Good morning, as always thank you for your thoughtful analysis and commentary. Have you viewed this website? stopbogusballots.com. Their take on mail in ballots. very interesting.

Thanks for what you do!

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In Georgia, the percentage for black voters in early voting is below 30%....

You do realize that the shallow thinker who believe wet streets cause rain, will be interprete this as Jim Crow 2.0 worked it just took time to play out.

I am waiting for TikTok videos of dogs and people in Natzi uniforms intimidating black voters.

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So is a "left wing troll fund" a left wing fund that trolls, or is it a fund that trolls the left wing?

Because I could picture either one making an ad like that

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Trump rolls up in a garbage truck wearing an orange vest.... brilliant.

No matter how anyone tries to spin it, the "garbage" comment was a real gift that Biden gave him.

Kamala is pulling her hair out.

And now, Biden is biting babies... you just can't make this stuff up 🤣🤣🤣

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Garbage in, garbage out. Biden creates his own October surprise. Trump's garbage truck with vest, marketing genius. And the mainstream media fell right into the trap. What Kamala speech? On this Halloween, the garbage bag costume will sweep the nation. Brilliant!

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Erick, you wrote, “Harris could easily win this election.” She WILL be elected but not not “win”. Too many Americans are voting against DJT and not for kh. Hey Carmine, I’ll walk with you to Babylon.

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I had a text exchange with a buddy last night; 60 y/o black guy. He has voted Dem his whole life. He told me he will never vote Dem again. Not because he loves Trump. He doesn't. Because via Obama, he finally sees how Dems treat black voters, and it's pissed him off. He never trusted Harris, but probably would have voted for her until Obama and others started saying black men were failing her by not wanting to vote for her. Now he sees they don't ask for our votes, they demand we (black folks) vote Democrat under false threats of racism. No idea how many others feel like that. I'm seeing it a lot now.

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Exactly. The message of “blacks must for vote for Harris..” is insulting. However, logistically true. Unfortunately blacks vote for Dems and it’s a guarantee.

It may not be as wide a margin as 90% but it will still will not be close. Harris will win the black vote by 30% or more.

That’s what’s wrong with the Dems and why they simply demand as opposed to making the case of why.

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Trump's garbage truck photo op was nothing short of brilliant. Just like his McDonald's "gig."

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Erick, you heard GA's SoS say they are prepared for a lawsuit by the losing party. You also see how close the race really is. I expect there will be challenges and recounts (and Maricopa County in AZ) in multiple states. There will be claims of shenanigans. There already are in PA (Ben Swann Truth in Media reel).

I would not be surprised at all that there will be a delay in truly knowing who won the election.

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1500 voters in Va admitted to being illegal aliens. A voter in Wisconsin sent in a vote by a dead person. A Chinese national in Michigan voted and his vote will count.

Those are just the ones they caught. Imagine how many have slipped through.

The case of the voter who sent in a mail in ballot for someone who died got caught but only because it was a rural area and a Trump voter. Had it been an inner city and a Harris vote they would have looked the other way.

And people wonder why there are questions about the integrity of the vote?

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I find it very odd how team Trump is rallying all around the country and Harris pretty much can’t leave her backyard.

It really makes me wonder if either of the following is true:

Harris thinks she is entitled to the position

Harris “knows” she will win

Harris doesn’t really want to be President

Harris knows that the crap is about the hit the fan after the election and she wants no part of it

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She looks pretty haggard worn down and not very crisp or happy.

Her message is “vote for me or else”

That’s not a winning formula. Not so sure this is a “we got this..” argument. She isn’t hiding. She’s just not doing it.

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I've said before I don't think she really wants to win, and your final point might be spot on as well.

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Yes, Erick, partisans of both parties will always jump in whole hog on any story that will support their narrative against the opposition. It is called confirmation bias — we hear what we want to hear and believe what we want to believe. Thanks for your correction on the ad. You assume that the ad was funded by liberal Dems, but have you considered that it might be a Republican dirty trick? Both sides have done it before, you know, and no way this ad does anything but hurt the Dems. Why would you think it was funded by the left? Wishful thinking? Confirmation bias? Do you not see the same bias in your interpretation of Biden’s garbage comment? Is it really impossible that he meant it another less sinister way or that the person transcribing the comment misplaced or omitted an apostrophe?

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I am finding out that as we age, we tend to say what is exactly on our minds. No filter, especially if we are beginning to have dementia.

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Biden said what he said. He may have meant something else, but he said what he said. Instead of being honest about it, his team conjured an apostrophe and used the press to claim he didn’t say what he said. And people who hate Trump and believe he is a dishonest liar decided to do their own impression of Trump and become dishonest liars instead of acknowledging Biden said what he said.

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Thank you, Erick.

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“He said what he said.” I remember Sean Hannity using that same line when he was caught lifting just a portion of a sound bite and using it to totally misrepresent a speaker’s statement. I hope you are not taking the same downward path.

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If anyone knows the downward path, it's you . . .

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Let's hope that Kamala, the dems, and their media don't do their own impression of Trump after the election with: Kamala declaring victory on election night (pre planned by her as a tactic), telling everyone the election was rigged based on crackpot made up conspiracy bs, calling and pressuring Democrat secretaries of state and governors in swing states to throw their states to her, recruiting slates of fake alternate electors to defraud the govt., pressuring dems in congress to obstruct, believing that as VP she can unilaterally make herself president, convincing a mob of people to fight like hell on her behalf at the capital, and relying on a media that amplifies all of her bs at the time and never sheds any light on the gravity of her actions after they come to light - allowing her to become the nominee again in the next cycle (if her illegal efforts to overturn the election fail).

Nah - that would never happen because as sh_tty as dems are there is only one buffoon deranged enough to attempt that level of insanity.

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But they will try something.

Dems are not known for just rolling over and losing. They try every dirty trick in the book and call it their patriotic duty.

Should Trump pull of a miracle and win the left will

- threaten electors

- riot and loot cities

- and I wouldn’t put it past them to storm the capital in the same way trump supporters did. Only this time they will have guns.

And the left like Pelosi and the other ilk will defend them.

Hope it doesn’t happen. But I wouldn’t put it past them.

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Nah - Kamala will concede and things will go relatively smoothly after Trump actually wins. I suspect that will take about a week or so. In the interim few days it will appear as though Kamala and dems are fighting because Trump will put them in a difficult spot. He will declare victory early (before he has actually won) on election night putting her on the defensive and in a postion of having to filie lawsuits in swing states and defend her path to victory in the media.

Fox, OAN, and Newsmax will fall all over themselves to be the first to declare trump the victor to their audience of his cult followers.

Once Trump legitimately wins though she will bow out and things will be fine. He obviously can't lose graciously, but I am doubtful that he can even win graciously.

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I don’t like trudging up old arguments. But trump didn’t do what everyone complains he did. He pointed out instances of impropriety in the system like mail in ballots. Things that to this day need to be investigated and have not.

That suspicion is what is going to drive the Dems if they lose.

So this is not a Trump or Harris thing. It’s an overall problem with voting integrity.

Saying “there is no voting fraud” is like answering the question “have you ever lied before?” With a no. Which is an instant lie.

Dems answer that with “there is no voting fraud” when the real response should be we have done everything we can to reduce voter fraud to a level as not to affect outcomes.

But right now in PA and other battleground states states you or I or anyone can walk up to a voting station without producing ID, give a fake name, and vote.

Now to do that to overcome a 100k votes it probably ludicrous but the fact that it’s there is also equally outrageous.

Answer me this. My friend from South Africa is here for vacation and she is appalled at the lack of voting integrity. Even going as far to say her country has far more secure elections.

No mail in ballots there they don’t even have absentee. You must show up in person and produce an ID.

That’s why we have the problems we have.

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Oct 31
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Well,Trump is a dishonest liar. I say that because it is a proven fact, not because I “hate Trump.” Luckily, Trump’s many hateful comments do not require an analysis of apostrophe placement to decipher their meaning. When you confirm who was really behind the porn ad, please let us know.

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Trump is a "dishonest liar"? Aren't all liars dishonest? Except for Harris, of course. She honestly believes her lies. Does that make her an "honest liar"?

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I was quoting Erick. Should have put it in quotation marks. Sorry to confuse you.

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You didn't answer the question.

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Sorry. No, I really do not see how someone could be honest and a liar, at least not about the same thing at the same time. However, the traits of being dishonest and being a liar are usually seen together.

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I did not have to read the transcribed version. I listened to what he said multiple times. He definitely called Trump supporters garbage. If his faculties had been firing on all cylinders, he might not have used that word. But he no longer has a filter. He has derided Trump supporters his entire presidency. He obviously has contempt for them. Misplaced an apostrophe? Please. That was a lame attempt by his staff and the press to clean up the mess.

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As I said above, we hear and believe what supports our biases.

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What do you hear when democrats and pundits call us Nazis? Hillary comparing MSG to a Nazi rally in the 1930's? Do you think they mean something less sinister? Do democrat and far left citizens think that they really do not mean it? Hillary and pundits know DJT and supporters are not Nazis. But they also know their supporters will believe it and spread it like wildfire. Hillary/pundits know their follower's confirmation bias and use it to spread hate and division. It is a very effective strategy.

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Don’t argue with planter. He won’t listen. And it just feeding a bad troll.

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I wish someone one this page could argue (effectively) with me. ;)

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To my knowledge, no Democrat said Trump or his supporters are Nazis. I have heard it said that certain aspects of Trump’s rise are similar to those of Hitler, which is a supportable argument. However, such statements are interpreted by Trumpers as “they are calling all of us Nazis.” Like I said, we hear what we want to hear.

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In this case, Terry, "Nazis" doesn't actually mean "Nazis", as a noun. It actually means "Nazi's", you see, as a possessive.... Not calling us all "Nazis", but "Nazi's", referring to "the garbage possessed by the Nazis" 🤣🤣🤣

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I look forward to reading your newsletter every morning and share them many times. However, frequently, there are grammatical errors that can diminish your professionalism. I noticed two today. I would be happy to be your proofreader!😊

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Erick is in a hurry. We know what he means. Signed "another grammar Nazi."

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The Biden team apparently needs your help ....

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Really? Good grief...

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Hard to believe there are folks who watch KH and the 'legacy' media and think KH is a worthy candidate for president. Luke 8:10 comes to mind. ("...they will look, but not see, and they will hear, but not understand.") i guess i live in a bubble (aka rural Georgia); i haven't talked to anyone who is supporting KH. Even so, i'm apprehensive about the outcome of this election, except for my assurance that nothing happens that God doesn't cause...or allow. Pray. Vote. Peace. Out.

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It is important to have people who have voted for both. I have friends who support Trump. Others who voted for Harris and family members who are split.

It is very interesting sometimes to listen to my in laws speak of Harris and why they voted for her. Most are not all about her and some make excuses like “well she’s not the president..”

which I find ridiculous.

Main point don’t live in a bubble if you can stand it.

It may be difficult to hear the other side but it’s ok to have lefty friends. So long as they’re not crazy.

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i'm very comfortable speaking to folks with differing judgments. i believe that goes with being an evangelical Christian. My point was, i haven't personally encountered folks who are supporting Harris, let alone any who can give a coherent reason why. :)

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I have spoken with people who voted for KH.

There are those who hold their nose and vote for Trump. And there are those who vote 3rd party or won't vote top line.

There are those who say that Trump's stench is worse than Harris' stench, and will hold their nose and vote for her.

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Republicans often have a better sense of humor than Dems. A typical Harris voter is voting for her off a message of doom and gloom. “Vote for me or else..”

Trumps message “make America great again” big difference.

Despite what you hear most Americans love America. I know that’s shocking to progressives who think patriotism is racists.

And when they see their America being turned into a drag queen show by the left and their grocery bills going sky high, all the while being told “vote for us so we can do

More of that..” they will reject it.

Biden turned the narrative back to his own side and brought up shades of deplorable. Only time you’ll hear me says sincerely. Thanks Biden, you did that.

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