One of the most underreported political stories of recent times is the drastic partisan shift in voter self-identification over the past few months. The Democrats’ five-point advantage evaporated into a two-point deficit, thanks to swing voters' determination that Democrats were jerks (to put it nicely).
The Biden administration didn’t care about rising prices, violent immigration, or chaos overseas, and independent voters took note before joining the GOP. But the Republicans’ new plurality of voters are less idololically conservative and are more of a coalition of disparate parts. Without the underlying ideological alignment, the question has to be asked, “How long will this coalition stay together?” Here’s my take:
I think the fast pace, rip the bandaid off approach is necessary. If it can lead to sustained cost savings, efficiency and better stewardship of our tax dollars, that will keep the swing voters. The results will speak for themselves more than the Dems demonizing all of it come mid-terms.
You know and this has been rehashed, but…… a lot of people lost their jobs and businesses during the Covid lockdowns. How about vaccine mandates or the end of the Keystone pipeline. Corporate buy outs and downsizing is another way to lose a job. To all the government employees that could lose their jobs it’s a big world out there welcome to it.