Wow ! I am speechless πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»β€οΈ

Thank you Erick

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Although we see through a glass darkly, your hopeful words shine brightly. And, as Lauren Daigle sings during these disruptive times: "Look up, child!" And, while it may be awhile before we see Him coming in the clouds, we still search for his will, his mercy, and yes . . . his judgement that assures we are on His path of destiny--destiny far more glorious than we can imagine, although it was revealed to us long ago .Erick, thanks for sharing, and keep up your good work of godly encouragement

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Can’t those in power see we are not in charge ...of anything? Or how fragile the entire world’s economy really is? Jesus IS the answer, plain and simple.

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Erick, The end game you mention is exactly right: i.e., anybody who wants true justice has one hope for it: "Revelation 19:11 "I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war." But although creation does indeed grown for the coming of true justice, I believe the reason is that we have such a lack of true justice in our time is because many people want to be in the place of God, with the power to determine good and evil (Genesis 3:5) and the authority to be the ultimate judge of everybody but themselves. Consequently, they have exchanged the truth of God for a lie (Romans 1:25), and their approval of sinful behavior (Romans 1:31) will eventually bring the wrath of God. Ultimately, everybody who opposes the "King of Kings and Lord of Lords - (Revelation 19:16)" will come to regret that choice as the end result of rebelling against God is not pretty. But anybody who hungers and thirsts for true righteousness will be filled with it. But it can never be their righteousness because true righteousness can only be obtained by faith in Christ (Philippians 3:9). That is the message that Christians should focus on preaching.

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In this coming Sunday's second reading (Romans 6.12-23) in the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) we are remanded of how easily we become slaves of the enemy. But with the Spirit's power, we do have a choice. Your eschatology is spot on, Erick. Such is our hope that begins in the present. Thanks much!

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What incredible insight Erick! Christianity is not about an alternative way to live or "another option." It is about being made into a different kind of creation. One which sees, thinks and behaves differently because the physical laws which now surround us are surpassed and superseded by the spirutal laws which controls the believer in Christ! Everyone worships and serves something or someone. Absolutely spot on!

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