I disagree with the whole "doctrine of hell" idea.

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Very true, too bad so much of our "government" left & right is ruled by emotions then and now but more now as who you "feel" has become more important than doing the hard or right thing. Too bad no pill for reason and common sense.

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Right as usual I think we will see more of this from King Trump as he has the Power and like all of us he listens to certain people

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I also disagree with Trump on AI as they all were programmed by a liberal moron.The president seems to forget that the average citizen doesn’t have SBE somebody else to get past the AI Merry-go-round .It would not surprise me that AI causes Veterans Deaths.

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You are right about this. These actions make Trump look petty and they discourage public service as you point out

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Pompeo and Bolton should be protected. Yes.

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Did Jimmy Carter have a lifetime Secret Service? You know the answer.

Southern Planter and some either don't get it or choose to ignore it. DT is the Repub party. What unqualified nominees have DT presented? That is a matter of opinion. Bolton has even very recently been chiming out that DT is not qualified. There came a time when Bolton should have remained SILENT.

Now, if Iran attempts to assassinate anyone that would open the doors for some cluuster bombs, and some prehistoric sand turning. JB open borders allowed many potential terrorists to enter and that will be a huge problem soon.

DT removing WOKE, DIE, BLM, reprieving military people who were released for not taking vaccines and the litany could continue, is what the country needs. DT must remain behind bulletproof material and best-hire food testers.

Further, this is the last opportunity for the homonyms DOD, CIA, DOJ, AG, FBI, et als to be PURGED of its corruption. Some big derecho winds of change are due and will come. In the final analysis, DT will go down as a great POTUS. All to the Haters chagrin. SELAH

P.S. Bottoms saying; will run for Gov. SA Jr. ?

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Funny. I had just mentioned Crazytown in my post…;)

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Yep, ye old great pseudo-savant one. Only your opinions matter. Right?

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Not at all. Other opinions are necessary to make mine even more impactful. Especially yours.

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And this is what I feared when Trump won. His ego simply won't let go of him, and will eventually be his downfall. So sad.

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IDK if the "security threats" are legitimate. I mean, doesn't everyone close to any president have these kinds of threats? Are they all legit? Should we have to pay for USSS protection for every one of them for life?? Isn't there some middle ground?

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They're legitimate. Masih Alinejad, an Iranian dissenter living in the US, has been subjected to multiple assassination attempts by Iranian agents here in the States. She has to move constantly from one safe house to another. When they put out a fatwa against someone, they never stop trying. Look at Salman Rushdie's ongoing ordeal.

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Fair enough but it's not practical to give everyone 24/7 taxpayer-provided security. Like I've never heard of Masih Alinejad, why does she get safe houses? Does she have government funded bodyguards? How much does all that cost?

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Whole heartedly agree Eric! Return the protection to Bolton and Pompeo, now. BTW, I know how to contact my state and national representatives to express my opinions. What is the most effective way to contact the White House?

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I absolutely agree with Erick on this one. I really, really like Trump, but that does not mean I think he is perfect. I can even understand his removing their security clearance, but not their security. That is mean-spirited, and not worthy of our President. I am still so happy that Donald Trump won the election and think he is what we need, but I also pray that God will guide his heart and actions.

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Eric is again absolutely correct.

Revoking the needed protection for Pompeo and Bolton a really bad idea; upon reflection, one can hope better sense will prevail.

Much deserved pardons for pro-life persons commendable. Tragic the need even exists.

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Iran could assassinate Bolton and Pompeo under the former administration with relative little retaliation maybe a strong wag of the finger with a letter of disapproval but there is a new sheriff in town and I don’t think the Iranians really want to find out what a Trump administration would do. As for John Bolton and Mike Pompeo I thank them for there service to the country but we can’t take care of them forever so if something befalls them the USA should tell the mullahs no matter what your 💀

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At least we can (hopefully) look forward to Vance being president in four years. Note that the only time he ever really says anything insane is when he is forced to do so to stay in Trump's good graces. As just one example, he was right on the pardon plan before Trump threw him under the bus. Problem is, I think, that Trump feels he can do whatever he wants, no matter how vindictive or unpopular with all but the most rabid of the MAGA base, because he will not be able to run again. I have little doubt that Vance (or Ron or Nikki, for that matter) would and could do all the good things Trump has and will do without the constant forays into Crazytown. While it is true that Trump personally is now invincible, the Republican Party is not. Every time a Republican is forced by fear of being primaried to defend the indefensible, they are providing video and sound bites for the Dems to use against them whenever they run again for office or seek a cabinet post. If Trump can shoot himself in the foot this many times in just a few weeks (nominating grossly unqualified department heads, making politically damaging pardons, throwing former allies to the tender mercies of the Iranians, threatening to invade friendly neighbors, talk of across-the-board tariffs, etc., etc.), think of the damage he can do to the party's future in the next four years. It will be like his self-serving sabotage of the 2020 Georgia Senate races times a thousand. Not wishing bad health on anyone, but with Trump being almost 80, Vance will most likely need to take over prior to the next election, as actuarial statistics give an 80-year-old male only a 30% chance of making it to 84. Sadly, in terms only of the future prospects of the Republican Party and the country, having Vance take over sooner rather than later would be a positive.

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If ego was the reason and not anything else, then I agree it was a bad decision. It does not make sense that he did this.

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I can’t disagree. This was boneheaded by Trump. I wonder if anyone in his inner circle tried to convince him not to do this? And what did he said was his rationale? If one or both of them get assassinated it will rightfully fail on Trump. Boneheaded.

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