Reads like Isaiah 59

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Great arguments, Erick!

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A tour de force. Thank you, Erick.

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You have clearly enunciated the dangers and differences between the uniqueness of Christianity and Secularism. I wish more pastors were aware of these dangers. While my purpose in my teaching role is to teach the Bible & biblical principles, if I am unaware of what is going on in our world. then how am I to effectively apply the Truth of God's Word? Would not this be an excellent example of taking the pearls of the Gospel and casting them before Orwell's ignorant swine? Very, very nice!

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I'm still laughing at the ending of this one. The whole thing reads like a Sad-but-True monologue of the American battle within. Well done Erick!!

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Oh, and Great Title!

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It continues to stun me that the desire for unfettered abortions drives the American political system and therefore the economy.

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In ONE sentence, you just summed up the entirety of American politics since at least 1973. This should be etched in granite and placed among the memorials on the Washington mall.

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Think you about covered it all with this article (what else will you have to write about tomorrow?), the moving of the goalposts is perplexing to me and is unfortunate. The curve has been flattened and there is now hospital capacity. The issue we were facing was having people die in the parking lot of the hospital while waiting to get in, America would never be able to accept that no matter their political leaning. This has come at a huge cost, based on the stimulus money to date we have spent $300 million per death, but now we are being told we are selfish for wanting to go back to work and I am killing someone’s grandfather by doing so (an absurd argument, which shows an inability to make a competent argument). At $300 million a person not sure how we are being greedy by wanting to go back to work holds water. What I want to know is why are they moving the goalposts now? Is it to keep the economy down to get bad orange man out? I really want to understand the argument, the virus is here no matter what, the only other solution is to stay at home until a vaccine is made which will never be 100% effective anyway --- I truly want to understand the motivation.

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There is no multinational coalition interested in stopping China, just like there is no multinational coalition interested in stopping Iran from getting a nuclear bomb, and just like there is no multinational coalition interested in supporting the Nation of Israel. The leadership of the EU is three strikes and your out on those issues, because they believe it is to their economic advantage to play kissy-face with China, Iran and the Arab-world, regardless of any negative long term consequences. The same is true for the globalists in America who oppose Trump.

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Erick. All points well covered. Thanks. Last sentence was so powerful.

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