I have had to do regular lobby work in Washington, representing our professional (medical) organizations before Congress. In that capacity, I have spent several days alongside Herschel Walker, as well as many other professional or Olympic athletes. I have never seen anyone with an ability to work a room that exceeds Hershel's. I disagree completely with the idea that he is too far from his playing career to identify fully with the people of Georgia. Herschel cannot get more than 50 feet down a hallway without someone stopping him for photos. And when that occurs, he is the most gracious, endearing person you can imagine, every single time. I can't speak to how his mental illness affects him on a daily basis, but I am a physician, and I can tell you that he is a genuinely warm, engaging person, and I have personally seen him go out of his way to help people with physical disabilities in ways that were not publicly-visible. He is extremely well-connected to Trump, who gave him his first football job, and he has been very successful in a number of independent business ventures, most of them based in the Southeast. To that degree, he has maintained economic ties close to home. I think it is a brilliant choice, and I think Warnock's days are numbered.

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“One of the overarching criticisms of the Perdue and Loeffler runoffs is that they spent so much time attacking Warnock and Ossoff about socialism that they never painted an agenda for themselves.”………..it seems to have worked for the Democrats during the Trump years.

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UUUUMM I am the mental health professional here and its a no for me. I have spent the entire last 39 years of my life devoted to the diagnosis, care and treatment of mental illness. This is a disaster and for what? He does not even live in Georgia. This is the most inane blunder I have ever heard of. I hope his wife or partner prevails on him to just say no. I frankly do no think he will run and it is all just bluster. Well, I have never. Agnes, get the fly swatter out!

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"One of the overarching criticisms of the Perdue and Loeffler runoffs is that they spent so much time attacking Warnock and Ossoff about socialism that they never painted an agenda for themselves."

I remember when Mack Mattingly ran for reelection he hired some GOP consultants from DC who told him all he needed to do was attack the Democrat. He did and lost. And he had a lot of positive things he could have emphasized. In fact all cameras were on him as Reagan, in his state of the union address, congratulated Mattingly on some proposal he had made. When I saw that I said to myself, that's going to be his main reelection ad--Reagan endorsing his proposal and the camera on Mattingly. The incident never made it, as I recall, into an ad. Did Loeffler and Perdue get their consultants from mainstream GOP DC? Maybe Walker has more sense than to do that.

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Herschel would be a compelling candidate, and would give the GOP a legitimate inroad to the African-American community. His pro-America message of hard work and reward would be in stark contrast to Warnock'smessage that America is evil/racist and the African-American comunity needs the Dem party to survive.

Bring it on.

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He will also need to move back to Georgia pretty soon as he is currently a resident of Texas.

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Erick, would you be will to be his adviser? He needs your expertise.

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"The greatest college football player of all time?!?" Don't tell Chic Harley. The man was a two time all-american, spent a year fighting in WWI, and came back for a third all-american season. Ohio Stadium is "the house that Harley built."

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