"People on the right gladly bought the bogus story about someone with an affidavit claiming that Kamala Harris was given the debate questions in advance. People on the right have bought and spread the thoroughly debunked story of Haitians eating house cats."

When did the affidavit story become fake? And Chris Rufo proved the basis of the house cat story. It is true. Besides which, neither of those stories is anything like the left's vitriol. It's not even close. So stop with the moral equivalence.

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Google: Politically motivated violence...

VOX: 5 causes — and accelerants — of political violence

The first 2 1/2 paragraphs start with the first assination attempt of Trump. The article says we don't know enough to say if it was politically motivated and ultimately it not not be deemed political.

In the middle of the third paragraph...

Since Trump’s 2016 election, the US has seen the Charlottesville protests, the 2018 Tree of Life shooting, the 2022 Buffalo shooting, and the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot...

I will say it again, my dad has watched ABC News all his life, he still says we don't know the motives of Hodgkinson because he was killed.

There is no accountability on the Left because they project their behavior onto the Right. It a collective mass psychos.

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Erick, Erick, Erick, silly Erick..... Don't you realize that being a Leftist in America means that there is absolutely NO accountability?

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Erick, I’ve heard from, what I consider, a credible source, that that affidavit is not bogus. What’s your evidence it’s a lie? Her interview on Friday showed she only answers in scripted situations which then devolves into gibberish. The affidavit sounded very plausible. You know it’s bogus because…..

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

What’s your evidence it’s a lie?

You're not be serious here I hope.

This not how how it works unless you are in North Korea. What's your evidence you're not a spy? Oh, you have no evidence to prove a negative. Off to hard labor for 20 years.

Bernie Madoff had credible evidence he was a wizard at investing.

You have, "heard from... a credible source". Have you seen the affidavit? Do you know who the person is?

Kamala is perfectly capable of giving answers in unscripted situations, and every time they are word salad, she uses 500 words to says nothing coherent.

This is exactly what she did in the debate. The question was predictable, she certainly should have known it would be asked but probably thought ABC would never put her on the spot.

While she is out of her depth she certainly could have had a scripted answer that meant something and did not leave the audience looking at their TV like the RCA dog.

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Not suggesting the questions weren’t predictable, but she was asked no hard questions. It’s plausible that she’d only agree to a very safe environment. Her answers on Friday showed she has no answers. Valid question for Erick. It’s an affidavit. He knows it’s false because of what? He thinks it’s false? I think it’s plausible and likely. Until I hear more Erick’s and my positions are on equal footing.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

Eric is speaking to this as I type, it full of grammatical errors and redacted to the point of being useless.

No one can present evidence something is false. You can however, examine the evidence provided to support something and evaluate it's veracity.

1) we have only this malformed document that purports to be an affidavit

2) we have no person and no open, transparent process to cross examine the person.

This is no different from Fox News allowing unfounded allegations of the voting machines being rigged. Dominion forced the open, transparent process to examine the evidence, and rather than simply provide the evidence they chose to settle the case for nearly a billion dollars.

Dominion did not have to provide evidence the machines were not rigged, Fox failed to provide evidence they were.

You should be skeptical of the claim, not the people asking good, probing questions about the evidence.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 18

Writing that it is ‘bogus’ is not evidence and I’m basing the plausibility I see based on Harris’ performance. Just wouldn’t surprise me at all of ABC did that, because democracy is at stake. Have not heard Erick’s comments so I’ll look that up on his podcast.

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No, it's not. It's an attack on the evidence being used to support the argument. No "evidence" is required to challenge evidence, the burden of proof is on the person presenting the evidence.

The story is BS unless and until credible evidence is presented.

You stole my watch, yea, that one. Prove you didn't.

You don't have to.

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I think it’s plausible and likely. And, I can be wrong. Don’t put much past these activists posing as journalists.

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That’s what I would like to know also.

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With all your network and political power you must hammer this accountability point!!

If this was an attempt on Harris and team, all conservative voices (including yours) would be under serious, non-stop attack and likely silenced.

I don’t even know how to process all this hate and inevitable chaos.

I am a Boomer ( I know you look down on that) but I have lived a long time and am very sad about this political state and lack of serious , effective defense of people in a non-left position.

When we see so many issues that are serious problems being ignored , denied, and twisted back to Trump…I am speechless.

When we see two assassination attempts with unbelievable security lapses no wonder trust is low.

Just objectively look at these two assassination attempts and tell me their isn’t something very scary about it all.

And still….the left drums on….it’s Trumps fault!!!

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Agree about the rhetoric from the left, but let’s not overlook the Proud Boys showing up in Springfield on top of other threats to the city.

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Miscreants, but did they burn down any inner cities? Destroy minority businesses. Kill people? Did the occupy an area of a major city including a police station? Have they destroyed tens of billions of private property?

The minions of the Left are excused. Harris raised money to get BLM offenders out of jail. Gretchen. We had a small group of idiots strom the capital. Many are in jail. There is zero comparison.

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Democrats don't care when the victim is a Republican. They barely care when a black youth shoots a black youth. But let the victim be a black person and the shooter is white, well the world must stand up and march and burn down neighborhoods and promise reparation's.

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Problem is, Erick, that Donald Trump really is a threat to democracy. He proved that on 1/6/21 and with all of his election lies leading up to that date and after.

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That's rediculous. I am no Trumper, SP, but even Biden's DOJ didn't indict him on insurrection charges. Was it a stain? YES! Otherwise, a small bunch of idiots stormed the capital and are now rotting in jail.

So you'll vote for the team which are harrassing Jews, burned down inncer cities, occupied parts of major cities, vow to pack the Supreme court, leaves the border wide open and against the law, "forgives" student debt? Harris raised miney to get BLM criminals out of jail.

Just who is the greater threat to democracy? We have 2 sad choices, but there surely is one which is more dangerous than the other.

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First, what does "SP" mean? I really do not know but see it often here. Second, if Dems are "harassing Jews" why do most Jews vote Democrat? Or are you saying that Palestinian students are likely Democrats? Lastly, you and I obviously have differing opinions as to which of the two unacceptable candidates is the most unacceptable, and that's fine.

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SP is short for SOUTHERN PLANTER. Your screen name.

Are you saying the Left is NOT harrassing Jews? Or, at least allowing it and making excuses for it? Because Jews vote Dem does not mean the attacks are not happening.

Yes, we do have a differing opinion. And, you brought it up first and I commented upon it, SPO.

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Thanks for clearing that up. I will grant you that some on the left are not friendly toward the Jews, but many on the left are, so not fair to paint them all with the same brush.

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Of course non of what I write is an indictment of all people on the Left, SP but there is political and physical enmity from the Left towards Jews you do not find on the Right. It's an add on to the 'Summer of Love" when BLM and antifa rampaged across too many major American cities, leaving death and destruction in their wake.

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I still don't understand why most Jews vote Democrat. Do they not see something you see, or do they see something in Trump that you don't? And sure, there was a lot of criminality during the "Summer of Love," but that does not excuse the violence and criminality that Trump incited on 1/6.

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MSNBC will probably report that the guy was just hunting coyotes.

Or blame Trump for something.

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No, an AK is no good for coyotes. Accuracy sucks.

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If you think the accuracy of an AK "sucks", then maybe you're not properly trained with that weapon.

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Been in the gun business for 30 years. AR beats the AK hands down.

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Yes, I'd agree the AR is more accurate than the AK. It doesn't mean the AK "sucks" however.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

In my world, a 4" MOA sucks. And that is the likely 100 yard MOA in any stock AK.

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Erick et al. blame all the ills of the country on the left. Rachel Maddow et al. do the same but aim their ire at the right. When did this all start? Well George Washington warned us about it and the next two presidents acted it out. Isn't there a French expression which characterizes our current situation??

In addition, at America's beginning the weapons were single shot flintlock muskets and pistols. Today, those weapons are semi-automatic deadly rapid-killing tools called AR-15 or AK-47 whose inspiration are the US Army's M-16 and the Soviet era Kalashnikov respectively.

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Most apropo "French" term is "Merde."

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deletedSep 17
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Don't rush to judgement Bob. I was actually in agreement with you.

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Please stop obsessing about whether pets are or are not being eaten. It is literally impossible to debunk it and until someone has a video or photo equally impossible to prove it. Stop being distracted by it. You start out strong about the left never having any accountability then veer back into heaping blame over some bit of nonsense just so you can seem equally critical of right and left.

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The problem is I can't take you seriously on this when Trump is the nominee.

Trump spends months fomenting rage about a "rigged election" culminating in his speech on J6th "We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore" and lo and behold a group of crazies tries to hang Pence and 6+ people die in the madness including capital police - that's right the hyperbolic ramblings of a lunatic that happened to be president resulted in several people dying.

Also Trump at the debate about Kamala: "the people of our country are absolutely dying with what they've done, they've destroyed the economy; She hates Israel, if she is president Israel will not exist in two years, We are a failed nation because of her, etc. etc. etc."

So I as I have said before crazy people doing crazy things doesn't somehow make Trump magically more qualified for the job and shouldn't prevent anyone from speaking the truth about him.

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Are you trying to equivocate saying mean things and attempting to assassinate someone?

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I am pointing out that Trumps own hyperbolic rhetoric which has already resulted in death and could easily result in assassination attempts in the future is much worse than MSNBC telling people the truth about Trump's actions and the threats that he poses.

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Blair, MSNBC lies regularly. Joy Reid put out a piece telling us why 2025 is embraced by Trump when in fact, he does not. They were dead center in the most egregious scam in political history, that Joe Biden was mentally fit and the BEST JOE BIDEN HAS EVER BEEN, ad so on. Harris and the entire Biden admin was in on it. Hiding Biden's deleria and dementia.

That you would suggest MSNBC tells the truth is beyond comical.

And, I am NO Trumper. He and Harris are both imbiclies, but I can figure out which would do the least damage.

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You want some hyperbolic rhetoric?


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You could not have stated it any more correctly. Bravo!

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Thanks SP. I've been reading your comments on here the past couple of days and its refreshing to see such intelligence on here.

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There is truth and then there is mythology that percolates in the heads of those that emote rather than critically think.

By the way, your post above is mythology. In fact, it demonstrates the same level of unhinged partisan hate that is responsible for the assassination attempts on Trump.

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And do you think you "critically think," Frank. Could have fooled me.

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Yes I agree with part of your statement if edited properly which I will do for you.

"There is truth (which is that Trump is an immoral, lazy, egomaniac, buffoon whose overwhelming narcissism caused him to try to illegally end democracy because he was butthurt about losing an election) and then there is mythology (including that Trump's first term in office was more productive than any other generic repub would have been, that he is hardworking and cares about anyone but himself and that he will be able to restore the American middle class and magically end globalism) that percolates in the heads of the gullible people that so desperately want an obsolete version of America for their children that they are blinded by the charms of a charlatan.

Now what specifically about about my original comment is false?

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Let's see Frank refute that one. LOL!

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As long as MSM is dominated by the far left there will never be any accountability. The reason the press were specifically written into the first amendment was to ensure that an independent group would monitor and report to our populace. We lost that independence long ago.

God help us all!

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Do we know who is the source of all the bomb threats in Springfield, Ohio that have materialized since the Haitians eating pets story was “created"?

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