I planned on not voting the top of the ticket if it was Trump vs. Biden, but the sham trials coordinated by the Biden administration have forced my hand to pull the lever for Trump. Clearly the trials have had the opposite effect that was intended, and I think they have actually helped to keep him from overdoing the social media posts. I'm also in the camp that thinks the powers that be will have Biden step down for some reason and he will be replaced as the candidate. Unfortunately they painted themselves into a corner because the VP has no chance of winning, so they have to move her out the way as well.

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One more time. Joe Biden will not be the Dem 2024 candidate. I will go further and say he will not be in office election day Nov 2024. DT will be elected, the Dems will never accept that. Great chaos will be arising and will encounter Un-Civil W II> Selah.

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They may burn down Blue America. If they come to Red America there will be trouble

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A Trump win is critical for the Supreme Court. The next four years could see at least two more vacancies: Thomas is looking for a reason to retire and Sotomayor is not well.

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How well I remember Chicago 1968. It pains this reasonable and usually peaceful man to say it, but nothing would benefit this nation's future more than 1968 Redux in Chicago 2024.

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Reported Salaries of Newscasters per Google search Socialist

Why do they want to send US to Joe's Bidens Socialist world?

Average of Highest Venezuelan Newscasters $81,000 (conversion rate .028)

Racheal Maddow $ 7 Million increased to $30 Million

Morning Joe $5 Million

Whoopy GOOberg $5 Million

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How much does KJP take home (I do not say "earn" because Carrot-Top doesn't really earn squat).

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I once heard it was a little under $300K. But hey - she's the acting president

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I want my money back !!!!

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"fascinating" is one word for it. F'ed up is two.

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Hard to imagine Biden not being replaced somehow before November, judging by his continuing obvious decline documented in years of videos. Even so, my focus is on the mechanics of the voting process. i think Mark Levin has recently presented the best analysis of how the democrats+courts+media illegitimately manipulated the process in 2020 and 2022 for a squeaky win with the tacit help of republicans--including Pence. i think democrats believe they can do it again in spite of Biden's horrible record...and they will unless the republicans get their act together. i strongly disagree with those who say the Trump administration didn't accomplish anything. Given the powers arrayed against him, his administration was remarkably successful. On the other hand, Biden's 'team' has also been remarkably successful--at tearing down the pillars of our country. Bottom line, if Biden and Trump both make it to November, Trump is the only reasonable choice.

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Biden Win means that his far LEFT will go more far Left. (SOCIALIST)

Why is it that the Far Left think THEY deserve a lot of money but other people do not??

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I will hold my nose and vote for Trump strictly due to the horror that has been the Biden Administration. And if Trump does win, I'll cross my fingers had hope he's learned his lessons from his first 4 years. But, for sure, I will lovingly watch the left in this country come completely unglued. TV news will become must see tv again when that happens.

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I will be glad to wake up the day after the election and realize the election is over and all that is left is the autopsy of why a particular party won and why the other lost. Until then there is plenty of time for members of either party to screw this up royally. A MTG throwing a fit and drawing bad coverage to herself or the Republican party. Leftist rioting on campus and vandalizing a university . There are a million reasons why a clear path to victory can get cluttered from the wreckage of a bad campaign and there are two candidates out there that have been known to shoot themselves in the foot.

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How many conservatives are either not answering the pollsters, or not telling the truth that they plan to vote for Trump? I think that’s not a factor for Biden.

I will vote for Trump because a Trump administration will likely keep America safer than a second Biden administration. I would have strongly preferred a candidate with a personal moral compass and less baggage, like Ron DeSantis. I cast my protest vote for Haley in the primary. It’s Trump vs. Biden, and if I do a protest vote (I’m from Michigan), it really could re-elect Biden.

Also, in Michigan, the ‘shadow’ party of Republicans got a good candidate to run for US Senate - Mike Rogers (the former MI House rep, not the one from the southern US). It’s expected to be a tight race between 2 legit candidates. Hoping that this is happening in other places as well.

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"The only thing the Democrats can do right now to change the dynamic is to change the candidate, but that is not going to happen."

It is if they impeach Biden for the same stuff they impeached Trump. I contend the senate might just give them that opportunity. The question is, who does that candidate become? Harris could be jettisoned then as too tied to an impeached president and unelectable. Who becomes their White Knight then?

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As I've said before.... November is a long way off.

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Well, I don't find it interesting to watch. I find it rather horrifying. I have great grand children who are going to have to live in the world the democrats burn down along with the help of the rabid republican Trump haters. Note the few who comment here. And it is going to burn down either because the democrats win and continue the path they have chosen, or somehow Trump wins and they burn it down so he cannot succeed.

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You’re grand children I would hope have Christian parents and Jesus won’t leave them her to deal with it.

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Well, they are great grands, the grands are the parents, but that is a comforting thought.

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Brought to you by white, college educated, wealthy progressives who live a do as I say and not as I do lifestyle. Other than the people on the government dole, Trans / Pro- Palestinian activists, code pink types, Marxists, socialists, eco nuts, abortion enthusiasts and Geoff Duncan Trump haters, I cannot imagine why any normal person would want four more years of Biden / Harris.

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I will vote for Trump to force their hand. Biden couldn’t handle the same amount of pressure of crooked AG’s, Judges and lawyers. I really don’t care what Trump did in 2006.It’s between his wife and him. I do care about Biden’s Sweet deals in Ukraine and in China.

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