My question as with about 90% of conservative news, is now that you’ve documented unequal treatment, what do we do about it? Change to Androids? Use Dell laptops? The ONLY thing big tech will notice is a change to their bottom line. It’s one thing to notice one’s unequal treatment and quite another to get them to change it.

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Update to my previous comments: There are reports that Gitmo has been much expanded. I am not sure, but is not treason handled by military tribunal and not the regular courts? So anyone arrested for treason goes straight to Gitmo under the Patriot act? There are also reports of soldiers being recalled to duty all over the country. It seems to be starting. The latest cyber attack from russia working with china seems to have been the last straw. Thomas Jefferson is quoted as saying the Tree of Liberty needs watering occasionally. Watering with blood. In other words, the U.S. did not get birthed easily and will not die easily.

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“...skilled artisans who’ve made carbon steel frying pans...”

If you got one of Blue Skillet Ironworks pans, then I’m jealous. Those are pieces of functional art.

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I've got 2!

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I gotta disagree with you Erick. I despise Apple. My work provided me an iPhone, and I MUCH preferred my Samsung. I think Apple is overpriced and overrated. This just gives me more reason to despise them.

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Does anyone still think that there were no foreign influences in our election? Our President has been very patient with those people with ties to foreign influences. Despite what people think about Donald Trump, he is a decent man and truly does not want to have people imprisoned. He wants all Americans, conservative or liberal, to have Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. He is a flawed human being as we all are. I do not understand people who, despite all he has done for our nation, expect for Donald J. Trump to live in this fallen world among flawed human beings and yet be as sinless as Jesus Christ!

Our President had ample opportunity to put the hammer down on people and institutions who were using flawed judges to thwart his accomplishments the past 4 years and has held back, hoping they would be reasonable. President Trump is the Commander in Chief of the armed forces and is responsible for our nations security. Although Trump has obeyed court rulings, the time is coming when he will put the hammer down. If the Supreme Court says" you can't do that", Trump can simply say "Watch Me!". He has all the powers necessary under the constitution and the armed forces to boot. It is a testament to his patience that he has not done so yet. Read Trump's executive order 13848 on sanctions for foreign involvements in our elections, issued 9-12-18. Various officials around the country better hope they have no ties to foreign influence or they will be going to prison and have their property seized.

Because of what has happened the past 5 years, I am convinced that God has put Donald J. Trump on earth for just this very moment in time. Who else could have withstood 5 years of the most vicious attacks on them and their family every day! Erich received a small taste of what Trump has endured the past 5 years by nuts on all sides. It will be wonderful if we can have reasoned discourse with people who have a different opinion than we do without calling for their heads. I believe Trump will be merciful when the guilty are arrested. If he were a tyrant, there would be a lot of public executions by hanging for treason. Thank God for Donald J. Trump!

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Very important topic! The insidious way tech influences our lives' and culture is something we all should be paying close attention to. I appreciate the reminder to stay diligent on the facts about the actions of these companies and not their words.

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