10 day supply of food and water. Minimum

Ice storms, hurricanes, water line, etc . Just stock up on the canned food you eat. Water is most important . keep fresh by water plants etc

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I appreciate your educating us on these issues. Letting people know that FEMA is NOT a first responder is a big deal and is good to know.

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The disaster is our fellow citizens are being flushed down the tubes all in the name of equity and the government is the author of it. Those folks down there in the mountains are going through enough without having to be spit on the name of "equity." In the past other dictators who didn't address disasters properly had to get out of Dodge but quick. Somoza in Nicaragua comes to mind.

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Rush used to talk about, "Ordinary people doing extraordinary things."

The civilian pilots using their helicopters to rescue people or deliver supplies, the people leading mule trains to help reach people because roads are impassable, people traveling hundreds or thousands of miles just to help, those are the folks Rush was lauding.

They are the best of America.

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22 hrs ago·edited 22 hrs ago

On the evening of Oct 10, 2018 Hurricane Michael came up through SW Ga. Federal Gov't strung out moneys so long that Farmers were committing suicide. How are the laws of this land so structured as to allow Joe Biden to make all the entry decisions and the money decisions? To me Joe Biden has directed and allowed and illegal invasion of this called Sovereign nation, after raising his right hand and swearing to Uphold the Constitution of The USA>

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As you said on yesterday's show, this is a Hanlon's Razor moment:

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.


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The three biggest lies:

1) The check is in the mail.


3) I'm from the government, and I'm here to help you.

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I would like to point out that the main reason they are getting minimal help despite severe damage caused by Helene, is DEI, specifically EQUITY. Equity is not the same as being treated equal, in fact it is designed as an anti-white racist cover. When Kamala gave a speech two days ago she just glowed and chortled over the fact that they were going to use Equity and specifically send aid first to communities of color. She was actually gleeful and laughing that she was going to screw over White people who are in dire straits and in danger of dying from lack of water and food in favor of skin color first and need second. To those that claim this is racist, I say equality of care based on need is the only non-racist way to handle this. Otherwise, you are picking color, which is racist.

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If the fiscal year just started on Monday, how can we (they) be out of money? What am I missing?

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I read a blurb that said that Congress didn't approve that additional monies should go to FEMA. But, the DEI / equity stuff is SO frustrating!

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I would think that the Feds under Biden have committed a "Constructive use of Funds Offense". What authority did FEMA have to spend money on illegal Aliens to house, feed, etc. Where was the declaration of an emergency to unlock the funds. Was it done secretly or announced to the public?

Either way it seems that they spent money on a nonemergency, which would seem to violate the law and the spending.

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I agree, but there are times the Federal government can help and we do need a FEMA. Back during Hurricane Hugo I ran the operations center at Ft. Benning. We were given the order from FORSCOM (Forces Command that ran operations inside the US) to go assist Savannah Georgia while the hurricane was still raging . Throughout the night we arranged for MPs, Engineers with heavy equipment as well as contracting buses to take our soldiers there. We didn’t have enough chainsaws so we started calling local hardware stores in the middle of the night to purchase them. At 0530 the next morning we had our forces on the way to help. All FEMA did was provide the funding. The US military can assist but is hampered by laws and regulations that can be waived. I’m sure that could have been the case here.

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The one thing I would add to make it clear. FEMA is not staffed nor prepared to execute a mission like this. The US military - who does this all over the world for other countries - is staffed with both the personnel and equipment to do this kind of disaster relief. And they are used to working closely with civilian organizations and individual citizens who want to help. FEMA should only run the funding in my mind. And even then, they may not get that right.

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The lack of any responsible stewardship of our hard-earned tax dollars is so disheartening. Our country is in serious debt, yet we continue to hear of millions/billions going to other countries or people here illegally while we are unable to take care of Americans. We run like a household that has maxed out credit cards, can’t pay rent or buy groceries, and decides to get a new credit card to donate to every go fund me while we book vacations to Paris.

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Thanks for the reminder of who FEMA is and isn’t and what can be expected of them. I really would like some answers about exactly what stories we’re hearing are true or false or exaggerated - about FEMA hindering or blocking relief efforts.

One other organization I’ll mention…. Despite all the controversy of late with the United Methodist Church, one thing that we still do as well as anyone out there is Disaster Recovery. The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) has all its administrative costs handled through the regular giving of the local congregations, so just like the Baptists and Salv Army, 100% of giving for disaster relief goes to that relief effort. There are also Early Response Teams (ERT) working out of many many churches who keep supplies like Flood Buckets (5 gal bucket with cleaning supplies, bug repellant, etc) and hygiene kits (personal cleaning supplies) stored so they’re ready to go out immediately when needed. Our church at the Alabama coast has recently has become a storage and distribution center. People from the district came and picked up all we had on Monday to get them distributed, and on Monday evening our ERT met to begin putting together more…funded by local contributions. UMCOR is also known as a First in-Last out group and will be working in these affected areas for years to come, as it will take that long to get these people and places put back together.

So, if someone wants to donate and feel confident that 100% of their giving is going directly to the need and not to administrative or other costs (looking at you, Red Cross) any local United Methodist church can receive the donation and get it to where it’s needed, or visit https://advance.umcmission.org/p-620-umcor-us-disaster-response-and-recovery.aspx

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Neighbor helping neighbor, churches, Samaritan’s Purse, Salvation Army, Baptist Relief, UMCOR, and countless individuals using their skills, are all dedicated to helping and assisting. This will be seen throughout Upper East Tennessee and Western North Carolina as thousands of individuals and groups join to help. This is America at its best.

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When Trump was president, there was one thing that he brought out - our government does not work. That point was evident during the Maui fires and now this. We need him back, but this time drill down on the governance and departments.

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key take away here should be “you are your own first responder.” This is not limited to the rural types. It applies to us all and is related to mindset.

Whatever that means to you, learn how to become a better version of it.

An example to prime thought: you don’t need to be a medic to know how to apply a tourniquet.

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