupying 6-story limestone buildings, who are actively cultivating and executing the dull art of packing 2 hours of honest work into an 8 hour workday while carefully grooming their potential for promotion and always, always counting the days, hours and minutes until retirement. Have no doubt: for most federal employees their primary customer is themselves and there is little or no sense of being servant leaders.

The whole of the conservative movement is founded on this understanding: the federal government is an expensive, clumsy and largely ineffectual and often destructive oaf that should be limited to very few essential responsibilities, e.g., national defense, border security, international diplomacy, etc. It has mangled both our health care and educational industries. And I don't know how we reverse this situation. My guess is that when Donald Trump took office he saw this so clearly that he made it his mission to try and fix it. He "broke the rack", but now we have the worst of the worst in the center of the stench.

Perhaps we will see a big swing to good sense in the 2022 and 2024 elections. I pray that "the Donald" won't run again and have enough faith in America to pass the baton to another able leader- my choices would be Pompeo, Pence, DeSantis or Greg Abbott- who can take up where he left off. What many view as "chutzpah" in Trump, others see as a set of both narcissistic and borderline personality traits. In my view, he manifested both the courage to call out the fetid sickness that is DC, but also the character weakness to make his own flaws so glaringly obtuse as to become the object of well-deserved scorn from his political enemies. If we don't get it right, we may really experience life in America as a Kurt Schlichter novel. We probably don't deserve better, but let's all pray that the Lord grants us "better"!

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How can Biden ECT criticize a U.S. citizen of any kind for not wearing a mask? The federal goverment is flooding this country with untested covid-19 carriers. Randomly dumping then on our population of people minding their own business. It seems as though the Federal Government has turned on us and is trying to completely bring disorder to our homes. Dan

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Excellent commentary, Erik. However, I am believing our leaders know exactly what they are doing.....creating and distributing chaos in all of our institutions. This follows the Cloward Piven strategy of overwhelming an already overburdened system in order to wear the people down so they will desire and accept a federal takeover. Look at the chaos at our border, our welfare system, rampant crime, mixed and confusing messages by our medical 'experts', our failing education system and CRT, our courts who are so over burdened that lawsuits are so far delayed the illegal behavior of our government can continue unabated, BLM, and even our churches are being torn apart by radical theology....etc.... It goes on and on. My prayer is that the states and their citizens will stand up and fight this, but I fear so much damage is being done we'll never get back our country as we were founded. And, to add to the problem, what Republican leader is strong enough to take on this chaos other than Trump or DeSantis?

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Convention of States, and term limits for Congress. Because at this point I’m not sure I want them leading either.

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Ding, Ding, Ding…give this man a cigar!!!

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A number of years ago when I lived in Germany, my (German) landlord said, in reference to the Lewinski matter: "you Americans are so funny, you think you should trust your politicians".

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Your title is killing me! Now I must purge it from my brain so I will never—accidentally or on purpose—be tempted to EVER use it while teaching………!

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All well and good Erick, but it seems only Trump, or another like him, has the chutzpah to stand up for the Republic while battling both parties. The swamp is not a function of one party, it is an institutionalized brick wall to protect bureaucrats, their fiefdoms, and bank accounts. Trump, with no need of their aid or desire to be their willing accomplice was forced to fight and slog through the mire for 4 brutal years. To roll the current mess back will take a herculean effort and a majority in Congress willing to fall on their own sword in support of it. It's possible. We've witnessed what one bull in the china shop can do.

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I concur...and something folks need to realize...you don't have to like the President, as he will very likely do things you don't want done. Those difficult decisions are what make great leaders great.

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I'm stealing something from what I think was in the recent Conrad Black piece responding to Peggy Noonan that Trump's accomplishments in revitalizing the economy, lowering unemployment, reorganizing foreign and defense policy, confronting China, and halting illegal immigration while being undercut and harried by the Deep State at every turn put the lie to the idea that incompetence is the root cause of continuing issues. The problems are real but the responses are being designed for the benefit of a tiny class of oligarchs, rather than to correct the issues.

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But then on Social Media our Propaganda Masters will clean up the disjointed messaging, censor out all the alternative opinion, and make excuses via "fact checking" for anyone caught screwing up The Plan. Yes, our elected officials are corrupt, but I wouldn't call them inept. They know exactly what they are doing. Corrupt, yes, but calling them stupid means we are giving them an out for their behavior, behavior that would have gotten them thrown in jail in a different time or thrown out of office at the very least. Ah, for the good ole days when you could tar and feather a corrupt politician and actually run them out of town on a rail.

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Erick, I'm reminded of the lyrics to "Those Were The Days" for the old sitcom: "All In The Family". Those words mean even more to me now in these chaotic times. Here's a link to the lyrics: https://www.songfacts.com/lyrics/archie-and-edith-bunker/those-were-the-days-theme-to-all-in-the-family.

Boy, those truly were the days!

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