Gen 3: 7 Adam and Eve made garments of fig leaves to cover themselves. The Bible doesn't reflect the specific fruit that Eve gave to Adam but I would wager it was figs. No apple is mentioned therein. Jesus cursed the fig tree to impress upon the minds of the apostles and those who may have been in the presence. But, but, but, God is a God of love and will condemn no man are what some say. God condemns no man but man condemns himself. Man makes the decision to accept or reject. Read the book "The Wager" by Pascale. Enigma: What was the fruit of the tree of Everlasting Life, for which was the removal Of Adam and Eve.

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On Friday I was rushing home to see patients via telemedicine as I went into the office to see one patient that morning. I stopped quickly, ran into to Kroger. I had the most remarkable God moment sharing with a young black man what Palm Sunday and Easter was all about. I have a lot of strange encounters but this beats them all. He was literally walking so close to me as we entered the store from the parking lot telling me he was getting chocolate for his children. I told him I was preparing for Palm Sunday. He asked what that was. I told him as quickly as I could about Palm Sunday and Easter. He seriously said he had never heard of this and thanked me. See, we are just walking each other home. I felt like a disciple in the way, telling the Good News! May I always be open to God’s will.

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A number of my friends are involved on preaching the gospel to the Islamic community. The methods they follow are the same as you describe here. They are kind and pleasant and treat their Islamic neighbors as friends. Mohammed commands Moslems to study the Christian Bible. If an Imam tells them not to study it, he is saying that Mohammed was wrong. Through this process, the Holy Spirit is raising up a lot of Muslims who understand and affirm the one triune God

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He is risen! He is risen indeed! Thank you, Erick for this message.

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I have figs in my back yard. I also lead a small group and write on Substack about my faith. You are inspiring, Erick in ways you do not know. This Lenten season I've been doing personal study that is leading me to something new. I can feel it. Your "leaves without fruit" post is wonderful and convicting at the same time. Thank you. Don't ever change how you do you, radio, or life. If you do, you'll lose me. God bless you and Godspeed.

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I guess I’m bent in my interpretation by the fig tree in my backyard as well as decades in the pews alongside God’s frozen people. I guess that’s why I place a lower value as to being present each week. I do realize that there is some cross pollination and you may catch someone at a weak moment and they take some action.

As to how that impacts me and my ministry personally, I don’t get that from a service. It’s more from engagement with the community and outside in your daily life.

So back to the fig tree metaphor. Yes, when it buds out and the tree comes out of winter hibernation, you can see the potential for fruit, but it’s just that, potential. Events can wipe that out like a late freeze leading to never realizing that potential.

Also that barren tree can have a second crop each season even if the first is lost. So the healthy, leafy, healthy, but barren tree still has promise. Not to mention that’s just one season.

I would also consider where that tree is gathering its sustenance from and who is providing the maintenance (See John 15). That healthy, fruit laden tree may appear to house a bumper crop of beautiful looking fruit, but the quality may be bland and tasteless depending upon amount of rain and such.

So many ways to think on this and reflect on what is truly important.

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Thank you for this … very thought provoking

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Thank you, I needed that.

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That was beautiful Erick. Thanks for sharing.

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Someday you'll have to write a devotional, Erick. Your reflections on Scripture are so good and relevant. Thank you.

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Love the message! Thank you Erick for being more than a talk show.

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Thank you for helping me focus on Jesus this Holy Week. Praying that God will motivate and empower me to bear fruit for His kingdom.

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i believe our witness for our faith should be revealed in our witness for our politics. "Biblical Citizenship" can be "salt-and-light" assertive without being insulting, imho...and probably more effective. Thank you for the Holy week focus, Eric. i believe we'll do well to embrace that Spirit throughout the year.

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Just watched Voddie Baucham on YouTube Under Ligonier on John 1 ( Subject:Love)

He is very good.

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Amen, amen and amen!

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Well said!

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