"Lastly: You're full of crap if you think the public will hang this around the GOP's neck in two years. Did you not notice they just got the GOP within six seats of taking the House? You Democrats will overplay your hands and people will move on to other things by then."

Maybe the public won't remember, but will lots of those people who liked Trump's policies being told by Ben Sasse and Liz Cheney and you that he was the worst of the worst be interested in working with the anti-Trump Republicans for a victory? Not likely. There's a deep division in the Republican party. When you tell people you want their money, help and votes but despise their opinions and the candidates they support, you won't get very far.

One sees that in the comments here of people being tired of being "disrespected" for their view that Trump maybe had a point on the election with all the unlawful voting rule changes that judges and local officials made when only the legislature is empowered to do that. That's a serious constitutional issue. Can the courts break the law when the law is constitutional?

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I'm with Sandra ... I'm so over the impeachment, waist of money, whining, media fear hipe .... Biden's playing emperor with his executive order power and everyone is focused on the dog and pony show going on in the Senate, and COVID and how many more masks we need to wear. I'm praying to get through the next 2 years without loosing too much freedom and maybe - just maybe the GOP will wake up. If not .....

I love your honesty, Erick. Thanks.

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"If the GOP found out Joe Biden pardoned someone and Hunter Biden got a mass pile of cash from that person in the last week of Biden's presidency, you're damn right they'd impeach and have a trial even if it couldn't conclude before Jan 20."

Not for this conservative. The purpose of impeachment is to protect the Republic from its own bad decisions - removing someone that will further damage the Republic. In our history, there have been impeachments after people were out of office, but never a conviction. Political demonization is a dangerous precedent to create for impeachment. As some talking heads have mentioned, how about R's going back in history and impeaching O for his various decisions the right disagree with so he can't ever be in a federal position should we control the House and Senate one day?

No, this is about cancel culture gone wild.

Demonizing, while a heavily-used political weapon, is not the purpose for which impeachment was intended.

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Thanks for speaking TRUTH, Erick

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President Trump has left the building Erik. It’s time to move on.


I’m a stupid ignorant deplorable Trump supporter.

I have written it a thousand times on the chalk board. Can we please move on now???!!!

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Erick, I know you, like the rest of us have been frustrated that Trump has been seen as doing harm to our Republic. I cannot disagree. I would like to see honesty, dignity and candor in our next Republican president. I don't think Trump can restrain himself from his own ego.

Let's do a better job of vetting our next candidate.

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Erick, I share your views. I know you will not, BUT IF you ran for office, I would unapologetically vote for you in a heartbeat. I'm still waiting for the emergence of the moderate party of sense and sensibility.

With that being said, I don't like the provocation to unsubscribe. You have begged for subscriptions and support, so please don't bite the hand that feeds you. Even if we disagree with your viewpoints, we should still be valued.

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I don’t think he will be impeached, either. I also don’t believe Pelosi’s “snap” impeachment was a proper impeachment process.

I have often wondered what Augustine must have thought back in the 5th century when he was watching the disintegration of the Roman Empire. His monumental work “The City of God” is certainly the answer to my wondering. I cannot help but believe we are all witnessing the undoing of America.

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Nice! Succinct! I was overcome by the overt use of "warm fuzzies!" Seriously, spot on!

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Well this is , regrettably , true. Thanks for telling it like it is , as we used to say long ago and far away.

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You’re right. As much as I love many of the things Trump accomplished, and that he did what his constituents wanted him to do, he’ll only be a detriment to the conservative cause in the future.

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"If the GOP found out Joe Biden pardoned someone and Hunter Biden got a mass pile of cash from that person in the last week of Biden's presidency, you're damn right they'd impeach and have a trial even if it couldn't conclude before Jan 20."

I don't think so. Too much trouble.

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Someone needed to say it. Thankyou.

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From where I sit the all of Washington is responsible for what happened on January 6th. I am so tired of no one listening to us the people who pay for the salaries, the foreign aid, the ridiculous programs and all the rest, while the the politicians shoot the mouths off about what they "think" is best for this country. I am sick of Washington telling me what I should think and what I need to do. Does anyone care what I think about a boarder wall or universal health care. How about foreign aid to China. Are we paying other countries to be our friends?. Does China really need our money when the hold the largest part of our debt? Don't even get me started on what they want to indoctrinate our school children with. And just look where we are headed now. Washington fiddles while we all burn

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I don’t necessarily agree, but I’m not unsubbing.

The Senate should do the right thing and convict Trump. What he provoked was unconscionable. But you are right that it’s become a party issue, not a justice issue. Sad.

I want the Republicans who will vote against conviction to suffer the consequences. They probably won’t. And that is also sad.

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I loved driving down GA 400 this morning and experiencing all my fellow American People, as the Demoncrats love to refer to us, going to work. I’m at H&R Block waiting to pay my taxes. Yay me. Grateful. Second Covid vaccine this morning. This is a Great Country.I am the backbone of this country. Everything will be OK.

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