Biden has NO RIGHT to tell Israel what to do just as they don't have the right to tell us how to run a war we are nearing.

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Beautiful place to be refreshed. It must be challenging given the manure the Admin has been shoveling on Israel. As former ambassador and Knesset member Danny Danon remarked the other day, Israel is being asked to do two contradictory things: to speed up the war AND be careful with the Gazans living like sardines who the enemy hides amongst, as well as facilitate all the aid better. She is trying to uproot a problem that has been allowed to fester and dig in - literally - for 16 years!! And with all the chaos and death that this Admin caused at the Afghanistan withdrawal, no one in it - particularly Biden and the Defense/State establishment, has any standing to lecture Netanyahu. Secretary Blinken makes me yell at the TV. Trump's comments haven't been a whole lot better. I want to hear a much more full-throated support for all Israel's done and some moral clarity. Also, Israel is not a vassal state of the U.S. She is a fully formed and realized democratic country. Biden has NO right to treat Her and Her government as if She's Haiti, for Pete's sake! Biden's behavior is empowering all Israel's enemies and your general anti-Semites: both the obvious, mustache-twirling ones as well as the "intellectuals" and those within the "world community." There is NO WAY he'd say anything like this out in the open about Ukraine. I'm just disgusted.

As each day goes by, I've gotten more and more angry, while knowing intellectually that all will turn against Israel in the latter End of Days; I have to remind myself that the God of Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps and will not abandon Her. It's us He'll not deal with too kindly; WE will lose the Blessings bestowed upon US. As the Good Book says in Genesis 12:3: "I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse." Which causes additional concern on my part. It just hurts my heart to see how traitorous Biden and those working with him are acting towards Netanyahu: as if he were the only one who wants to go into Rafah - the entire Knesset voted in favor of it!

That Israel will do what She thinks is best regardless of the world's opinions is the view expressed by Mr. Danon and increasingly the one expressed by many more over there.

Psalm 122:6: "Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem"

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RE: Pics - Tell me again how there isn't a God? Beautiful.

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Have a great rest of your vacation, Mr

Erickson! Looking forward to seeing you next Monday.

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I am so glad you spent this week with your family to make those special memories.

BUT…there is a butt in my message.

I am stunned at how badly WSB has handled your substitute hosts. Particularly yesterday and today. I tuned in yesterday to hear Shelly Wynters start by telling us he was the very best out there to cover your show, then he went into how incredibly boring Women’s college basketball is. He went on and on as I frantically searched for the channel changer. Last week I caught him for a few minutes in the evening and he held a call-in event for all the whites out there that are offended when blacks call us CRACKERS. WOW….with garbage like this no wonder racism is endemic.

Then today, he is on again and talking about how he does hours and hours of show prep every day, but on Fridays he has open mics, so he does not have to do show prep. He claimed it was a talk show industry secret. And he went on to imply that you are just as lazy. BUT.. as a follower of yours, and a recipient of many of your 5am papers, 7 days a week, even your notes today while you are on vacation, I know this guy is full of crap.

While your Atlanta audience understands what this guy is, I doubt your new listeners in Sacramento will give you a second listen if this is supposed to be representative of your show theme.

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It was the same when Rush had the substitutes. I found some - like Mark Steyn - entertaining (before he got all dark), but most I just didn’t bother with. Erick was good the times he was on for Rush also.

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Hmm, ok, I love Shelly and enjoy his evening show. He is on our side, and we need all the allies we can get. With what we are up against, we need everyone with non-pickled neurons, whose brains aren't stuck in the blue-pill silo, so I'd go easy on the friendly fire.

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I’m listening now towards the end of Friday’s show and he’s killing it. Very personable, very conversational….exactly what we need, so….

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I agree with you. I have occasionally heard Mr Wynter’s WSB Radio shows and do not find him offensive. I like hearing his point of view. While I am definitely glad that Erick is returning next week, I was okay with all of his substitutes this week.

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Erick can’t be everywhere. Got to have allies, and Shelley is one. He has his own style and he connects with people that Erick may not connect with. Good to have lots of players on our team.

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There goes the Jewish vote. But honestly, the dems have been straining to contain their institutional anti-semitism since the Charlotte convention.

Bob Gates famously said Biden has been wrong on every major foreign policy issue for forty years. Biden continues to bat 1000. Not surprising for someone who is the Dunning-Kruger effect incarnate.

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At least we know who is running the White House and who the president really is - Jill. She said earlier in the week that Israel should honor the cease fire request and who says it later? Joe!

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Jill....aka Mrs. Wilson.

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I will be sooooo glad when Biden and his regime are gone.

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"Pushed my buttons" too. Biden's "outrage" is outrageous...and hypocritical. i'm praying that the 'Big Scorekeeper in the Sky' aka >Yahweh Elohim Israel< will be patient with the USA until we have better leadership. (Ref: Genesis 12:3). In the meantime, Eric, i do hope your family time is a blessing.

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I didn’t care for the politics of Gen Powell twenty years ago but his military goals are spot on.

Define your goal.

Toss in every resource, even the kitchen sink.

Have an end plan. No generational wars.

The enemy is radical Islam. The head of the beast is Iran. Let Israel hit them hard enough to start a regime change.

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I’ve been scanning your early morning Milky Way picture, and cross checking it with my Star Walk app, to recognize some constellations. Haven’t nailed it yet, but for your families enjoyment, I’d suggest you purchase some good astronomy-dedicated binoculars from a supplier such as Celestron, maybe 20 x 80’s. You can pull in some awesome views of nebulae that coalesce more densely towards the plane of the Milky Way. Summer viewing of the Milky Way is best as you’re looking smack dab into the center of our galaxy.

If you haven't downloaded the Sky Walk app, recommend you did it. It's the best I've seen and it helps you identify everything you might observe in the sky. Very cool app!

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Just sent an email to KCRS 550, West Texas about adding you! Enjoy your vacation with your family.

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Next time make the kids get you up when they want to see something at dark-thirty! Still, glad to hear you are having a wonderful break with the family

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Beautiful picture, very serene.

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Have a wonderful vacation ! Time spent with our children is priceless ! The beach is a tiny reflection of what Heaven might be like !♥️♥️♥️

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You picked a great spot to visit...we're in Beaufort and love the area...enjoy your stay...

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