On the nose. Keep it up. šŸ‘

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Erick, you and the geo-political analyst Peter Zehan are the only two people I pay good money to subscribe to. Curious as to a downside of this terrorist designation move by Trump that Peter mentioned, and that is that it may trigger clauses in our existing immigration law that would immediately make most citizens of Mexico far more eligible for immediate immigration to the USA due to it being an officially designated terrorist state.

Now personally, I think that while this may be correct, it is a rather minor legal technicality that any citizen in Mexico wanting immediate asylum consideration would have to hire a very good immigration attorney to make this stick. So I am not too worried about it.

What do you think?

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I had a business partner that I had to separate with. He was/is a liberal. He would criticize every action while writing up analyses and spreadsheets but fail to take action on his own.

I believe that it is common for liberals to be terrible problem-solvers because they are so terrified of being made to have to admit they made a mistake, that they can only sit in judgement of others taking bold actions to make themselves feel better by comparison.

This makes liberals dangerous when in positions of authority because a failure to act is a decision fraught with risk. I think this is why all states and cities run by Democrats are a mess of social and economic decay. The liberal-wired politicians are terrible problem-solvers... unwilling to make any bold action that isn't just designed to improve their popularity. Invariably the list of problems from their inactions starts to mount, and crisis happens as we see in the LA area.

The problem with the press these days is that it is infested with 90% liberals... and these are people that have a brain wiring defect that makes them incapable of understanding the big picture for problem solving, and they thus only sit in judgement of those that take bold actions to fix what is broken.

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And the enslaved "press" addles on...

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First of all, on a spiritual level, the satan is the prince of power of the air and the god of this world. His minions will, at times, protect each others interests. And make no doubt, even though these gnostic heretical devotees of Hegel and Marx deny the existence of satan, they do his work just the same.

Secondly, the ā€œundocumentedā€ immigrants have a larger degree of non-European heritage, so, under the identity politics logic, first put into practice in the USSR in the 1920s, recently resurrected as DEI, they are ā€œnativesā€ and anyone else is ā€œliving on stolen landā€ā€¦. Hence, but the logic of the Marxists, they have a better claim.

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Mexico has been a corrupt shakedown state for decades and has only gotten worse maybe now the Mexican government will start to clean itself up if itā€™s not to late maybe just maybe they will find out that the USA is not screwing around anymore

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I agree, but wonā€™t hold my breath for them to change.

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The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act(1977) was passed so that US companies understood that bribery and shakedown were not allowed. In the country where I worked, Backsheesh was widely practiced & it was a constant source of amazement to me how much it was expected & we went to lengths to avoid it.

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My comment is from memory, and my memory admittedly isn't what it...wait, what was I saying?? ;) Anyway, I remember in the late 60s and early 70s, New York City was eat up with crime and debauchery. Times Square was filled with strip clubs and peep shows, and "The Rotten Apple" was essentially run by organized crime. Crime family hits were relatively common, and elected officials and cops alike were on the take. It was just assumed that nothing could be done about it. Then Rudy Giuliani was elected mayor, and he went about the business of successfully cleaning it up. Giuliani may have gone bat-sh*t crazy in his later years during his Trump phase, but for the longest time NYC revered the guy because he did what no one else could or would do. I hope Trump can do the same.

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The seedy and debauched underbelly went from the peep shows in major cities to being on the internet and accessible for everyone.

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Somehow in my heart of hearts I wouldn't mind in the least If Rudy Giuliani was pardoned.

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This whole thing is mind boggling. I am very grateful that Trump has designated the drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations. There is nothing like the truth!

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I have a friend who has lived in Mexico part-time the last few years. They were considering retiring there. I met with him last week and he said the next time he goes back in April is going to be the last. He said he doesnā€™t feel safe where he is at but the cartels control everything and the entire system is corrupt. So now, he may be looking at Florida.

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I am SO tired of the "Cheap Labor Necessity". But, they say if we block that off, Americans won't do those jobs. Really? Then cut off their welfare and unemployment. But, but....if we can't get avocados, where will we get them? California? What if they refuse to send them out of state?

Well, good. It's their loss of a major export, so let 'em. Personally, I can live without avocados for a while, if that's what it takes.

Sorry, end of rant.

I firmly believe if we start these measures, and do it consistently, Mexicans in general will start to wake up and assist us. If they don't, it's their country that will suffer.

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As if we don't have places that can grow avocados: California, S. Florida, and probably the areas furthest south in Texas.

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Everything you said is 100% correct! It makes you wonder why are they so concerned, could some American companies/politicians also have connections with the cartels and don't want to be exposed! However, I'm just an ignorant American what do I know, tell me NYT / MSM

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One of the points made in the NYT article was that some/most US companies may not be aware that the seemingly legitimate Mexican companies they are doing business with could be involved with the cartels. Therefore, those companies could be at legal risk.

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US companies have scores of attorneys and "consultants" to make sure they're conforming to laws and social positioning. They've had plenty of opportunities to confirm that the Mexican companies they're dealing with are on the up-and-up.

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Well, they will certainly make the time now. Which is a good thing.

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TBH both governments are crooked

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Good assessment, Eric. You said "Perhaps he removes too much in some cases or not enough in others." During the several occasions that my Dermatologist has removed skin cancers, she is normally successful. On a couple of those however, she has had to make a second attempt. The criteria was, her lab wanted to see "clear edges" all around the cancerous tissue that she had removed. In other words, she had to take out tiny slivers of ostensibly healthy tissue that was adjacent to, all around, the cancerous cells, just to make sure she "got it all," not leaving even an errant cell that can grow back and spread with a vengeance. And accomplishing that, the disease removed can no longer spread.

So yes, as bad as it is, it may happen that the occasional excess does occur as President Trump tries to "get it all" but when all the bad tentacled-into-society cartel cells are successfully removed, it should stop the spread of that particular strain of disease.

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Good analogy.

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The press and most politicians are weak and feckless. Most times they default to what is easy versus what is right. Trump just needs to keep moving forward on his agenda and when the opposition starts to whine give them the old Bronx salute and just keep going forward. The party will only grow as a result.

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IRS will LEVY your bank account if they have determined you owe. With the mail service being so slow, people are probably having accounts Levied without getting a chance to pay.

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Oh heavens, Erick! A newspaper actually reports the news! I am shocked and offended. ;) Those of us who actually subscribe to newspapers understand the difference between the news sections and the editorial pages, and why the two should not be conflated. While most of your readers probably cannot get through the NYT paywall, those who actually can read the entire article would see that it makes no judgement calls as to if the designation of Mexico's gangs as terrorist organizations is a good thing or a bad thing. It only points out that said designation could negatively impact the US economy and explains the ways that it could do so, and the exposure American companies and individuals could now face -- something I would like to know if my company was doing business in Mexico. This is what a news article is supposed to do. It would not be appropriate for these news reporters to label Mexico as "a failed narco-terror state," as you seem to desire, simply because that would be an expression of opinion rather than a fact suitable for a news story? This is something that should be praised, not criticized -- even if it is the hated NYT.

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Why is it inappropriate, as you say, to label Mexico "a failed narco-terror state"?

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Because he is neither Southern nor a planter, most likely a corp-gov shill or a bot farm troll

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It would be fine to say that in an opinion piece. The article for which Erick provided the link is not an opinion piece, it is a news article. That is the point of my comment.

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I actually found a way to mute you by collapsing all your threads. Works great šŸ‘

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Good for you, Chaz. You won't have to learn anything.

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Did you see all of that snow...in Georgia?

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Having a second snow event in one month is unique and it was beautiful. However, Georgia has been known to get snow-it's not an anomaly. Particularly in the Blue Ridge mountains, the north Atlanta suburbs, and ex-urbs. Some years have more activity than others. What was unique about this storm system is how the bulk of the snow fell south of Atlanta and into northern Florida. Seeing snow on the beaches in Destin is wild...and very beautiful. What's nice is we don't have to LIVE with the stuff; just 2-3 days and it's gone, as it should be!

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Yes, it was beautiful! How about you?

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