I'm waiting for the riots.

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I’ve heard voting lines are light which is concerning. Any other views? I live near downtown Atlanta so doesn’t surprise me they are light around here but elsewhere

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Very perceptive commentary that I have not heard elsewhere. Refreshing in that I sense no bias/wish-fulfillment in the analysis. And humility in "I could be mistaken."

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Mr. T needs to get out of the way. Had not been for him, Purdue would've won in the first round, and Loeffler should have done a lot better, and we probably wouldn't have been in hell through the holidays!! Or at least, just half of it (with the division of the GOP on the Loeffler ticket, it was hard for anyone to get 50+ percent, which also makes you wonder about the strength of the party).

Regardless, they did not win because they underestimated how much their allegiance to Trump hurt them. Biden did not win in Georgia, Trump lost. If the GOP can't understand what that means, they don't deserve to win or govern.

And now Trump taking actions that will further jeopardize the future of the GOP in Georgia?? It is simply amazing how the GOP does not have the courage to kick him out!

Yes, "Make America Great" is a worthwhile cause, but it always should have a sub that reads 'Without loosing our soul'! Trump does not understand that, and that is why he lost the presidency.

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Oh quit blaming the orange man. I am sick to death of hearing it. I don't see anything good ever coming from Warnock and Ossoff. Both will be horrible and this is what has been foisted upon us all.

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So one of these D's is willing to take one for the team and be an attack dog...but Collins wouldn't stay on the sideline? R's aren't team players like D's. I'm not confident in the outcome until it is over, curious to see what happens in the dark of night.

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The "D's" are starting to eat their own.

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I just want the ads to stop. Tried to watch a You Tube tutorial on fabric flower making last weekend, because I had a rare 4 day weekend and wanted to take advantage of it by making something pretty...by the 3:45 second mark, there had been 4 political ads interrupting the tutorial and I turned it off. The Republican ads had the option "skip ad", the Democrat ones did not...and I am SO sick of the claim that "David Purdue left Georgia unprepared"...using a clip from March when he said what everyone else (including the WHO and the MSM) was saying, and the implication that if Purdue had said something different, no one in Georgia would have died. They act as if no one in Georgia is capable of knowledge of the world around us without the government spoon feeding it to us...and conveniently ignore that the epicenter (NYC) hadn't even closed down when Purdue made that speech.

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Apropos of nothing other than your investigation into the bucatini shortage, here is the place. Sogno Tuscano Tuscan Dream website. I ordered a package...$5 + $5 shipping. Thought to send to you as gift but decided to send website instead. You make way more than I.

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It feels like a narrow Purdue win. My sense is that a Af-Am candidate will jack up that vote but not the other. So Purdue win, Loeffler loss 51-49 R.

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That is the safest assumption and my head thinks it. My heart says we win both.

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I hope you are right, but I think when there are three names on a ballot, you keep it simple and vote up or down one party, unless you are a true independent. With that said, I think the Republicans win this and there might be a little more margin than what people think. And this is where we can credit the President for at least encouraging his supporters to get out and vote.

And 'yes', Abrams best friend is President Donald T. Trump. If he does what he says he is going to do, then he is likely handing over the Governor's office to her in 2022. Interesting.. I've lost all respect for both of these individuals over the past four years - for different reasons.

Regardless of who wins, I think the country is in serious trouble. So divided and so nasty. Only difference is that the Dems will do much damage if they win the day and then get rolled back two years from now. But the question will be how much damage they can do in a two year period and how much of that can or cannot be reversed, which will lead to "you guessed it" more divisiveness.

Thank you for being honest and keeping things straight. Paula, wish I had known. I would have saved my mail outs. You could have easily finished up. Received 8 in the mailbox on Saturday alone...

Either way... So looking forward to some type of normalcy returning in 2021. No political adds, Covid coming under control by the middle of the year. Haven't been to a Braves game in a couple of years. Think I'm just going to go sit in the cheap seats, eat an over-priced hot dog and drink a couple of beers more than once this summer and try and touch and feel what use to be. It was far from perfect back in the day; but nothing like it is today...

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I'm more concerned about Abrams getting the governorship than the Senate races, frankly. She cares nothing about Georgia, but merely wants to use the governorship to practice her "woke" political theories and position herself for a run at the Presidency. She did her best to position herself as Biden's running mate, and honestly, I was relieved when they picked Harris. Abrams has a vivid imagination, and the ability to wrap herself in victimhood for sympathy. She would be disastrous for the state...even worse for the nation.

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She went from what seemed to be a good person trying to make things work within the state to an ambitious partisan hack, who will parrot what she is told to parrot, in order to climbing the ladder to the top. I completely missed on her character.

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I’m sorry to see the political mailouts stop. I was trying to paper my garage walls. And, my postbox will be empty and lonely. 🤣

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